Malaysian Diaries "Bye mom, going to school now," shouts Suhada, as she waves to her little brother. She ran out her house and rode her mountain bike, cycling toward Andalas Elementary School. As she rode her bike, she wasn't aware about the strange white light appearing inside her schoolbag. ============================================================== The Malaysian Diaries By Mr. Digianalyzer "Ah, recess. My favorite time of the day!" Hafiz, a short, perky-looking boy, said. "You know why? It's because..." "...There're no teachers to bug you," Suhada completed. "I know, I know. Just remember there is still classes after this, Hafiz" "Aw nuts. Why can't it be recess the whole school year?" Hafiz wondered. "We've been over this a million times, Hafiz. It's so that WE, the students, can LEARN something. Now quit whining and help me finish this model of the neighborhood so we can send it to Mrs. Rose," Suhada explained, again. "You mean YOU can send it to Mrs. Rose so YOU can get suck up to her and get an A for it," Hafiz retorted. "Yeah, that's.hey.I.I.. its not like that Hafiz!" Suhada said while blushing. Hafiz laughed seeing her like that. "Hey guys, what are you doing?" asked a tall, stocky boy. "Nothing much Sharil. It's just that Sue here is trying to get yet another A for her report card." "I am not." Suhada huffed. "I'm just doing a project for Mrs. Rose." "Yeah right. I bet Mrs. Rose just asked you to DRAW a plan of the neighborhood, not MAKE a model of it," said Hafiz. "I'm just doing a favor for Mrs. Rose," Suhada defended. "And getting an A while you're at it," Hafiz replied with a grin "Its not that. Its just .argh.its so annoying talking to you, Hafiz!" exclaimed Suhada. Sharil laughed at the exchange of banter. He then spotted a girl holding a palmtop in her hand. "Hey Hanisah, over here." The girl looked up and blushed. Hanisah, a thin girl with glasses, she is not accustomed with her name being called aloud. A shy girl, she skipped one level from third grade last year. Because of this, she doesn't have a lot of friends after transferring into Andalas last year. She always thought herself as a back-seater in stuff, but after being friends with Sharil and the gang, she has started to open up a bit. "Hi Sharil, Are they still arguing?" she Smiled as she nears the group. "You've just missed it. It was a good fight." Sharil snickered. "Ahem," Suhada cleared her throat. "Oh, sorry Sue. A good ARGUEMENT, not a good fight. Well, it could be, if they started to claw each other.OWW! That hurts, Sue!" Sharil said while rubbing his head. "Well you've deserved it after ... Hey, what's that, Hanisah?" she said while pointing to an egg-shaped device hooked up to her computer. "Oh this. Well.frankly, I don't know. It appeared on my dressing table this morning. Since then, I've been running analyzing programs on my pc. I still don't know what is it." The device started to blink. "Odd, the thing starting to work, and its blinking." Hanisah pondered. "Why is it blinking?" asked Hafiz. "I don't know." Hanisah paced around, and noticed that the blinking dot moved on the screen, but kept pointing in the same direction from the center of the screen. "What's weirder, it's blinking exactly where Suhada is sitting. or it's her bag?" "Hey Sue, check your bag and see if anything is amiss." Asked Sharil. She opened her bag and saw the same device sitting on top of her books. While it's the same shape and size, with the same exact small black antenna, the color is different. While Hanisah's is light pink, hers was turquoise. "This is weird." Before anyone can respond, the bell rang. They made a promised to call each other after school to discuss the topic. For the rest of the day, Suhada kept thinking about the device. After school, she rode her bike faster than usual. When she arrived home, she saw that her mother's car is not at its usual place. 'Where could she be?' she mused. "Mom? Mom?" she shouted. She the saw the note stuck on the telephone. Dear Sue, Went out. Urgent Matter. Suhaimi at the baby-sitter. Dinner in the freezer. Have to pick up dad at work. His car broke down, again. ^^; Back by 8:30 Take care. Mom Great. Now I have the whole house to my.... Wait... I have the whole house to myself? For . what ... five hours? I can't believe it! Wahoo!" she shouted while jumping up and down. After a quick lunch and a change of clothes, she sat down in front of the computer. "Maybe I can find something on the net about my.thingy." As she started to surf the net, the device suddenly started to flash. "Hey, stop doing that," she said as she holds the device." What's wrong with youuuuuuuuuu......" She suddenly found herself being sucked into the computer screen! She closed her eyes and. "Ooff! Ow . my head." "You mean my butt." came a familiar voice behind her. "Hey Hafiz, what are you doing here . on second thought.where IS here?" Suhada asked as she and Hafiz stood up. They looked around while gasped in awe at the white clear beach lined with tall coconut trees waving in the wind. And in the distance, a lonely wooden house stood alone. Shrugging to each other, they both walked towards the house. "Hey, you got the same device as mine." Suhada pointed at Hafiz's hip where a similar egg-shaped device was strapped. Hafiz grabbed and examined the blood red colored device. "Oh, yeah. This thing just popped out from my computer. Just when I got a hold of it, it sucked me back into the screen and I landed on the beach... then you landed on top of me a few seconds after that." "Sorry about that," Suhada said sheepishly. When they reached the house, the first thing they saw is two, furry ball coming towards them and pushing them towards the ground. "They're here! They're here! Our partners are here!" one of the furry balls cried out. "What partners? And who . what are you two?" asked Suhada as she stood up after the barrage of fur. "We are digimon silly. And my name is Nyaromon," a big ball of fur with a