"Huh... where am I?" "Looks like somewhere in Tokyo.... Ash, what's going on?" "Ranma? Where are we?" The two took in their surroundings, a district of Tokyo they never seen before. "Seems like Tokyo. But... are we dreaming?" "Ranma, over there!" Ranma turned to face a... well... sight that was quite indescribable. Large monsters fighting, with young children directing them? And nearby, a group of schoolgirls in short-skirted outfits facing some dark entity. And the sounds of battle were loud and varied. "What the... are they..." "No cuz. They aren't Pokemon... I don't know what they are. And who are those girls in the short skirts?" Soon the battle scene before them was frozen. "This is the past, twenty five years ago. Children of Fate, you must know the past if you're to fulfill your destinies." "What? Who's there?" "What destinies?" "You'll soon find out, but as of now, it's a secret." Then everything turned white. <><><> (Opening theme : Liberi Fatali : Final Fantasy VIII) (A shot of something racing across the seas) Excitate vow e somno, liberi mei. Cunae non sunt. (An eyecatch of a pair appearing out of thin air, weapons at the ready.) Excitate vow e somno, liberi fatali. Somnus non eat. (A shot of a figure locking together) Surgite. Invenite hortum veritatis. Ardente veritate Urite mala mundi. (A scene of Misty looking up, Jenette at her back) Ardente veritate Incendite tenebras mundi. (A pair fighting in the middle of a broken district, explosions everywhere.) Valete, liberi, Diebus fatalibus. (Then, all goes white as the Logo appears.) A Pokemon, Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction Developed for the new Millennium Pokemon 2000 : The Directors Cut The ReWrite of Pokemon 152 - ? 2000 written by Shaun Garin revised/edited and co-authored by WarChild based on an idea by Kahlil Noriega written with the authors permission <><><> Episode 2 : Days And Parting Ways <><><> "Hark foul ally of Sorcerer Saotome! Today I shall bring divine justice!" Kuno declared, not knowing he was standing in a puddle of water. "PI-KAAAA!" ZAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!! In seconds, Kuno became "Instant fried Samurai wanna-be" as the water conducted the electric power. As he fell over, the teens, now accompanied by James in a Furinkian High Uniform, walked by him without further incident. James yawned loudly as they entered the school building. "If Auntie Nadoka didn't want me to go to school, I never would have gone. Especially with YOU brats coming along for the ride," he said, leveling a glare at the three Pokemon trainers. Misty stuck her tongue out at him and his forehead creased with annoyance. "Well, if you never agreed to it, then perhaps we wouldn't be on speaking terms," Misty said snidely while adjusting her short yellow top and lifting a suspender strap onto her shoulder. "Excuse me, but that's my Aunt Nadoka we're talking about? How was I supposed to know she helped your parents raise you?" Ash broke in. James sighed. "Ash, you're lucky to have a relative like that. In the whole household aunt Nadoka wasn't as snooty as the others. I just wonder why a well off women like her would do this." "James you got to remember, Ranma's father took him of that training trip for over 10 years. It must have been lonely living by herself," Brock explained. "That probably explains why she visited me back then. I just wish why she's so intent to hold up her end of that pact." Ash noted. Ranma, equally sullen but for a totally different reason, leapt down from her perch atop the fence and opened her mouth to make a comment about the whole situation, but then suddenly, an odd expression crossed her face. She reached into her belt and pulled out a quaking Pokeball. Misty blinked. "Hey, isn't your father still in there?" "I think so." Ranma expanded it and looked at the Pokeball, a curious look on her face. "How do you get 'em out of here?" "Here, let me." James took the Pokeball and wound up. "Pokeball, GO!" With a bright flash, Panda-san appeared, nearly faint from hunger. He blinked a few times before toppling over, a low earthquake rumble echoing from the depths of his black hole stomach. Ranma grinned. "I like this. Instant punishment." She walked over and started to slap him back to consciousness. "Hey, pop, there's food back at the Dojo." Panda held up a sign. <> He rose up from his collapsed position and rushed down the road towards the Dojo. "You know, you should have told him that only Akane's leftover are left," Brock remarked. "Why should I?" Ranma answered, smiling as a warbling panda cry pierced the air. "After all the crap pops put me through, he outta suffer." <><><> "RANMA! I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!!!" Ryoga, cried as he stood atop a house in a quiet town, brooding over his ability to get lost. He scratched his head in confusion. "Where am I anyways?" As far as small rural towns went, this was small enough to be considered for peaceful areas. He pulled out a map from his backpack and read it over, the map actually being a map of the Hong Kong Inner City area. Turning it over and over a few times, he finally gave up and tossed the map away with a flick of his wrist. (Incidentally, the map was thrown with enough force to jam itself into the rooftop.) A just then, a older man, his hair already in the graying stage, popped up behind him through a roof top opening skylight. He was elderly, with a shock of gray white hair, gray eyes, a red shirt and gray pants. "If you don't mind, would you kindly come down from atop my lab, young man?" Ryoga turned and sheepishly followed the man into the lab. <><><> "Oh, so you've met Ash?" Ryoga nodded over his tea. "Yeah. He's in Japan in the Tendo Dojo, Nerima. If only I could find the place." Professor Oak rubbed his chin thoughtfully and took a sip of tea. "Have you ever considered a guide dog?" "Many times but I already have a dog. Is there any way I can get back to Japan?" Professor Oak stood and headed towards a back room. "Come with me Ryoga. There's something I'd like to show you." Ryoga followed and entered a room with a lot of technology. And sitting in the middle of the room were three Pokeballs with small symbols on them. A flame, a leaf and a spray of water. "These are beginning Pokemon. If you decide to, you can take one and they will lead you to wherever you wish to go. The choices are Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle." Ryoga's face crossed with a look of disbelief. "Pokemon? You're willing to give me a Pokemon to help me travel?" "Why not?" Professor Oak tapped the controls and the glass cover slid back with a hiss of air. "A Pokemon can be one of the best friends there can be. But you have to be open minded to completely master the Pokemon you choose. Please, consider wisely." Ryoga thought hard. His hand moved across the balls thoughtfully before his hand alighted on the Pokeball with the leaf. "I'll take the plant one." He plucked the ball and it opened with a flash of red, white and blue. A small creature, about a foot and a half tall, green, flecked with blue and had a large seed planted on its back stood there on all fours. "Bulbasaur." "You made a good choice Ryoga-kun. Now, I have a few more gifts for you." Oak turned and pulled a few items. "These are your Poke balls and your Pokedex. The balls are for catching Pokemon and the Pokedex is a Pokemon Encyclopedia. And I have another Pokemon for you." Oak pressed a full pokeball into Ryoga's hands. "This is Pigeot, a bird Pokemon. He can fly you anywhere you need to