"Well Alex, have a nice hunt?" "That rotten fiend cut up my whip and took my gun. I had to get some help in subduing the guy," Alex replied, downtrodden. The other bounty hunter shook his head. "I told you you should have at least five weapons on you at all times. Some hunters have seven or eight on them at all times." Alex looked at him. "How many do you have?" He coughed. "Thirteen." "Insecure?" Alex jabbed. "Hey, we all can't be like that Rainier guy. He's seems to be quite exceptional," the other bounty hunter remarked as both entered a Guild. "That's true." Alex looked around at the walls and raised an eyebrow. "Hey, new bounties." Scanning the wall, his eyes widened to dinner plates. "THE HELL?!" The other man looked at it and his eyes bugged as well. "100,000 Gold on both Rainier AND Pyron?! The heck did they do this time?!" "With 100,000 gold on their heads... they must have done something big," Alex replied. "Obviously. Does it say who ordered it?" "Nope, no name on it." Alex scowled. "I have a feeling they're being set up." "Probably. Considering it has stated no reason why they have placed the bounty it does seem suspicious." "It doesn't matter to most bounty hunters. Most of them hunt down their targets without a thought it they're really a guilty party or not." <><><> (Music Cue : Batman Beyond -Warner Bros. Records) (We see land rushing below in a incredibly fast speed. We see a pair of eyes opening) Corruption (We see buildings burning brightly, people screaming as monsters ravage the land.) Deciet (A shot of a fat man in a red suit, his back to the window) Greed (A shot of two weapons burning into existance) Hope (We see scenes of Rainier, Pyron, Alexander and Hyne tearing through groups of monsters.) Honor (Shots of different magical spells being thrown as Rainier flings the Doragu Sureibu.) Justice (A shot of Anika as she holds three spinning wings in her hands. A shot of Prince Endymion as golden light surrounds him, with Crystal City in the background.) (A final shot of the six against the title logo.) Magictech Productions Presents... A Sidestory to the Magictech Crossover Series... Slayers BEYOND Concept by WarChild Written by WarChild and Shaun Garin All characters, places, events are the copyrights of their respective owners. <><><> Episode 2: Wanted? Rainier's Big Frame Up! <><><> Alexander Arthurian. A bounty hunter, raised by a knight. With dark hair that was tied back in a long ponytail and dressed in a simple unassuming black tunic and loose baggy pants, he carried a sword that was as long as he was with a thickness of roughly a foot. It was said to be the largest sword in the world, one that, at first appearances, would think that Alex couldn't lift being of very slender build. And don't think disarming his sword will make him vunerable. In his tunic are his pistol, loaded with special silver bullets, and a silver tipped whip. Alex was built quite willowy, with a slender muscleculture and a very bishonen face. Sandlewood eyes looked out on the world as he adjusted the weight of the large foot thick sword on his back, ignoring the weight of the weapon itself. Last he had heard, the pair were near Sylviana and that was her target. For a young man who grew up on the island nation of Lodoss, Alex knew the roads of the continent very well. Some said that it was impossible for Alex to get lost in any situation. Apparently, due to the stories that were told about this hunter, Alex was once dropped in the middle of a labyrnth with no way out. He got out in two hours. On the other hand, any of his targets that vainly tried to lose him could not ever shake him off the trail. He was like a bloodhound, always on the right trail. Alex walked along the roads, listening to the birds chirp. The "wark" sound of a flock of large birds as they ran across the road in a distance. The sounds of picks on rocks as men searched for gold and other precious metals to mine. All these things contributed to assailing the doubts he had for bringing in Ranier and Pyron. He had heard of the pair through different stories, even met them once or twice in the Atlas City Hunter Festival. It was almost impossible to believe that they did something so terrible that a bounty was placed on them. Well, Rainier he could believe, but Pyron was another story. Still, he has to wonder, what did they did that was worth 100,000 gold pieces for their heads? <><><> "Will there be anything else gentlemen? Another cup of ale?" "No ma'am," Rainier muttered between bites. "Alright." The top heavy young girl flounced off, earning a smirk from Pyron. "You sure have a way with the women, don'tcha Rainer? She was flirting so much with you, I was sure she was gonna throw herself to you AS your dinner." "Oh please..." Rainier paused to swallow the piece of meat he was chewing. "It's not like I can't help it." "Sure you can't help it," Pyron teased. "And that's the same situation in ALL the towns, considering you have the elegable women after you, or at least swooning." Rainier pouted, then turned back