The jeep pulled off the highway into the suburbs of Edmonton. The driver, a blonde with a well rounded figure, wearing a tan shirt and cut off jean shorts flicked back a pesky strand of blonde hair as her glasses caught the sunlight. Gina Hart sighed as she pulled into the road, the wind still blowing strong. The skies were starting to cloud over signifying a thunderstorm for the latter half of the day. “Another day, another trip,” she muttered to herself as she pulled into the driveway. Closing the door, she wrestled with the stubborn top and pinned it down. Grabbing her jacket, notebooks, wallet and canteen, she fumbled with her keys, opening the door to the two story house she called her home. What she didn’t expect was that Raine had left Labramon home that day, and she was in the living room, flicking channels on the television. <><><> Digital Dairies : Adventures 2003 written by Shaun Garin Authorized by Lord Archive, part of his Digimon Series, Red Digivice Diaries/War Diaries <><><> File 04 : Family Raine sat in her class, reading the book that the teacher had assigned for them. Her thoughts wandered to Labramon who she had left at home. “I hope she’s okay.” <><><> Gina threw her jacket to the side, brushing long blonde hair away. Adjusting her glasses, she sighed as she headed into the kitchen. “Man, what a long trip.” As she made a monster sized sandwich, the sound of the TV caught her attention. “Strange, sis never leaves the TV on when she leaves.” Toting her food and a bottle of Sunny D, she entered the living room where Labramon sat, flicking channels, one paw on the remote. Gina stared for a moment before saying, “Okay, sis got a new pet. You’re a cute one.” “Thanks!” Labramon chirped. Gina gasped, leaping back in shock, nearly spilling her food. “What the..?!” “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” Gina recomposed himself. “Not every day sis brings back a talking dog.” Sitting down beside her, she split her sandwich. “Want some food?” Labramon smiled as she took the food in her paws and started to munch. Gina watched her eat for a moment before she took a bite of her own half. “So.... what are you? You’re not a normal dog, that’s for sure.” “I’m a digimon, short for digital monster! I’m from the digital world!” Gina blinked. “Like those monsters from the Christmas crisis of 02?” “Dunno about that,” Labramon said, shrugging. “I’m Raine’s digimon. I wish she was here but she’s not allowed pets at school. So I’m watching TV.” Gina pulled out a small digital camera and took a snapshot of Labramon eating. “Wow, this is one for the books. Wonder if there’s anything else...” The doorbell rang. “I’ll get it, you stay here, okay?” Gina said. Labramon started to flick through the channels in search of cartoons. Gina opened the door, revealing a UPS man with a large parcel. “Is this 2034?” “Yep.” “Sign here.” Gina looked at the return address and smiled. “Ah good, it’s the statue I sent to myself.” After paying the delivery fee, she lugged the parcel into the living room where Labramon looked up. Gina took a knife and opened up the parcel. The large ropes snapped as she opened up the top. Labramon got off the couch as she walked over and asked, “What’s in the box?” Gina finished opening the crate, revealing a ceramic statue, polished in gold and ivory of the Shiisaa. Labramon yipped in delight. “I love it! It looks just like me!” “Just like you?” Gina looked at both the statue and Labramon as she said, “I don’t see any resemblance.” “When I evolve, I become Shiisamon, a holy beast digimon! Then I look like the statue.” Labramon sniffed it. “It even smells like me.” Gina smiled. “Well then, I’m glad to see that you like it.” “Will you be staying long? I like you.” Gina shrugged. “Depends when I get called to another site. Oh, by the way, I’m Gina, Raine’s elder sister.” “I thought you smelled the same as Raine does,” Labramon noted. Before she could continue, the front door opened. “I’m home,” Raine called out, not expecting anyone. “I’m in here Raine! With your pet digimon!” A thudding of feet were heard as Raine ran into the living room, nearly slipping on the throw rug. “Labramon, what did I tell you about speaking?!” “I was lonely, and Gina fed me,” Labramon replied. “She’s a cute one,” Gina remarked as she moved the Shiisaa statue to the side of the den. “Does this look good?” “Um... more to the left,” Labramon said, Gina moving it to the side. “That’s perfect.” Raine stared dumbly as she said, “You two are getting along well.” “Of course, I always