go." Ryoga was speechless. "Thank you," he said, finally regaining his voice. "I don't know what to say. Thank you Professor." "Just remember, Pokemon are for battles but only battles for self defense, trainer battles or Gym battles. Never for aggression. And watch out for members of Team Rocket. They are Pokemon thieves. I suggest taking some time to collect Pokemon before leaving the island. And to raise your Pokemon well, have it fight as much as it can. Do you remember all that?" Ryoga nodded. "Thanks Professor! I'll return sometime with something special when I find this place again. Come on Bulbasaur." "Bulba." Ryoga walked into the sunset, his new Pokemon following behind him out of his Pokeball. Which was kinda dumb since he wanted to go the other way. Oak stared off into the sunlight, slipping on a pair of sunglasses. "He's got a great journey ahead of him." Just then, a light tap spun him around. It was Ryoga with Bulbasaur. "Um, Professor? Can you direct me in the way towards Japan?" Oak groaned. "I might as well accompany you. Someone there wants to see me." "Who?" "Former Pokemon League Grandmaster Cologne, also known as the Matriarch of the Chinese Amazons.." Ryoga's eyes widened. This man knew the old ghoul? <><><> Quiet. Peaceful. No Shampoo. No Kuno, either of them. No Mousse. No Ryoga. No nothing. Ranma stretched out on the roof, glad to have stopped posing as Ranko since his mother, former League Master Nadoka left for her house. Say, he wondered, where IS Shampoo and Mousse anyhow? Ranma sat up at the sound of someone clambering up the side of the house. It was Brock and Misty. Misty barely got over the edge of the roof before asking, "How do you jump up here that easily?" "Talent. Say, you guys haven't seen Shampoo or Mousse anywhere, have you?" "Nah, haven't ever since a couple of days ago. That's when we two got our new Pokemon." Brock pulled out his Pokeball and released a peking duck. Ranma goggled. "Um, don't mean to burst your bubble Brock but THAT'S Mousse." Mousse looked tired and hungry as he quacked weakly. Misty turned pale. "Uh oh." She pulled out her Pokeball and released Shampoo who was equally tired and pale. "I think we made a really bad mistake." Ranma just dashed off far away from the cat, while he was yelling something about Akane's cooking and a restaurant called Ucchans. "Mistake is correct," came an old voice. The trio spun around to see a old bat who was old enough to be the grandmother of Moses. She perched atop a staff that was three times her height. "I am sorry that my Grand- daughter is rather poor sighted and stubborn, but she felt honor bound to kill you after you defeated her." A thought occurred to her. "She DID give you the Kiss of Death, didn't she?" "Kiss of Death?" Misty asked. Cologne blinked in confusion. "She DIDN'T give you the Kiss of Death?" "No, not that I can remember." Cologne groaned. "Well, the death threat is over. Amazon law says that if an Amazon fails to give the Kiss of Death or Kiss of Marriage within a day of the defeat, the intent is annulled. Be forewarned that Shampoo will have some hostility towards you, so be careful about throwing those Pokeballs about." Cologne picked up Mousse and Shampoo and pogooed out of sight. "Boy, good thing you caught her Misty, otherwise you would have a crazy Amazon after you for the rest of your life," Brock pointed out. Misty nodded. "Hey, why don't we check out this Ucchan's place Ranma mentioned? Besides, Akane's cooking." A collective shudder went up the group and faster than anything, they were gone, just as Akane came from the kitchen, carrying a platter of Unidentified Slimy Substance which was probably also radioactive. "RANMA!" she shouted. "Where are you?" <><><> "Pika Pika, PikaCHU." Ukyou smiled and quicker than any other Okonomiyaki cook in the country, she placed a fruit Okonomiyaki in front of the extremely cute Pokemon. Pikachu picked up a knife and Pikachu sized chopsticks appeared in his hands. Pikachu took a few bites and said, "Pika." Ash chomped down on his beef Okonomiyaki and commented on her cooking. Ukyou blushed. "Thanks," she said, flushing a deep red. Just then, the curtain flapped, admitting Ranma, Misty and Brock. "Ucchan," Ranma greeted, plopping down on the stool in front of the grill. "What's for supper?" "Ranchan! I'll serve you something good." Her spatulas blurred into motion, as benefiting a well trained Okonomiyaki Chef. Within seconds, three steaming hot Okonomiyaki's landed on plates in front of the three new customers. "It's on the house for the three of you." "Thanks!" Misty exclaimed as she dug into her food. "This is great! How long have you been making this?" "About ten years." "So you had spent a lot of time cooking huh? Wish I could have the recipie," Brock remarked, cutting a few pieces. "So Ash tells me you're his cousin, Ran-chan. I didn't know you had a cousin." Ukyo remarked, sitting down with the group. "Neither did I. Let me tell you what's been happening." And the group discussed the events of the past few days. <><><> <> <> Shampoo shuddered slightly. <> The purple haired bombshell stole a nervous glance at the man who was literally inhaling the food set out in front of him. <> "Can I have another one?" James asked, pushing his bowl forward. "Tab all ready sky high," Shampoo snapped. Cologne laid a hand on her Granddaughter's shoulder. <> Shampoo leveled a look at her Grandmother. <> <> <> Shampoo said sarcastically. <> This got Shampoo's attention. <> Cologne sighed. <> <> Shampoo finished, now getting the idea. <> Just then, a sound like a bird screeching came. Actually, it was two as two people landed in front of the Nekohanten, each with a rather large bird with fearsome black eyes and a length of multicolored feathers atop their heads. And in their sharp claws, were two men. One was Ryoga, the other was a elderly man with gray hair and a lab coat. "Nihao Pig-boy! Who friend?" "Don't call me that!" Ryoga snapped. But then he cooled and said, "This is Professor Oak from Pallet Town." "Oak?" The voice belonged to Cologne who hopped out. She blinked at the elderly man who blinked back. "Samuel." "Cologne. It's been a while." She cracked a wide grin. "No more than you. I see you've grown old. What, you never continued with Chi practicing?" "Do I LOOK like I continued with Martial Arts?" he snapped, though a note of amusement was in his voice. Cologne and Samuel Oak shared a laugh, but soon the tone got more serious. "Enough, there is something we have to discuss. It is about young Ash Ketchum. There's something about him and his Pikachu..." "Oh? What about Ash?" Samuel asked curiously. "Don't you feel it? It's a strange aura. His Pikachu also does not seem to be giving off the same life force as any other Pikachu I have seen before." Samuel sipped at the tea provided to him, shrugging. "I honestly don't know. It's been years and frankly, my skill at the art has diminished." "Well, there is no telling what kind of potential this boy has," Cologne added. "It is best we leave it up to Fate to govern this path of choice." <><><> "I'm homeee!" Akane declared, having been fruitless in her search for Ranma. Kasumi came out, holding a plate of cookies that were still warm. Akane took a couple and a glass of milk. "Honestly that Ranma, running out when there's food on the table." Kasumi didn't comment on the state of the so called food as she scooped semi solid chunks of what used to be a thin miso soup into the garbage. "He may just be showing the others around town Akane-chan." "Or he could be with one of those