cat-like appearance, complete with a tail, replied. "I'm Tsunomon. Welcome!" a ball of orange fur with a horn sticking out of its top replied. "We've been waiting for you our whole life.all three days of it!" "Yeah," said Nyaromon as she purred in Suhada's lap. "Wait. Do you mean you two were born three days ago? And what is a digimon?" asked Hafiz. "Yeah, that's right. And digimon is the short form of digital monsters. You didn't know?" squeaked Tsunomon. The human pair shook their heads. "Oh. That's odd. I've seen human before, here in the digital world," said Nyaromon. "Really? How many?" Enquired Suhada. "We don't know. What we know is one of the humans is the partner of our friend, Tentomon. The others we knew from what other digimon said." Said Tsunomon as he jumped up and down in front of Hafiz. "Do you have any food? I'm hungry" "I have some in my fridge. But how do we go back to my home?" hafiz said. "Use the television you saw on the way here and say 'Digi-port, open!'" a voice said behind them. Hafiz and Suhada turned around and saw a young man with spiky hair and wearing a robe standing at the door. "Who are you?" asked Hafiz. "Don't do anything funny. I know silat and karate." Hafiz warned while making a martial-arts stance. " Don't worry. I mean no harm. You must be Hafiz right? And this pretty young lady must be Suhada." "How do you know our name? And who are you?" asked Suhada. "Mind my manners. My name is Jackie, a friend of Gennai. And before you ask, Gennai is one of the caretakers of the Digital World." "So this is a digital world?" Suhada questioned. "No. This is The Digital World," Jackie corrected strongly. "You're sitting in another dimension than Earth." "No kidding? I never thought there's another dimension and it is this ... beautiful," Suhada said while looking out the window. "Well . that's a nice way of describing the digital world. Anyhow, this is the digital world, where digimon are created and resides. How ever, not all digimon like it here and some breech the digital barrier or cause other sorts of problems." "What do you mean by that?" enquired Hafiz. "Do you remember the incident involving the Chi Leung building? Well, it was caused by a digimon. Even though the authorities said it was a fault in the building construction, it was a digimon's doing. A Chosen from the Philippines was dispatched here." "What's a Chosen?" asked Suhada. "A Chosen is a child, like yourself, who has been partnered with a digimon to help maintain the peace of not just the Digital World, but Earth as well. The job doesn't come without its risks, and it doesn't exactly pay well either. But it's an adventure unlike anything you've ever dreamed before." "Has anyone died doing this?" asked Suhada. "Two," Jackie coughed. "A rather small number compared to hundreds of children partnered to digimon." Suhada thought about something. "Jackie, does this digimon business have to do anything with the monster Christmas invasion?" "Yes" Jackie answered. "So. we're up against those things?" Hafiz asked nervously. "Unfortunately," Jackie reluctantly replied. "Fortunately, most of the reports we received from here involves lower evolution digimon. The highest reported is Adult level." "I don't suppose that's one of them?" Hafiz asked while pointing out the window. A large red colored insect with black markings on its body is rushing towards the house at high speed. "Get out of this house, NOW!" Jackie shouted. The quintuplet dashed out of the house just as the beast destroyed it. "What in hell is that?!" Hafiz asked Jackie as they run away from it. "That, is a Kuwagamon. Adult level. Its attack is Scissor Claw." The Kuwagamon suddenly turned towards the group, and charges. "I'm going to defend my partner!" shouted Nyaromon. "Me to!" squeaked Tsunomon .The children shut their eyes, expecting the worse, but something else happened. Their strange devices glowed. "Nyaromon evolves to. Plotmon!" "Tsunomon evolves to. Gabumon!" "Puppy howling!" "Petite fire!" The two-child digimon launched their attacks towards the larger digimon. No effect. Kuwagamon was still rushing towards the group. The kids could only stare in shock at seeing their digimon evolve and try to fight the giant bug. "Plotmon, target the stomach. Tsunomon, shoot at the left wing," ordered Jackie. "Ok. Puppy howling!" "Petite fire!" The attacks works as Kuwagamon veered towards the woods instead of them. "Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! . That is!" Hafiz excitedly said. "Yeah.... So, now you're Plotmon, eh? Nice form," Suhada said as she stroke the smiling puppy-like digimon's head. "Gabumon, nice to meet you." Hafiz said while shaking Gabumon's ha.err. paw. "I think we better go home now. But how about these two?" Suhada said while pointing to the digimons. "They will be here.don't worry.or they can." "Can what Jackie?" asked Hafiz "Never mind," Jackie waved it off. "Anyway, you better go home before your parents found out you two are missing." "Ohmigod! Mom's gonna be back in a few minutes. Quick, where's the nearest TV?" Suhada asked. Jackie pointed towards a television behind them. "What are we suppose to say again? Oh yeah. Digi-port, open!" Suhada said as the two kids were sucked into the television . "Off.not again!" Hafiz moaned as Suhada was sitting on top of him, again. "Hey, what are you two doing here?? And why did you devolve?" Suhada asked the two-baby digimon. Before they had the chance to answer, another sound echoed inside he house. "Sue, I'm home" "Damn.. mom's home. How am I going to explain this mess?" she thought to herself. A/N: With that, the kids from a backwater country are now dragged into the chaotic, cool, unknown world of Digimon: Digital monsters. Hi. After consulting with Lord Archive, I've written this fanfic about a group of kids from Malaysia in the wonderful world of digimon, Lord Archive's version. So, before anything, please don't forget to review my fic and give your two cents.