“What are you doing Lee?” Sharmamon asked curiously as Lee packed up a notebook and a few writing utensils. “I”m going to the Museum. We’re supposed to research history and I figured that I can find what I need there.” Lee put on his backpack. “Can I come?” Lee shook his head. “Sorry Sharmamon, you have to stay here with mom and grandpa. If you could get smaller, then I could carry you in a duffel bag.” Sharmamon pouted. “I guess it’s okay. Bring back something from the gift shop, okay?” Lee nodded, smiling. “I will. Bye Sharmamon.” He paused. “Sorry you can’t come along, but it would be hard to explain a digimon to the museum.” The door closed as Lee left the house. Sharmamon watched him go as he grinned mischievously. “Lee said I couldn’t come along. He never said anything about me following him.” Grabbing his club, he rushed after Lee, keeping a short distance from the chosen. <><><> Digital Diaries : Adventures 2003 written by Shaun Garin authorized by Lord Archive, set in his Digimon Series, Red Digivice Diaries/War Diaries <><><> File 10 : Insufficient Power Lee looked up on the dinosaur bones as he read the discovery credits. “Discovered by Professor Hart, a local archeologist.” He blinked. “Hey, Raine’s dad found this.” “Hello Lee.” Lee turned to see the blonde haired Gina standing behind him, holding a large metal case in her hands. “Good day Gina,” he said politely. “You here to do research?” she asked, moving to stand beside him. Lee nodded. “I have a report to do on history and I have a wide variety of topics to research.” She smiled. “Well, good luck with that.” Lee motioned to the case. “What is that?” “This?” Gina asked. “It’s a new item a team from Australia sent us. I’ll show you first.” She opened up the case and held out a strange crystal. It was orange and seemed to glow with an inner light. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” Lee nodded. Just then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a meter tall trenchcoat clad figure. Lee sweatdropped. “Sharmamon.” The digimon in the trenchcoat bumped into a passerby, muttering his apologies as Lee confronted his errant digimon. “I told you to stay home! You couldn’t come along!” “You never said anything about no following,” Sharmamon said, earning a frustrated noise from Lee. “That’s beyond the point.” Sharmamon sighed. Suddenly, he tensed as the Digi-Locator went off. Lee grabbed it and opened it up. He paled. “Oh no.” <><><> “It’s okay people, just keep moving along.” Gina, Lee and Sharmamon ran up to the guard who was helping people away from the fog that had collected on the west wing. “What’s going on?” “Darndest thing,” the guard said, “The ventilation system must be malfunctioning. We’re trying to get these people out of here before the whole fog engulfs the entire building.” Gina nodded. “Just concern yourself with getting people out. We’ll handle the malfunction.” She motioned for Lee to move into the fog. Lee nodded and he and Sharmamon rushed into the digital field. Inside, Lee squinted. “Sure is dense.” Suddenly, an angry cry came as a figure barreled out of the fog, fists flying. Lee and Sharmamon dodged the attack as he rounded. “Asuramon, a perfection level digimon,” Sharmamon warned. “Lee...” “I see him. Go for it!” “Sharmamon evolve!” The light flared around him as his skin started to rip off. Suddenly, a double barreled punch slammed into his stomach as Sharmamon was knocked back in mid evolution. Asuramon rounded on Lee as he swung. Lee was thrown into the wall as his D3 slammed against the wall, a faint tinkling sound echoing across the empty hall. Asuramon grinned as he bounded towards the end of the field. Reaching out, he actually ripped a hole in the field before escaping out of the field. Sharmamon ran up, helping Lee to his feet. “You okay?” he asked carefully. “Yeah, I’m fine. Some bruises and bumps but I’m fine.” Lee reached out for his D3 and held it out. “Sharmamon, you’d better evolve!” Sharmamon nodded as he called out, “Sharmamon evolve!” But there was no light show, no pillar of light. Sharmamon scowled. “Sharmamon evolve!” he called out more forcefully. Nothing. Lee stared for a long moment, and then looked at his D3. The screen was cracked and a piece of it was missing on the side, revealing a bit of electronics beneath the casing. He stared at it for a long moment before the words of Sam Beckett came to him. “Oh boy.” <><><> Gina looked up as Lee trudged out of the fog with Sharmamon trailing behind him. “He escaped,” she said. “He went that way.... what’s wrong?” “My D3 is broken,” Lee replied dully. “We can’t fight it.” “You’d better still chase after it,” Gina said. “I’ll call Sean, he should be available at the moment.” Lee nodded as he followed Sharmamon through the halls filled with shattered glass cases. The pair waded gingerly through shattered piles of pottery as Lee said, “keep a close eye out.” “Not a problem.” A scream split the air as Lee flinched. “Too late now. C’mon!” The pair ran down the hall into the main foyer where a group of children and a female teacher were being backed into a corner. The teacher was suffering from a broken wrist as she held a worn battle mace in one hands, straining from the weight. “No time for being discrete,” Sharmamon said, leaping at Asuramon. “Shaman Hammer!” “Asura God Fist!” The fist drove into Sharmamon’s stomach, expelling