other girls." A cookie became pulp in her hand as she got up. "I'm going out Kasumi." "Okay, I'll keep these cookies warm then." Kasumi shook her head. It was getting harder and harder to groom Akane into the perfect wife for Akane. But even she could see that the young man was pushing her away for some strange reason. <><><> "Bulba-saur!" A vine snaked out and grabbed Ryoga about the waist. "Bulba bulba saur." Ryoga turned around, following the vine and Bulbasaur pulled the lost boy towards the Tendo Dojo. "Bulba?" he asked. "Yup, this is it." "Amazing," Oak said, recalling his Pidgiot. "It takes you five minutes to cross the street. You really are lost." Ryoga shrugged. He opened the door, which surprised the people inside, half expecting him to blast through the door with the Breaking Point Technique. "Hello?" he called out. Kasumi then came out and bowed. "Hello Ryoga-kun. Akane just left. Are you here to play with Ranma-kun?" "Um... not really, just needing a place to stay for tonight." Samuel nodded. "I'm going back to Cologne's place. We'll talk in the morning." "Okay, good night professor." Kasumi smiled. "Why don't you wait for Ranma-kun to return. There's the living room and I'll get you a futon for tonight." "Thank you Kasumi-san." <><><> Jessie shivered in the cool air of the mountain. It was dark. But then again, all caves were. On the other hand Happosai was smiling. This was the cave his foolish students had sealed him in. That, he thought, was their worst mistake. When he was sealed by his students in this cave, he once thought that he was defeated. That was until he found it. Now it is time for Ranma to really pay! The front was lit by a torch, held by the shriveled master of the Anything Goes Indiscriminate Grappling Martial Arts School, and former Pokemon Grandmaster. He was discredited when Cologne, shortly after she had divorced him, discovered his illegal ties to Team Rocket. But soon, with one swift stroke they will all be groveling at his feet. "So where's this Ultimate Pokemon?" Jessie grumbled, pulling the warm brown cloak over her shoulders. "Just up ahead. Just remember, when we encounter him, leave the Pokemon to me. Only I can control him." Soon, they came up on a large stone with a glowing pentagram, inscribed on the rock. Several stones were imbedded in the wall where he stood on a rock to press them. "Fire, water, plant, psychic, poison, dragon, bug, electric. Activate." He finally pressed the golden gemstone in the middle of the wall. With a green glow, the pentagram winked out and the rock slid back. "So where is it? I don't see anything," Jessie moaned. "It has to be given its power," he answered. With that, he pulled out an ancient scroll, and started chanting in an incomprehensible language. Soon the darkness that was behind the rock turned blood red, as crimson energy flowed into the darkness. Soon Happosai stopped chanting. The red light faded and the darkness returned. "It's done. It shall awake now." "It has to be some Pokemon to require some chanting." "It's some Pokemon all right. It is the only demonic Pokemon in existence!" Meowth gulped. "Demonic Pokemon? You don't mean..." It was dangerously dark behind the rock. Nothing. The black inkiness was so dark, the torch's light was sucked up. Then, two blood red eyes opened up. Jessie and Meowth screamed in terror. Happosai smiled. A low hiss echoed in the cavern. "MissssssssinnngNooooooooooo..." Happosai's grin turned purely evil. "Master Demon Pokemon, born of the off cast souls of dead Pokemon and the crimson powers of the Dark Lords, arise from your slumber!" The demonic eyes seemed to nod once before flowing its black mist like body into a Pokeball where it was sealed, two blood red rubies blinked with a sinister red light. <> Happosai cackled as the Demonic Influence was wrought over himself. Jessie could feel a burning sensation in her veins as she gasped and doubled over. Then, her arms burst into dark flames as she stood up, her head throbbing in pain. "Ooowww...." She looked at the flaming foxfire in her hands as she gasped. "What... is happening to me? As the laughing echoed into the night, Meowth escaped with Jessie's Pokemon. He heard the rumors of the Demonic Pokemon Missingno, and he didn't want to become a rotting corpse. Lightning crackled ominously. Meowth looked up, a scared look on his feline face. "No good of this will come in the long run." <><><> "It's time again." "Yes. Looks like I visit them again." "Going to show that Ranma boy something about his family?" "Not yet. First, I'm going to give them a glimpse of the future." <><><> "Oh man, again?" Ash moaned. "I'm seriously considering asking Cologne about these dreams," Ranma added. Then he got a good look at Ash. "Ash is that you?" "What do you mean it's me? Of course I'm..." Then Ash stopped, as he got a good look at Ranma. More specifically, the armor that Ranma was wearing. "Ranma... what's going on..." Ash never finished his question as he dodged a flying white sheet with the same martial art skill that Ranma seems to have. Ranma did the same, as more white sheets flew by. Soon both got a good look at the targets of those sheets, and their eyes widened. The sheets clamped onto several people, their screams wrenching the air as they were struck down. A flash of red, a lock of purple hair, and the sinister laughter of a demented clown. Then, time seemed to freeze as the familiar voice boomed over the landscape. "This is your future..." "HEY OLD MAN!" Ranma bellowed to the skies. "Show yourself!" "I would but I don't wanna," came the reply. "You have to see this for yourself!" "Like HELL!" Ash shouted. Then, when the voice didn't reply, Ash launched into a string of curses Ranma didn't even know Ash knew, though he wasn't far behind, spanning at least five languages. "ASH!" Ash looked up in horror as a girl was engulfed in a sheet. "RANMA!" Ranma looked up as another girl was engulfed in a sheet. Then, all went white. <><><> "MISTY!" "JENNETE!" Both Ash and Ranma woke up in cold sweat, heart beating like there was no tomorrow. "Man, what the hell?" Ranma began. "I'm seriously thinking that I'm not sane anymore," Ash added. The two looked at each other, and sighed. What with these dreams? Then, the whole Tendo dojo entered, all in various states. Genma was grunting, Tendo was crying, Nabiki was tapping on a calculator, Akane looked pissed off and Kasumi was just blinking. James, Misty and Brock were still sleeping for some odd reason. "What's going on Ranma?" Soun demanded, grabbing Ranma by the front of his undershirt. "Who's this girl who's name you shouted out!" "What?" Ranma asked as Akane punched him. "That's for being a baka hentai!" She stomped out, muttering about Ranma being a playboy. Ash groaned. "I'm going back to bed." He turned over and started to snore as Ranma wrenched away from Soun's grip. Sighing Ranma left the room, intent on getting a short warm up, since the sun was starting to peek over the skies of Nerima. Upon reaching the living room, Ryoga sat there, waiting for him. "Ryoga? When did you get here?" "A few minutes ago. Do you even know how hard it is to find the bathroom? Ryoga asked. Ranma opened his mouth to snap off a witty one liner but Ryoga held up a hand. "Quiet, Bulbasaur's sleeping." "A Pokemon?" Ranma hazarded. "Yeah. Got it from this Professor Oak guy, who is now staying over at 'bassans place." "The old hag?" Ranma asked. "What does he have in common with the bat?" Ryoga whapped his semi archrival/friend over the head. "Don't call bassan a old hag! She's one