to his steak. "So... you still going to hang around?" "Oh yeah," Pyron chuckled. "I hate to admit it, but hanging around you is WAY more fun than my old partner. Dregon." The pair groaned at the crochety old hunter who refused to step down. Set in the old ways with the same old attack patterns, it was a wonder the elderly man didn't get himself killed prematurely. "So, what's next on the schedule?" Pyron added, wiping his mouth off. "We hit the closest guild and find another job. Hopefully, we'll find some high paying one that no one sane would want to take." "And those two insane people would be us," Pyron said with a nod. With that the waitress returned with the bill, and winked at Rainier. Rainier could only blush, as Pyron pulled out payment for the meal. <><><> "Well, that was a nice meal." Rainier patted his now content stomach. "Yeah," Pyron said, nodding. Suddenly, out of the blue, a loud voice with a bunch of other men going "Arr" calld out, "Inverse and Gabriev!" The men turned to see a scruffy bunch of men. "We are the Knights of Xentar! And we're here to take you in!" The pair responded with blank looks. Pyron turned to Rainier. "Alright Red, what did you do now?" "Not me," Rainer replied. "You?" "Nothing." The pair turned towards the group who were grinning madly. Ranier sighed as he pulled out a handful of Fairy Dust. "Icicle Barrage!" The blasts of ice slammed into the group, turning them into popcicles. "Well... that's that." With that Rainier dusted his hands. "Hold it you two!" The pair turned to see a group of armored swordsman. "We're the Swordsmen of Veran! You're coming with us!" "Your turn," Ranier said, backing up, leaving the other to draw his own Fairy Dust. "Crystal Encagement!" A river of crystal shot forth, trapping the group in a crystal cage, unbreakable, unless Pyron wished it to break. "That should hold you." "Wuss," Rainer remarked. "If you wanna trap people, make sure they're entombed in ice." "And give them frostbite? Not a chance Red." "Wuss," Rainer repeated, tossing a handful of Dust behind him. "Flare Exploda." A group of men screamed and fell to the ground, doing a Sarina Fried Chicken imitation. "Heh. Wonder why so many amatures are after us?" "Jealousy?" Pyron shrugged as the turned around to see if anyone else decided to come by. Instead he noticed a group of wanted posters. "Er.... Rainier?" Rainer turned, arched an eyebrow and started to curse in five different languages. "Man, it's just like what Great Great Great Grandma went through! Some jackass put a bounty on us!" Pyron had a clueless look. "Lina Inverse had this happen too? Where did you learn that story?" "Our family has stories passed down throughout each family line. Mom told it to me, as her father told it to her, and so on and so on." "Wonder if they are accurate." Rainier shrugged at the statement. Changing the subject, Pyron said, "But why would anyone place a bounty on us?" "Dunno, we'll just do the same thing Grandma did; beat on bounty hunters and heros until someone tries to lay a blatently stupid trap that I'll most definately get caught in, and then get a magical inhibitor strapped to my head, and we'll have to bust out, thrashing half a building or more." Pyron sweatdropped. "Is that really necessary?" "Of course. But we could just quit playing around and..." He threw a handful of Dust towards a grove of trees. "WRATH OF THE EARTH!" A HUGE explosion of earth erupted from the ground, tearing trees and bushes and soil alike. Two men fell to the ground, both with spinning eyes, "... we can just blow up the ringleaders now." "How about we," Pyron began, twiddling his thumbs, "just head to the Head Guild and demand this bounty be revoked?" "Sure. In the meantime, grab their Fairy Dust pouches. We'll need em for the trip. Every time we blast a bounty hunter group, grab their Dust. We obviously can't drop in the lesser guilds without getting dogpiled by hunters for our heads." Pyron sweated. "What? You expect to get halfway to the Head Guild WITHOUT Fairy Dust? I can't blast em all the time with a Doragu Sureibu all the time, takes too much time to charge up." Rainier sighed after the outburst, and started collecting pouches of fairy dust. Pyron started to gather a few more, tying them to his belt. "I guess you're right. Sometimes a sword isn't all what you need." Rainer smirked. "Don't say that just yet. I still have a few surprises in store." "A trick blade?" "Something like that," Rainer grinned. "Lets move." Unknowest to them, they were being watched in the trees. As soon the two were out of sight, the figure laughed with glee, and started writing down these observations. "Ahhh... they are heading to the Head Guild are they? Not if they are captured first. Those greedy hunters will like to hear of this. Hehehehehe!" With that in mind, he started limping away, having been caught within the Wrath of the Earth attack. <><><> Alex frowned. He rapped on the ice statues, ignoring the pleas for help from the others entombed within Crystal. The Crystal would shatter after a day or so, and the ice would melt, but not before the trail would grow cold. Alex hitched the huge Ultima Sword on his back and trudged off in the direction, random heros and hunters either burned, frozen, or nursing broken legs littering the sides. Or worse. The trail lead to a village, with no trace of any sort of damage. Sighing, he went to the local tavern. It had been a long day and he needed a break. Upon entering it he ordered a small ale and sat down by himself. 