liked dogs,” Gina remarked, brushing blonde strands away from her face and adjusting her large round glasses. “C’mon sis, I’m treating you and the dog to pizza.” “Since when did I become the family dog?” Labramon asked curiously, still grinning like an idiot. After forty five minutes, two free extra large pizzas and a lot of talk, Raine, her sister Gina and Labramon started Men In Black, the DVD version. Raine had insisted on it, saying that a friend of hers was interested in aliens, reddened and wouldn’t say more on the subject. As they watched, Labramon asked, “Aren’t there any dog like aliens in the movie?” “There’s Frank the Pug,” Gina pointed out. “He’s a dog like alien.” “He’s a sorry excuse for an alien,” Labramon added. Raine leaned into her sister’s shoulder. It was nice, having at least one of her family members at home. It wouldn’t last but it was always nice to have family around. Gina patted her sister. “I’ll be around for a while Raine. I’m not going anywhere.” A soft snore made Gina notice Raine who had fallen asleep on her shoulder. She smiled as she pulled a blanket over her. The night started to crash with thunder and rain as sisters and a digimon sat watching the movie. <><><> Gina’s Diary Dear Diary - My sister has grown up well, taking care of a digimon like that. I can see that her and Labramon are very close, considering their obvious differences. I worry about her when she told me that she had to fight. Fighting may mean that she may have to kill... and I don’t want that for my little sister. Blood on the hands is what they say sometimes when I speak to older men who had fought in the various wars. I don’t want Raine to experience that if she can help it. <><><> “Morning!” Raine looked up at Gina who was flipping a pancake with a spatula. “You’re up bright and early.” “Yeah, I wanted to get an early start for the day. Today’s the school track and field day and there’s the family run.” Gina nodded as she set down the food before Raine, adding a second plate for the digital dog who had yet to awaken. “So, want me to come along? I’m sure someone from our family needs to run.” “Sure!” Raine dug in as Gina poured maple syrup on her pancakes and cut off a piece. The pair ate for a while in silence before Raine looked up and asked, “Hey Gina, when are you headed out on another expedition?” Gina considered the idea and said, “Not for a while I suppose. Treasure can wait unless something really interesting comes up.” “Oh I see.” Raine took a bite. “FOOD!” The cry startled Raine as she fumbled her fork. Labramon leapt to the chair, mouth watering. Gina laughed softly as she put a few pancakes on the plate. “Thanks!” With a gusto, she started to snarf down the food. “Wow, slow down.” “Speaking of which, you should speed up. You need to get ready for class.” Gina pointed out. “Oh man, you’re right!” Raine dumped her plate in the sink as she rushed upstairs to change for school. A few minutes later, Raine rushed down the stairs as Gina grabbed her keys and Raine snapped the leash on Labramon’s new collar. “Lets go.” <><><> “Welcome to Edmonton Elementary’s Annual Sports Day,” Jullie said into a microphone. “Will all the teams please report to their respective areas and coaches. I repeat...” “Hey Raine!” Eric called out. Raine looked up at Eric who had Lopmon clutching to his head. “Hi Eric...” she blushed. “Hi Lee.” Lee nodded. Sharmamon stood to the side, entertaining the younger classes with his circus act. “Who’s the babe?” Eric asked, earning a wild blush from Raine who smacked him embarrasedly. “That’s my sister.” “Oh, thought she looked familiar,” Eric said, rubbing his face. Lopmon leapt off Eric’s head. “Hi, nice to meet you,” he said to Labramon. “Nice to meet you. I’m Labramon.” “Lopmon. And I’m sure you know Sharmamon over there,” he said, pointing one small finger at the fighting digimon who was now balancing on one hand amidst clapping. “Do you think it was a good idea to bring the digimon with us?” Raine asked. “There’s so many people around here.” “I think so,” Eric replied, letting Lopmon walk alongside him. “Not many people are staring. I think it would be good.” “I think they’re just trying to ignore them,” Lee added. “Not many people here have seen a digimon and are barely trying to ignore the weirdness.” “I don’t like being called weird,” Lopmon groused. “Stewart!” Eric cringed at the sound of the voice. “Terry.” Terry Terada, a Japanese boy, was a good foot taller than Stewart was, and in sixth grade. He was a renowned bully and loved to pick on