of the oldest Pokemon Grand Masters of the League! She and Professor Oak go way back." "No kidding eh? First my mother, now her?" "Your mother?" "I just found out my mother was a league champion. Not only that, the kid Ash, he's her nephew, making him my cousin." "That kid's your cousin?" Ranma nodded. "Yeah, weird isn't it? Hmmm.. Wonder if mom got a Pokemon for me I can have?" "Ranma," Ryoga frowned, "Only with hard work and care can someone be worthy enough to raise a Pokemon properly. Now I'm not saying that you're not worthy enough but as of now you just don't know how to handle Pokemon!" "And you're any better?" Ranma shot back. "Yes I AM." Ryoga jiggled a pouch with two Pokeballs. I have a Mankey and Pidgeot in these. I've been taking care of them for a only a few days and I love these guys like their my family. Ranma, a Pokemon is a special thing not to be taken lightly. If you don't train it, it will not listen, obey, or even respect you. For that, I think that you're not good enough for one, not yet anyway." In those moments of speech, Ranma saw a sparkle of intelligence that he had never expected from Ryoga. A type of seriousness that someone of his caliber could not fathom in many years of rationality or reason. "Ryoga..." he whispered inaudibly. His face then turned serious and he nodded, "I understand." "Good that we agree. Say, did you let your father out of the ball yet?" A panda shuffled beside the pair and whapped his son on the head with a magical wooden sign. <> it read. "That answer your question?" he deadpanned. <><><> Normally, on quiet days like this, the inhabitants of the Tendo Dojo would forsee a calm, quiet day like this as a prelude to disaster. Heaven knows that a day like this would eventually explode into a melee of destruction, insanity, martial arts mayhem or a mix of all three. Ranma Saotome knew this well, and was constantly looking over his shoulder for the newest challenger, a magical prince, or even Happosai on a day like today. Paranoia isn't a bad thing when they're really out to get you. Ash Ketchum on the other hand, dealt with this kind of lunacy, but on a regular, almost blasé basis. You see, Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu all dealt with the same three losers from Team Rocket since the first day Ash, Misty and Pikachu encountered Team Rocket in Viridian City's Pokemon Center. Since then, it was the same old thing every day; Get up, eat, travel, fall into a pit/rescue Pikachu from the clutches of Team Rocket, travel, meet a new friend, help said friend, challenge a gym, pit/Pikachu again, and finally, go to sleep after sending Team Rocket hurling into the stratosphere. As such, Ash Ketchum and company were more than equipped to deal with the life of an average Nerimian. Almost. But today, it was about...normal. Almost. The day started off like any other, Ranma dunking Genma into the Koi pond, the pair fighting over breakfast, the morning mallet and trans-air flight, and finally, Misty arguing with Shampoo as soon as she appeared. Truth to be told, Cologne had strictly forbidden Shampoo to take any action against the Water Trainer. Something about the Professor staying with them. Ryoga was, this time for once, not lost, finding it easier to locate his home. In fact, due to the theory of Murphy's Law, he found his parents there as well, chatting with Akari Unyru who had found his home with her sumo pig. The rest of the morning was about normal, and Ash, predictably, got bored. Hands up who knows this won't last. "Anyone want to battle?" he asked the sky around him. Brock shook his head. "Naw. It's too good a day to do that." "Pika!" Pikachu was in his little red and white inner-tube, floating in the Koi pond, Horsea and Psyduck relaxing along with him. Several of Ash's Pokemon were playing tag or sleeping, Brock was brushing Vulpix, and all of Misty's water Pokemon were playing with the hose, occasionally hosing down the Panda who grumbled and sent a paw at them lazily. Pikachu lowered his shades and sipped at his iced tea happily while chatting with the other Pokemon. Pikachu commented about Genma and the Pokemon laughed. Genma turned about and growfed at them derisively. Brock laid back in the sun, having taken off his shirt from the warm heat. "Man, there's absolutely nothing to do! I almost wish something would happen." "I agree." Ash wiped his forehead of sweat and took his jacket off. "I guess when we're on the road, we don't notice it much." "Toge, togepriii!" Togepi agreed with Ash. <><><> Kuno was storming towards the gates of the Tendo Domicile, intent on his vanquishing the vile sorcerer. This time, nothing would stop him. He stormed into the gates, reveling in his god sent power like his namesake, when he was hit full blast with a Water Gun. The inside of the Tendos had degraded into a water fight, carefully leaving the Rock and Fire type Pokemon out of it. Ash lobbed a water balloon at Misty who shrieked and turned the hose on him. "AUGH!" Ranma-chan spluttered in her swimsuit. "C'mon you! Let's rumble!" She turned her Super Soaker 1-3-5 on the Trainers, only to get nailed by a light pressure Water Gun from Squirtle. "Ha! Takes more than that to get the great Ranma Saotome! Charge!" Kuno scratched his head. "What is all this?" "Oh, hey there Kuno-chan," Nabiki said, juggling a water balloon within her hands. "Nabiki Tendo, what is all this?" Nabiki ducked a spray from Staryu before grinning. "This? It'll cost you 10,000 yen Kuno-chan." Kuno growled but forked out the money. Nabiki stowed the cash away in a purse and then suddenly, drenched Kuno with the water balloon. "It's a water fight Kuno-chan." Kuno scowled. Ranma-chan then looked over and groaned. "Oi. Kuno's here." "PIGTAILED GIRL! I HAVE COME TO FREE YOU!" Somehow, within the initial encounter with Kuno, others started to show up. Ryoga appeared and got promptly splashed by a errant water gun. He went on a biting spree, chomping Kuno's arms. Kuno yelled angrily and wrenched him off, earning the taste of Akane's mallet. (where in the world does she keep that thing in a skin tight black swimsuit?) Kuno leapt up and grabbed Ranma in a hug. The girl screeched as she tried to remove him from herself. Akane grabbed the back of Kuno's robe and pulled, accidentally ripping the robe off with brute strength, leaving Kuno in his boxers, which co- incidentally, had little hearts on them. The malleting and squealing brought in the appearance of the Sumo Pig and Akari. The pair started to try and rescue P-chan, drawing in the appearance of Shampoo. Shampoo was on a delivery run when she saw Girl type Ranma fighting off Kuno in a skimpy black swimsuit. Thinking her darling aerin went nuts or the kitchen destroyer had used some mind controlling substance, she leapt off her bike shouting, "Shampoo save Aerin from pervert girl!" Ranma sweatdropped as she pried herself loose from Kuno's amorous grasp, ducking behind Ash. This she did NOT need. Ash made an errk sound as Shampoo barreled into her, her breasts sticking into his face. He hastened his pace when Mousse arrived, hoping not to look like he was seducing Shampoo. Misty started to peel the Amazon off while Ukyou appeared. Taking in the rather weird sight, and the lack of clothing on many of them, Ukyou came to the conclusion that the others were trying to rape Ranma. She leapt into the fray, shouting, "I'll save you Ranchan!" Tsubasa then leapt into the fray, attacking anyone close to Ukyou. Kodachi appeared in a hurricane of black rose petals and snagged P-chan while aiming for Ranma. Akane cried out in rage. Asuza appeared on the scene, sweeping Pikachu into a hug. "ROGESPIERRE!" Kuno charged at Ranma-chan, shouting "Pigtailed girl!" Ranma kicked him away as Kuno changed course for Misty. Ash wrestled with Asuza. "Give me back Pikachu!" Misty felt two hands encircle her breasts as Brock's eyes actually flew open. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKK! CHILD MOLESTER!" She screamed, halting the melee with the screech of a car. Kuno suddenly snatched his hands away. "NONONONONO!" He shouted, panicking. But unfortunately, everyone saw the sight of a guy only in his boxers grabbing a young girl's chest, and everyone came to the same conclusion as well. "Stick boy doing hentai things with small girl?" Shampoo gasped. "That not right!" "You perverted SOB!" Ukyou added, grabbing her spatula. "Brother dear, this is no way to act with a mere child of twelve!" Kodachi continued. "You're in for it now Kuno," Ryoga tried to say, but all he snorted out was a loud "BWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "You are even worse than Saotome!" declared Mousse, except he said that to Nabiki. "We're about to make a pancake out of you," Ash snarled, Pikachu powering up his electric sacs. "YOU PERVERT! I FEEL SO DIRTY!" Misty shouted, a vein bulging in her forehead. Immediately, a group of very LARGE teens appeared. While Misty was in the high school, she had earned quite a fan club. They were known as Misty's Stormtroopers, AKA the Wrestling Team. "YOU PERVERT!" The leader, a teen, who was incidentally seven feet tall with bulging muscles, loomed over Misty. "How dare you molest the pure young girl known as Misty! GENTLEMEN!" The entire Nerimaian crew plus Pokemon loomed over Kuno who sweatdropped. "Ah heh... help?" WHAM CRUNCH BAM KICK POUND WHACK BLAM FWOOSH POW CRACK SLAM WHAP "PIKACHU!" ZAAK! <><><> Seymour the Scientist checked his scanners. "Strange, Clefairy," he addressed his little Pokemon, "check the island scanners. Something is changing the weather with Psychic energy." "Clefairy!" it cooed and checked the scanners. After reading it for a second, it started to panic. "CLEFAIRY! CLE! FAIRY FAIRY!" "Clefairy? What's the matt...AHHH!" Seymour gasped as his alarms started to blare. Sensors were detecting unfamiliar energies of the scale. With that the scanners showed signs of a much more familiar energy, energy last detected around 20 years ago. "Clefairy, get the League on the horn. They will want to know about this." <><><> Happosai grinned maliciously as dark energies fed his power to an incredible high. No more he would need women's panties and bras to keep him energized, now, he was BACK! Evil Laugh # 345 occurred. Jessie's face split into a evil grin. "Master," she said in a sufficiently spooky voice, "Let Us Head To Giovanni's Secret Base. I Believe That My Boss Has A Pokemon Of Great Power That We Can Use." Her evil master nodded and in an instant, and a flash of null energy, they disappeared from the cave. <><><> "Really? That's interesting. Hmmm, you do know who his parents are, don't you? I see. Well, thanks." With that Samuel Oak hung up his cellular phone. "Well, Samuel? What did they say?" Cologne croned. "Well, nothing much I'm afraid. Most of the records pertaining to Ash are confidential, doctor/patient confidentiality and all. Even though I am doing on the behalf of one of the League's oldest Grandmaster, unless this pertains to the future of the League, I can't do much," Samuel answered, heading back to his chair. Cologne nodded as she picked up her tea. "So we're back at where we started." "Why Cologne, are you so intent on determining what Ash has?" Samuel asked, pouring himself another cup of tea. "Like I said before, Ash is giving of a strange and powerful aura, and his friends to a lesser extent. Not only that, son-in-law is connected to this," Cologne replied, staring far off into the distance. "Well, their mothers are sisters," the professor remarked. "But not by blood. One of them is adopted. Yet both exhibit, if unknown to them, strange yet powerful auras. Even since that Ash boy arrived, Ranma's aura has grown a little more chaotic." Cologne sighed. "It isn't much of a change, but still, I wonder if this is a sign of the future." "You can't be serious," Professor Oak said, putting his tea cup down. "When, you have lived as long as I have Samuel, I can't help but be serious." The professor only nodded. <><><> Meanwhile in the district of Juuban, a young Shinto priestess was also wondering about the future. The priestess stared into the flames, flickering before her. The fire beckoned to her, as if they tried to speak, telling a story from the endless boundaries of infinity. Suddenly, the flames blazed higher, and higher. Hotter and hotter the flames got. Her eyes snapped open as they became burning rings of flames. Torrents of visions assaulted her brain. She groaned, clutching her head. Scenes unfamiliar in familiar places raced through her mind. People fighting monsters, exploding spiritual energy, magic, demons, dragons, Lores. Then, in an instant, it was all over. The priestess gasped as she crawled to the door, opening the door to the living room. Standing up, bracing herself on the door, she made her way to the couch. "My god," she groaned, stumbling to the couch and draping herself over the soft material. "I have a bad feeling about this." Rei Hino, the Senshi of Mars, and the priestess in question, knew the others had to be contacted. Whatever she saw, somehow, the Sailor Senshi will be involved, even after 20 some years since Galaxia. <><><> "Well that was interesting," Ash said, wringing out his jacket that had gotten caught in the watery crossfire. All the Nerima Crew had left shortly after inflicting much punishment on the "Child Molester" Kuno. As far as they can tell, he's probably going to be in the hospital for cuts, bruises, and electrical burns. Misty nodded, still hosing herself off with her Pokemon's help. "I'll never be the same again," she complained. "You don't look too bad," Ash said. 'Okay, she's definitely cute.' He had to admit to himself, admiring the slender figure she sported under her bathing suit. "You're just saying that," she replied with a blush. "No, seriously!" Ash said. "You don't look so bad actually." "Aw, c'mon," Misty said, her blush growing even redder. "I'm getting embarrassed. You're just trying to cheer me up, aren't you, Ash Ketchum?" Ash went red. "Yeah, I suppose so." "Well, thanks." The Pokemon quit their streams of water as she grabbed a towel. "I'm going to bed. I've had enough excitement for one day." "Okay. Good night Misty. See you in the morning." "Good night Ash. Sweet Dreams." <><><> "Butch, Cassidy, what do you have to report?" The two black clothed members of Team Rocket stood in front of Giovanni. "We were able to confirm that Professor Oak has left the Archipelago, leaving his research facilities in Pallet Town unguarded," Butch began "Only his assistants are there. It is quite unguarded." Cassidy added. "Splendid. With Professor Oak away visiting that old hag grandmaster Khu Lon, all the Pokemon and research will be ours for the taking. An opportunity like this never comes so..." Giovanni started. BOOM! CRASH! BASH! "SWEETO!" "What the hell?" went both Butch and Cassidy. Giovanni quickly picked up the phone and called security. "Security, what's going down there?" "I don't know boss! One minute we were minding our own business, the next this shriveled up old man gets the jump on us. Not only is his Pokemon outfighting ours, he's glomping