his breath in one blast. He rolled to his feet as he threw his hammer. “Shaman Hammer!” Asuramon batted it away as he rounded on the pair. “I’m gonna enjoy ripping you two apart,” he growled as he advanced, cracking his knuckles. “Get to safety,” Sharmamon said, staggering to his feet. “No way!” Lee said, picking up a fallen two handed sword. “I’m gonna help!” “I’m not gonna risk you! Go!” Lee considered the fact a second before Gina skidded into the room and heaved the thick metal case at Asuramon. It hit the demon man digimon as he staggered back. “Take that!” “Stupid bitch!” Asuramon advanced on Gina as he flexed his hands, ready to cause harm. “Gina!” Lee shouted. On his belt, the D3’s cracked screen shot out several wires which snapped around it. They started to pulse as it started to wail incredibly loud. Asuramon clapped his hands over his ears in pain as Sharmamon cried out, “Sharmamon evolve!” Sharmamon’s flesh started to tear off as a grid revealed itself underneath. All of his flesh but his eyes were ripped off as Gina grimaced. “Oh yuck.” His grid reshaped itself into a smaller form as he was reskinned in a tan and red form. He drew a large shurinken from his back, readying it. “Ninjamon! Iga Style Shurinken Throw!” The weapons bit into the ground before Asuramon as Ninjamon grinned evilly. “Care to take me on now?” “Gladly. Asura God Fist!” Ninjamon danced around the attacks as he let loose with another row of ninja stars. Asuramon growled as he slammed the ground with all four fists, sending the ground beneath Ninjamon in a rolling wave. Ninjamon was caught on the end of the wave of concrete and linoleum as he was thrown into the wall. “Ninjamon!” Lee shouted. “Lee.... get away...” came the weak reply as Lee lost his grip on the sword he still held in his hands as Asuramon turned towards him and Gina. “Now to break you in two,” he snarled, punching Lee into the wall, rounding on Gina who backed up. “I’ll enjoy ripping you apart,” he leered, “in more ways than one!” The sword fell from Lee’s numb fingers as the sharp blade sheared through the broken metal case. Suddenly, a golden energy flared out from the case as Ninjamon’s eyes shot open in shock. “LEE!” he cried out before the energy overtook him. “Ninjamon super evolve!” he cried out. Lee’s D3 shot out several more wires that wrapped around it and began to pulse in time with Ninjamon’s evolution. Ninjamon held out his shurinken as he began to spin it around, his body shrinking with each rotation. Winds kicked up around him as two dragonfly like wings appeared out of his back. The spinning shurinken slowly lengthened into a three foot spear. The spear jammed into the ground as the diminuitive digimon glared down on the Asuramon. "Piximon." “He... evolved to Perfection,” Lee said in awe as he slipped into unconsciousness. Piximon made a bomb with wings appear. “Time to take you out. Bit bomb!” Asuramon cried out as he was blown into digital information. Piximon sighed as he floated over to the comatose boy. “Help me with him,” he ordered as Gina nodded, shouldering the surprisingly light boy and stepping gingerly over the debrie. Piximon floated towards the case and popped it open. The sword still stuck in the case as the remains of the strange golden crystal lay around it. “Whatever it was is unrecoverable,” he murmured to himself, picking up a particularly large shard. “I’ll hold onto this.” <><><> When Lee awoke, he found himself lying on his bed with Piximon sitting down beside him, legs crossed and spear sitting on the side. “Glad to see you’re awake Lee,” he said. “Sharmamon...” Lee said, struggling to get up but a sharp pain bit into his back. “Lay down,” Piximon said. “And it’s Piximon in this form.” Lee nodded, feeling the throbbing in the back of his head. “What do you remember?” Piximon asked. “I remember you getting slammed into the wall and I followed quickly afterwards. Did he hurt Gina?” Lee asked, gingerly resting his head on his pillow. “Gina is fine,” Piximon assured him. “In fact, she carried you home.” Lee reddened in embarrassment. “Is she still here?” Piximon nodded. “She wanted to remain here until you woke up.” He floated into the air. “I’ll go get her.” After a while, the door opened and Gina entered. She had a few scratches and a bandage over one cheek but other than that, she seemed fine. “Hi,” she said softly. “Hi,” Lee replied. “Are you okay?” Lee chuckled. “I’ll be sore for a few days but I’ll live. Are you okay?” Gina nodded. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Just a few cuts and bruises but nothing major.” Lee smiled. “Okay... glad to hear it.” <><><> I honestly didn’t know if we had something then. Maybe it isn’t meant to be. She’s 21 and I’m 11. It’s too much of an age group. But somehow, I could tell that we had something that day, even if it was just a one time thing. God, I don’t want to be falling for an older girl... even when my heart says yes and my mind says no, I still won’t listen. I sound like a boy with a crush. But this feels more powerful somehow. It must have been the heat of the battle. That’s it. Nothing more. But I’m glad someone cared enough about me to bring me home. <><><> Authors notes : this is fun. The Lee/Gina subplot will work itself out soon. Just a matter of time. And yeah, for all you Sharmamon fans, Sharmamon is stuck at perfection... for now anyway.