'Man, it's hard to keep up with them,' he thought, downing the ale. "What's your pleasure?" A girl who looked so much like the other girl in the other tavern where he had found the pair had eaten asked. "Just another ale," he replied. He would need it, thinking about the situation at hand. The girl left, leaving Alex to himself. "So... they are headed in that direction?" "Yeah. The informant is also saying that he has access to some fandangled gizmo he imported from the south. He says its would help us capture those two." Alex stood still for a moment, as he overheard a conversation next to him. "I don't trust those magicks they have in the south. But all's fair in hunting. And we can just turn on the guys when they take those two out for themselves." The pair laughed as Alex downed the ale and headed out. He had a couple of hunters to save/bring in. <><><> "Well, see anything ahead of us, Red?" "Hmmm... Fira." a cloud of dust exploded into flames as a whole grove of trees spilled out group of bandits, screaming as they ran away. "Yep." "Grrr... a little louder and the whole forest will hear us!" Pyron admonished. "Don't worry Pyron," Rainier assured, as he helped himself to the bandit's pouches. "Everything's under control." Pyron seethed for a moment before Rainer jerked his thumb towards the approaching person. "Hey, check out the sword on that guy." Pyron turned and blinked. "Wow. Nice sword." "Thank you," the stranger replied, unsheathing it. "It's called Ultima." "Hmmm... never heard of it," Rainier noted. "It's an old relic, handed down, always reforged, the metal so mallable that it can become any weapon possible." He held it like it was a long ruler, the balance even. "I am Alex the Hunter. I am afraid I have to bring you two in for the bounty, before anyone else gets the reward." "Woah woah woah..." Rainier shook his head. "You ain't turning us in." The man arched an eyebrow. "It's better that I did. There are forces, unscrupulous forces who would treat you harshly if you failed. I am the best chance for you to get off easily. For that, I will take you in." "But we haven't done anything. What we need to do is convince the Head Guild that this bounty is unnecessary," Rainier explained. "Trying to explain your way out again?" Pyron remarked. "Look... please... it's better you come with me," stated Alex. "NO!" a voice boomed. "The reward is ours!" From out of nowhere a huge group of bounty hunters popped out, surrounding a large metal piece that was a device of some sort, as there were levers and a person in it operating it. "The fuck is that?!" Pyron shouted, backpeddaling in shock. "It's supposed to be some magical armor from the south. An interested party gave this to us in hopes we do bring you two in," explained the operator. Rainier's eye's perked. "Oh... so you know who put in the bounty on our heads." "Not really," the operator replied, "But again, does it matter? There's a hold lotta gold on your head... and I want it!" "Not a chance," Rainer said, drawing his Dust. "Fira!" The opposing hunters leapt out of the way, but the machine stood firm despite the attack. "Heh heh heh! So you want to play rough eh?" went the operator, as he manuvered the machine to punch through a couple of trees, causing them to fall down towards the trio. "I like to play rough." The trio dodged the falling trees as one by one they were being knocked down. "Oh well... c'mon Pyron, lets.. huh?" Pyron had taken a stance that suggested a martial arts master. With wrists pressed together, he muttered off a string of words. With a cry, he flung several blades of wind at the machine, slicing up most of the body, severing the right arm from it and cutting deeply into the chest plate. "Heh. That's a good attack, but not good enough for this armor!" the operator laughed, as the machine began to hum and glow, as the front, despite the damge, began to open. "Well, that looks ominous," Rainer said with a grin. "It does, doesn't it?" quipped the operator. With that the armor shot out a beam of freezing cold, causing nearby things to be coated in ice. Rainier grimaced for a moment before turning to Alex. "Hey Alex!" "Me?" Alex asked, pointing at himself. "You can lift that sword, so put it to use." The other shrugged as he hefted the sword and concentrated. A teltale energy swirled around him, one that was commonly known as a Limit Break, a mysterious energy similar to the Trance. He opened his eyes and dashed forwards, swinging his sword down in a cleaving arc. "BRAVER!" The sword sliced through the machine as it