on every female Team Rocket member on his way," an Italian sounding voice answered. "Shriveled up old man? You don't mean..." Giovanni said, but not before a funny looking bomb flew through the window and landed on his desk. "BOSS! Get down!" Butch quickly tackled Giovanni as Cassidy tossed the bomb outside through another window. It exploded, sending debris and smoke inside. Soon a figure was seen in the smoke, a very small figure in fact. "So... you're not dead at all... Happosai..." Giovanni intoned. "Happosai? You don't mean..." Butch began. "The ex-grandmaster of the Pokemon League? The one banned from having Pokemon altogether?" Cassidy finished. "Heheheh... hello boys and girls... I'M BACK!" declared the diminutive martial artist. <><><> 'According to this map, the secret lab should be... AHA!" Jessie smiled to herself as she opened the secret entrance. With most of Team Rocket distracted by Happosai, getting past the higher levels of security was a cinch. Soon there will be another player in her revenge against the twerp and his aunt, even if she is a former Pokemon League Master. Soon she found herself in a vast laboratory, only sparsely filled with scientists. "Ahem." she said. making her presence known. "What the?" "I thought Giovanni promised..." "What are you doing here? "Who are you?" "SECURITY! WHERE'S SECURITY?! WHERE'S AAAUGGGH!" The scientist soon found himself convulsing in a seizure, with others soon following. "Now then... where is it?" Jessie advanced on the last remaining scientist that hadn't fallen victim to the seizures. "Wha.... wha... what do you want?" "You should know what I want. And oh, be careful in answering," Jessie intoned, holding a black katana, "otherwise, you will consider those down there the lucky ones." "You're after Giovanni's special Pokemon aren't you....." "You're a bright one, are you? NOW LEAD ME TO IT!" Jessie ordered. <><><> "So... you're alive. I was told you kicked the bucket years ago!" Giovanni exclaimed. "Ha! Those worthless students of mine thought I was dead, and I proved them wrong. No one messes with Happosai and gets away with it!" Then in a quick motion Happosai used his pipe to disable a Rocket member that tried to sneak up on him. "And yes, I still remember the backstabbing I received from this organization. It was several decades ago when I got help from your mother Giovanni, Lady Rocket. I was the inside leak to Team Rocket. For years I helped them as the head of the League itself. Then, then your mother betrayed me." Happosai clenched his hand angrily. "For decades I was without my power in the league, usurped by the elder Cologne. But now..... now, I'm back kiddies." He then smiled evilly. "How do you like my super Pokemon Gio? They have the power of the clones, more powerful than any other Pokemon in existence, and trained in the art of Anything Goes. Such power, it can even make them more powerful than your precious Mewtwo." "So that's it, you're after Mewtwo, aren't you?" Giovanni hit the call button but a fuse bomb destroyed the panel. "Naughty naughty Gio, I want you alive. For now." Happosai then laughed as he grasped onto Cassidy's chest. "SWEETO!" <><><> "This is it?" Jessie demanded, the scientist sweating under her glare. "This is Mewtwo, a clone from what we believe was a Mew fossil. Its power is beyond any other Pokemon." "A clone from a Mew fossil, eh?" Jessie smiled. The perfect Pokemon to combat Nadoka's Mew. *Shut up! I wish not to be reminded of my existence as a mere clone as Mew!* the Pokemon mentally shouted. "Oh... so, you're Mewtwo. Your reputation is quite understated," Jessie remarked, staring at the Pokemon, secured in special armor specifically created for it. *You are not him, what makes you think you have the right to talk to me?!* "Ahh... you're quite upset the fact you are only a copy, isn't that right?" *I'm quite upset alright! What do you care?* "What if I told you that you can prove to yourself that a copy is more superior than the original? What if I told you that I know where Mew is for you to prove yourself?" *Superior to the original? Interesting concept. And you know where Mew is?* "Let's just say I encountered Mew myself. But let's not talk here. Shall we continue our conversation in a more private place?" Jessie beckoned. *Indeed.* With that the two disappeared from the room. <><><> "Leaders report." "About 15% percent of our Pokemon forces have been wounded by Happosai's Pokemon. Not to mention the various member with injuries and such." "Mewtwo is also gone from its chambers, and the scientists in the room are still out of it." Giovanni frowned as the status reports were read to him. In one fell swoop a sizable portion of his forces were out of commission, his scientists suffering from a psychic attack of some sort, and his prized Mewtwo was gone. When they finally recover from this mess there will be hell to pay. <><><> "Nihao! Ranma!" "Yo Shampoo," was Ranma's reply as he waved from atop the fence. It was the next day, and the small group was going to school in their customary methods. Suddenly, a wave of water from Mrs. Wantabee, the old woman who was washing the street, nailed Shampoo in mid glomp. Ranma freaked out as Shampoo reflexively clamped onto his face. "CAAAAAAAT!" He started to run around the top of the fence as he kept on screaming. Shampoo just held tighter. "What's wrong this time?" Ash sighed. "Get that cat off of him!" Akane ordered, grabbing Ranma's arm and trying to peel Shampoo off with little success. Then.... "Meow." The Archipelago group blinked. "Meow? What's that supposed to mean?" James asked curiously. Ranma was on all fours, taking up a stance that resembled a good luck cat statue. "Meow," he proclaimed. "SAOTOME!" Kuno came racing up the street. "I claim the first attack of the school week!" SLASH! In an instant, Kuno was flying backwards, his robes ripped to shreds as Ranma licked his hand. The four made an erk sound as they leapt backwards in shock. "What just happened?" Misty asked. Ranma-neko turned to Pikachu, licked his lips and pounced. Pikachu yelped as he was pinned. "Pika pika!" he complained as Ranma-neko grabbed him by the tail, raising him to his mouth. "Bad Ranma! Sit! Stay! Heel!" Akane ordered. "PIKACHUUUUU!" ZAAK. Ranma stood there, letting Pikachu loose. Brock waved a hand in front of Ranma's stone stiff expression as he said, "Wow, what in the world was that?" "That was the Neko-ken," Samuel Oak said from a nearby vendors cart. "Professor Oak!" Ash exclaimed. "What are you doing out here?" "I was running some business for Cologne when I saw Ranma go into Cat mode. She told me about his Neko-ken. But I'm surprised on how powerful he can become just from prolonged exposure to cats." "So, the Neko-ken is basically a cat emulator," James said. "Yes." Oak took up the bag from the man and said, "He'll be alright. Pikachu's shock should have gotten him out of the feral state he was in." "Ugh..." Ranma suddenly moved. "What in the world happened?" "Neko-ken. And now we're late!" Akane grabbed Ranma's hand as she towed him and the others to the high school, leaving behind Kuno who was lying on the ground, unconscious. <><><> "Hey." Ash sat down beside Ranma as the pair looked out into the sunset atop the Tendo Dojo. "We seem to be winding up here every night, huh Ranma?" Ranma nodded. "I went cat again today." "It must be hard, not to be able to be around cats for very long," Ash said. "I couldn't imagine what my life would be like without cat Pokemon." Ranma nodded. "Every time I wake up, I remember a smiling