the foot shorter boy. “So, you showed up you little wuss.” “Knock it off Terry,” Eric snapped. “Or what?” Terry asked mockingly. “Blazing Ice!” Terry screamed as he tumbled backwards in shock, the attack passing over his head. Lopmon stepped forwards. “No one messes with Eric, got that?” “The bunny talked!” Lopmon suddenly towered over him, doing a Soun Tendo Demon Head. “I AM NOT A BUNNY!” he roared. “Wow... demon head,” Eric could only say as Terry ran away, the breeze starting to pick up. “Don’t do it Lopmon,” Eric warned as a faint breeze picked up, a warning sign of a Petite Twister. “He learned his lesson.” “Aw, but can’t I just give him a world class hotfoot when he’s not looking?” Lopmon whined. “Don’t let him get to you Eric,” Stu said, patting him on the shoulder. “He’s just jealous.” “Yeah.. that’s it.” Eric said, shaking his head. “I don’t like him,” Labramon yipped. “None of us likes him,” Raine answered. Stu looked at the trio of monsters and said, “These guys are what caused the damage back over at the playground?” “Them? Naw, it’s a long story Stu. I’ll tell you all about it.” Stu nodded as he ran off. “I’ll see you on the basketball court!” “I like him,” Lopmon said. “We all do,” Sharmamon added. <><><> “Go Raine!” Raine puffed as she drove the basketball around the other opponents. Seeing an opening, she pitched it to Lee who nodded and went for an easy lay-up, most of the other team covering Raine who had the ball for most of the first half of the short fifteen minute game. Eric cheered loudly as with the digimon on the sidelines. Some people gave them a odd look but went back to their cheering. “Go sis,” Gina said, patting Labramon on the head. Raine spun, dodged and then went up for a three pointer. The opposing team scored a duo of lay-ups and one kid fumbled an attempt for a slam dunk, even though he was too short. “Just two minutes left,” Eric said, looking at the clock. “two more minutes and Raine and Lee have this in the bag!” The final whistle sounded as the score read 12 to 3. Eric celebrated as Jullie called out, “Will the participants for the next event, the family race, please get ready. I repeat..” “Great job there guys!” Eric said. “Yeah, you really showed that ball!” Lopmon added. “You were awesome Raine!” Labramon yipped happily. Raine giggled as Gina walked up. “Good going sis. I’m gonna get ready for the race. See you kids at the finish line.” Lee nodded. “I have to get to my family before grandpa decides to run it. He may be fit, but this would be too much for him.” He also left leaving the pair of chosen with their digimon behind. Soon, the parents had lined up. Gina was in the middle block as Eric and Lee held the finish ribbon. Raine sat in the bleachers with the digimon. “On your mark...” With a bang, the race started. A wild cheer erupted from Raine’s throat as her sister took an easy lead. “Go Gina, go!” “You can do it mom!” Lee shouted. “Go dad!” The three parents were neck in neck. Suddenly, energy erupted from the middle of the track as fog exploded around them, obscuring the parents from view. Raine leapt to her feet. “GINA!” she shouted. “It’s a digital field!” Eric put on his goggles as he shouted, “Lopmon! Let’s go!” Raine exchanged her glasses for shades as she and Labramon ran into the fog, closely followed by Sharmamon and Lee who had also donned sunglasses. “What’s going on?!” Jullie asked Stu who was frozen in shock. “I think Eric said this was a digital field!” “I hope they’ll be all right,” she said, worried. Inside the field, Gina waved away the fog. “What in the world?” Lee’s mother got to her feet. “What happened?” “I can’t see a thing!” Eric’s father said. Gina wandered around the fog for a moment before a loud buzzing was heard. Gina turned to see a large fly monster bearing down on the group. It leveled it’s stinger at her and fired it. Gina leapt out of the way, the stingers sticking into the ground beside her. “What’s that?!” Eric’s father shouted. “It’s a monster!” “Mom!” Lee rushed into the fog with Sharmamon beside him. “Get back, we’ll handle this!” “Are you all right Gina?” Raine asked, helping her sister to her feet as the Flymon hovered overhead. “I’ll be fine, just hurt my ankle when I landed.” Eric looked up at the Flymon as he shielded his father from harm. “Get out of the fog dad!” His father nodded and rushed out of the fog. “Go Lopmon!” “Blazing Ice!” The projectile knocked it back a bit but did no apparent harm. “Retriever Bark!” “Shaman Hammer!” The twin projectiles slammed the Flymon back as it fired