exploded in a fountian of fire and smoke. The operator stood in the middle of the wreckage. "That... was not supposed... to happen..." He fell to the ground, unconscious. "Glad to see that sword isn't a decoration," Rainer commented, earning a bop on the head from the flat side of the blade and a glare from Alex. "Thanks to you, I'll probably have people after me," he hissed angrily. "Aiding and abetting. That'll give a nice chance to never step within a town again if they set a bounty on me!" "Well, what then are we gonna do about the rest of these guys?" Pyron pointed to the now frightened heroes, who believed that the mighty machine was invincable. "What else? Scare em into submission to get em to tell us who set the bounty and raid their Fairy Dust." Alex rolled his eyes. "Oh no, I'm NOT getting into your adventures!" he declared, knowing well of the exploits of Rainier. "You don't have a choice," Pyron pointed out, "if you haven't noticed, you just aided us by blowing up that machine. And you did say that doing something like that would put a bounty on your head." Alex sweatdropped. "Damnit," he said after a moment. "You guys screwed me over." "Nope, that was your own doing." The pair raised an eyebrow at the torrent of explitives that fountained from the man's mouth as Pyron gaped in shock. "Man, I haven't heard that group of explitives since I was working with Wallace." <><><> "The M-tek Armor was ineffective in neutralizing Rainier." A voice remarked. "Maybe, maybe not. We did not expect that another bounty hunter would side with him." Spyron chewed on the end of his cigar, almost a nervous habit. "That sword the hunter carried.... it seems to be a most powerful sword indeed," the first voice said. "Yes, and to wield it, the hunters strength must be incredible as well. A valued asset if he was turned to the dark side." A second voice added. The first voice seemed to consider this as he turned towards Spyron who sat at the head of the table. "Spyron, your attempts have been less than successful. Although we do not blame you for the loss of the M-tek Armor, there is the question of the bounty you had placed on the hunters themselves." "What is your purpose?" the second voice asked the man in the red clothes. "Simple. The hunters will wear them down, and soon, they will be extinguished." Spyron smiled. "It is all well in time." "But if they are powerful as rumor has it..." The first voice protested. "We can't deny that. Rainier effectively defeated one of our affiliated warlocks. What good are bounty hunters against him?" the second voice added. "With enough time, they will wear them down. Then, we slaughter them with dozens of M-tek Armors." The fat man smiled grimly as he stubbed out his cigar in an ornate silver ashtray. "This plan better work. Right now, we have other important matters to consider." The first voice said. "Yes. Locating the Prince of Earth Kingdom." The voices chuckled in unison as Spyron lit a fresh cigar. "Yes. The Prince of the Earth Kingdom indeed." Spyron chuckled as well. "All in due time." <><><> The trio were finally on their way, as they were, like it or not, on the run. "You know Alex, if we are going to be stuck together, we might as well officially introduce each other." Rainier place his hand out. "Rainier Leo Gabriev." "Alexander Arthurian, from Lodoss." "Lodoss?" Pyron was at Alex's face. "Youre from the Accursed Island?" "It hasn't been the Accursed Island since the second War of Heros," Alex remarked, backing off from the other man. "My grandpa was one of the heros, Woodchuck." "Hmmm... it wouldn't be the Woodchuck that fought along side a guy named Parn, would it?" Rainier asked. "Yeah, why?" "Interesting isn't it? Parn's my ancestor," Rainier answered. "Really? That's pretty cool," Alex remarked, adjusting the fit of the weapons harness on his shoulder. "My grandpa's family handed this sword down throughout generations. It's said that the weapon itself was a gift from the Earth, a gift from Gaia." "Same with my sword," Rainier added. "Although not a gift from the Earth or something like that its been in the family for a thousand years." Pyron whistled. "No kidding huh? Man, and all I get are Blitz Skills." At their inquiring looks, he added, "Blitz is what I used against that suit of armor. Kinda like elementals. Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, depending on the skill and basic, I can use a variation of techniques. All hand to hand though." "And I thought you're the peaceful one," Rainier quipped. "I am," Pyron said, sounding insulted. "It's just that since I don't have my great great grandmothers former looks to get me out of a situation without fighting, I have to rely on my fists at times to do the talking. Otherwise, I like doing things without too much harm done to anyone." "Great great grandmother's looks?" Alex inquired. "My ancestor's Rina Inverse. My name is Pyron Ra Inverse." With that, the conversation continued onto the day, exchanging life stories, bounty exploits, and other thoughts. End Episode 2