face. The face is bright, clear, the hairstyle short and purple, but it's not Shampoo. It was... I dunno... so many years ago when I first learned the Neko- ken. I still remember that promise." "What promise?" Ash asked. Ranma sighed. "The promise to see her again. It was.... in Kyoto when I learned it. She found me when I went Neko for the first time. We played together, ate together, slept together. We were inseparable. I wonder what she's doing now." He leaned back on the roof and stared out into the stars. "I think I'm in love with her, that's why I keep shoving Akane away. And I think we made a promise to always love each other. I guess that's what keeps me going." Ash nodded. "It's hard keeping away from one you like I suppose. Have you told your pop about this?" "Naw, he'd say I'm becoming a sissy." Ranma snorted. "I wonder about him sometimes." Ash nodded, a smile on his face. "Well, I hope you find her again. Who knows? Maybe in this crazy mixed up universe of ours... there's still a place where we can find our dreams have come true." "Right on." The pair sat in silence as the day came to another close. <><><> The next day had passed without any complaint from the peanut gallery, and Kuno had amazingly, stopped his chasing after Misty. It seemed that since being called a Child Molester weighed heavily on his mind, and he stayed a good fifteen feet away from the younger girl at all times. Ranma's hands slammed into the dummy, sending up a shower of straw dust, his arms blurring into his speed technique he was so fond of. On the other side of the dojo, Ash practiced the simple forms of the Tendo Style of Musabetsu Kaikouto Ryu. He had steadily refused Ranma's training, simply because of the first lesson of the Saotome Musabetsu Kaikouto Ryu. As Genma had pointed out to him, the Saotome style was a MIDAIR style, and the first lesson was hitting the midair. Specifically, falling off a roof. Ash wanted to be in top shape for the League, but not so much that he could leap tall buildings in a single bound. Besides, he had enough pain when that stupid pig came around and started to bite on his rear. Ash had the severe urge to let Pikachu zap him. Painfully. Then again, that pig seemed none for worse after getting zapped. He started to regret getting on its bad side. Of course he would rather have his Pokemon battle Ryoga's, but as usual the lad is never to be found when you need him. As he went through the kata slowly, Misty came in, and he stumbled, falling to the ground in shock. Misty was dressed in a gi as well, and seemed none the worse for wear, save for a smear of dirt under her left eye. "Hi Ash!" Ash got up, blinking. Misty set down Togepi on the sidelines next to Pikachu who was sitting, watching Ash practice. "Hey, what's with the gi?" "Well if you must know, I'm learning a bit of Kenpo from Ranma," Misty said, smiling as she tied her hair back into its customary ponytail. "It's good training," Ranma added, his hands blurring between a large piece of wood that had several smooth shafts of wood sticking out at different intervals. "Martial arts is a good way to keep in shape and it gives a good discipline." "I suppose so," Ash said uncertainly. "Pikachu?" Pikachu added. "Hey Misty, since when did this start?" Ash then asked of the elder girl who was warming up with basic stretching. He noted to himself that the girl was very limber for her age. "Ever since that hentai Kuno grabbed me," she shot back. "I felt that I need some more muscle to beat up jerks like him! Now if you'll excuse me..." Ash watched her go and his resolve tightened. "If Misty can take it, so can I." He then stomped out of the Dojo and scrambled up to the top of the roof. "Here I go!" Seconds later, the sound of Ash hitting the ground painfully was heard. "That hurt..." he moaned, as his cousin rushed over to help him up. <><><> Brock sat down on his futon and started to page through the Pokecalendar. As his eyes alit on the page in front of him, he stopped and gasped. "ASH!" Ash and Misty charged into the room and he held up the calendar. "We're only a month and a half away from the Pokemon League! We have to get back to the Archipelago!" "But Ash can't enter it because he only has six badges!" Misty exclaimed. "And without two more, I can't enter the Pokemon League!" Ash finished. "Pikachu!" "Ash?" It was Professor Oak outside the door, "I just discovered that you might be late for the Pokemon League and I know something or someone that might help. Come outside." Ash, Misty and Brock followed the elderly man downstairs and there was Mrs. Saotome, and elder Cologne. Nadoka nodded and said, "We have heard about your plight and know about the new policy. You may battle against me for a Psyche badge." She held up a badge that was shaped like an infinity sign. "I am a League Master as well," Cologne said from atop her pole. She held up a badge that was shaped like a blue comet, with the tail extending to the right. "This is a Ki badge, the badge of my own gym back on Pokemon Island. We will fight for this one as well." "You a league master as well, Cologne? So that's why you knew about Pokemon," Ash said. "Are these legal?" Misty asked, looking at the shimmering badges. "Very." Nadoka replaced it on her kimono and strapped on a belt of six pokeballs. "They will gain you an audience with the Elite Four and the League." "Alright!" <><><> "We will have three Pokemon per battle. Best two out of three." "Alright, even though you may be my aunt, I won't go easy on you." "I may be your aunt, but that doesn't mean I help you get into the league easily. You will have to earn your way in." Ash tipped his hat and took a ready stance on the other side of the water pond, his hand reaching for a Pokeball that hung at his side. "That's fine with me," he said with a smirk. "You can make the first move." Nadoka nodded as she held up a hand, a Pokeball phasing into her hand. It reminded Ash of Sabrina and her psychic abilities. "Kadabra, GO!" The ball floated towards the middle of the battle field and it split open, revealing Kadabra. It was larger than Sabrina's Kadabra, standing about a foot taller than the other one with bright focused eyes staring out at Ash. Ash grit his teeth, remembering the trouble he had with psychic Pokemon in the past. And with no obvious psylink to take advantage of, he had to rely on his instinct and technique. "A Kadabra!" James exclaimed. "I remember that from Sabrina's gym!" "Bulbasaur seems to be the best choice for this battle, and I have Pikachu for my backup." Ash plucked the Pokeball from his belt as he expanded it. "Bulbasaur, I choose you!" "Bulbasaur!" The small plant dino appeared. "Let the battle begin!" Brock ordered, raising his hand. (BGM : Battle 1 : Final Fantasy IX) Nadoka calmly ordered, "Kadabra, Psybeam." Kadabra held up it's spoon and focued. "Kadabra!" The beam of multicolored light burst from its eyes and arced towards Bulbasaur. "Bulbasaur, dodge it!" Bulbasaur leapt high into the air. "Now, vine whip!" Ash ordered. Twin shoots of vines shot out and impacted briefly where Kadabra had disappeared. Kadabra then reappeared above him as Nadoka ordered, "Kadabra, use Mega Punch!" Kadabra's attack dug deeply into the ground as Bulbasaur dodged away with a front flip. Ash grinned. "You're good auntie, but not good enough! Bulbasaur, tackle attack!" Bulbasaur raced forth and with a tremendous crunch, the Kadabra flew into the skies. "Now, finish it with Razor Leaf!" "BULBASAAAUR!" With a cry, Bulbasaur launched it's flurry of razor sharp leaves. The leaves