off a couple more stingers. “It’s tough,” Lee said. “Raine, you and Labramon distract it. We’ll open a portal back to the digital world.” Raine nodded as she turned towards Labramon. “We need a bit more power.” “Right. Labramon evolve!” Her skin tore off into a grid pattern as she was entombed with light. New skin formed as it exploded off, revealing a gold and white creature with two spirits beside it. “Shiisamon! Tiidiya!” The conflagration of spirits rushed forth, blasting the Flymon back. “Keep it up, the gate is almost open,” Eric shouted. The Flymon hissed and sped around. Suddenly, it buzzed incredibly loud as the group shielded their ears. Then, the Flymon took aim. Raine opened an eye and gasped, whirling around to the target. “GINA!” Gina looked up as the stinger retracted for launch, eyes wide with fear. The Flymon aimed... and exploded into a mess of data. A yellow fox digimon landed, the data floating through the empty portal to be reconfigured at the Village of Beginnings. Her partner, Hikaru, stood there, a sad look on her face. “You saved us,” Raine said, helping Gina to her feet. “I had to....” Hikaru sighed. “Digimon don’t die, they get reconfigured. But it still hurts.” She turned and walked out of the rapidly disappearing fog. “Lets go Renamon.” Renamon disappeared as Eric, Lee and their parents stood in the middle of the track, people milling around. Raine watched the elder girl walk away. “Will we have to kill when the time comes?” she asked the wind quietly. “I don’t know,” Eric replied. “It’s a morbid thought, isn’t it?” Lopmon said, nodding. He rubbed his large ears from the sonic pain he had endured. Eric reached down and scooped up Lopmon in his arms. “Pretend you’re a stuffed toy Lopmon. Dad didn’t see us.” “Sooner or later, we all must be faced with the decision,” Lee’s grandfather said with a solomn look on his face. “In time, we also must accept what fate has left for us.” “Grandfather,” Lee said in awe at the wisdom of his words. “But for now, you all have a race to win. I suggest you do so now.” Everyone collapsed to the ground in shock. <><><> Lee’s Journal Entry - Grandpa can be such a nut at times. After a battle like that, he still has his sights set on winning the race. But I guess that’s part of who he is. I never expected to see that girl here with the tall fox digimon. She was reluctant to kill the digimon that had come out of the field but did it without hesitation. Like it had become part of her life. Will I have to kill when the time comes? Kill over and over again until I loose sight of why I did it? Damn... no one said that being with a digimon would be so hard. <><><> Raine’s Diary Entry If I had forced the digimon back through the gate sooner, Gina wouldn’t have been in trouble. A million things rushed through my mind at that point. Would I be able to save her? Would Labramon get hurt? Would Gina get hurt? Would I willingly sacrifice myself to protect both of them? It’s strange. But when I saw Gina on the ground helpless from the sonic attack, Shiisamon too far away to help and only me in between both of them, I was ready to take his stingers in my chest. Morbid thought as Lopmon said. This is something that a kid my age shouldn’t have to think about. But when I saw that Flymon delete into digital information, the decision was taken out of my hands and into someone who apparently had no reluctance to kill. But when I saw Hikaru’s expression, I knew that she had done the right thing.... even though she hated herself for doing it. <><><> Authors notes : Well that was unexpected as usual... The original version ended in Shiisamon killing Flymon. But I figured, it was too early for anyone to have a first kill. This was a primarily Raine centered fic. It was important for the series so her character would be fleshed out, scenes at home and with her family would be increased. Archive pointed out that people would be freaked at the sight of monsters. This is Canada, the one place that was practically untouched during the 02 invasion save for a few digimon here and there. To answer the questions, Sharmamon can pass off as a short guy in a suit while Labramon does the pet dog thing. Lopmon tries to act like a stuffed toy but keeps on failing miserably as he gets extremely angry when someone calls him a bunny or insults Eric. Most of the family has accepted their son or daughter bringing home a digimon, save for Eric who has kept the fact that he has a digimon of his own from his parents. The effects of this decision will be noted later.