impacted and Kadabra landed with a crash. "Kadabra is unable to battle, round one goes to Ash!" Brock declared. "Kadabra return!" The Pokemon was recalled with a thin beam of energy as Nadoka shrunk it down and pulled out another one. "Very good Ash. Now try this one. Pokeball GO!" The ball split open and a blue duck with sharp talons on its webbed appendages appeared. "Golduck!" it exclaimed. "Ahh! A Golduck!" Misty shouted Ash fished out his pokedex and flipped it open. "So, a water type as well. Well then, I got this covered. Bulbasaur, Vine whip!" The vines emerged from its back and shot out. The Duck blurred and suddenly, it appeared in front of Bulbasaur. "Golduck, Disable!" Bulbasaur suddenly stiffened and its vines dropped to the ground. Ash's mouth dropped open. "Wow, look at it go," Ranma commented. "5000 yen that Goldduck'll win this one," Nabiki said to Ranma who forked over a 5000 yen bill. "Golduck, Confusion. Follow up with Psychic." Golduck started to glow more and Bulbasaur started to float upwards into the air. "Incredible. Saotome, your wife is most formidable." The Panda grunted derisively. A wave of psychic energy lanced out and struck Bulbasaur. Ash gasped and ran to his Bulbasaur, catching it as it landed. "You okay?" he asked. "Bulbasaur." Ash smiled as he recalled him into his Pokeball. "I forgot that Golduck was a Psychic type as well. Now we're getting serious. Pikachu GO!" Pikachu jumped up from the sidelines and leapt high into the air with a "Pika!" "Pikachu, Thunder NOW!" "Pikaaaaaaaa PIKA PIII!" The lightning bolt lanced down from the heavens and struck the Golduck. It sizzled for a second before toppling over. "YESSS!" Ash shouted happily as Pikachu landed in front of him, his paws curled up in fists, electricity still crackling on its cheeks. "One more and I win a Psyche Badge!" "Battle two goes to Ash!" Brock exclaimed. "Golduck return." Nadoka stored the Pokeball in her kimono and smiled warmly. "We still have one more Pokemon to go." She pulled out a pokeball and expanded it. "I choose... Butterfree!" "Beee freee!" Butterfree came out. Nadoka just smiled at him. "Butterfree, stun spore." The bug pokemon started to flap its wings hard and spores started to spread from its wings. Ash thought hard for a second before saying, "Pikachu, Agility! Combine with Swift!" Pikachu launched itself towards Butterfree and avoided the cloud of power. Its body blurred into a star-shaped projectile as it slammed into the Butterfree. As it toppled over, Nadoka commanded it, "Butterfree, Psywave!" The psychic energy slammed into Pikachu like a brick wall. The tiny rodent pokemon toppled backwards and spun on its feet dizzily. "Pikachu!" Ash shouted in concern. "Are you okay?" Pikachu shook its head. "Pika pika!" Ash smiled. "Okay, lets finish it! Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" "PikaaaaaaaaaaCHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" The power erupted from the Pikachu for a second before the Butterfree collapsed. A round of clapping and applause erupted on the sidelines and even the Dojo crew applauded. Nadoka walked over to him and put the infinity symbol on his palm. "Here is the Psyche Badge, nephew. May you wear it proudly." <><><> "One on one." Cologne fished out a Pokeball in her robe and expanded it in her shriveled old hand. "Go Hitmonchan!" "A Hitmonchan!" Ash grinned. "Then I choose..." Suddenly, his belt flared and out popped Charizard. It roared, spitting fire while snorting great black rings of smoke. "Charizard?" Ash, Misty and Brock echoed. Ranma, in his female form, stood up and stared. "What in the name of Kami-sama is THAT?!" "Ranko," Nadoka chided, "That is a Charizard. This will be an interesting battle." "Indeed," Cologne admitted. "Let us get this battle under way." "Alright! Charizard! Flamethrower..... aw geez." The large bipedal dragon was on its side, lying down like it was lazy. The group from the Archipelago sighed, knowing that it was hopeless. Cologne then cackled. "Your Charizard is poorly trained." "C'mon Charizard!" Ash protested, hauling on its tail. "You've gotta battle for me!" Charizard snorted. "Looks like I win this one sonny," Cologne then said. "Unless you wanna admit your Charizard couldn't take my Hitmonchan." Ash growled. "Charizard is my friend and one of the best in my team! He can't loose once he gets up to it!" "Hit! Hitmonchan? Hit hit hitmonchan. Hit." Charizard's eyes widened as he drank in the insult. It was one of the worst a Pokemon could taunt a loser Pokemon with. Growling, he got to his feet as he spat a long flaming tongue into the air. "I don't know what he said, but looks like Charizard is able to battle now," Misty said. Pikachu's hair was up on its end as he snarled. "Pikachu." "Seems like some kind of challenge they can't refuse," Brock said. "Let the battle begin!" (BGM : Battle 2 - Final Fantasy IX) Ash grinned and shouted, "Charizard, Flamethrower!" The huge dragonlike Pokemon reared back and spit out a long melting flame of fire at the Hitmonchan. "Hitmonchan, Fire Punch!" Cologne commanded. The Hitmonchan's hand flared and ignited with flame. Flame met flame and they clashed with tremendous force, spitting up a choking dust cloud. As Ash's eyes cleared, there was Charizard and Hitmonchan in armlock. He smirked. "Charizard! Seismic Toss!" Charizard grabbed his opponent's hands and flew up into the air, and in the middle of the sky, started to spin the Hitmonchan about in the air. Faster and faster it went before Charizard threw down Hitmonchan down into the ground. Suddenly, the Hitmonchan flipped around and landed with a tremendous crash. "Whoa! No one has EVER survived Charizard's Seismic Toss before!" Misty exclaimed. Charizard landed as it snorted flames. Ash frowned. "It's tough." "Hitmonchan. Amaguriken." "HIT!" The arms of the Hitmonchan blurred into the speed technique known as the Katchu Tenchin Amaguriken. Charizard was driven back by the force, managing to grasp one hand, then the other. "Alright! Charizard! Point blank Flamethrower!" Charizard let loose a torrent of flames right into the Hitmonchan. It yelped as it leapt into the pond and out again, the water heating from the flames. "Very good sonny. Let's see you try this again." "Gladly. Charizard, Flamethrower!" "Hitmonchan, Ice Punch." Ranma's eyes widened. "NO ASH!" Flame met pure ice as the attack suddenly exploded into a tornado. Hurling winds buffeted the group as Charizard roared, caught up in it's own attack. "Charizard!" Ash cried out, "fly away!" Charizard started to fly into the center of the twister that had engulfed him. The twister moved over the water's edge and water started to spiral around inside the twister. "Charizard's in trouble!" Akane exclaimed. Ash grimaced, then thought for a second. "Charizard, spin the other way!" Charizard started to rotate faster and faster until the winds knocked the tornado right back into Hitmonchan. Hitmonchan yelped as he was flung right into the wall where it hung there painfully. "Hit... mon... chan..." "This battle is over!" Brock announced. Charizard came out of its rotation and landed hard. Suddenly, the water that had gotten swept up with the tornado came raining down, drenching the residents of the Tendo Dojo with hot water. And in a split second, a panda and girl suddenly became a overweight and stupid man, and a egotistical boy as they got soaked in the rain of hot water. Nadoka blinked. And blinked again. She wasn't dreaming. "Ranma? Genma?" Genma went into his Crouch of the Wild Tiger (Patent Pending) and started to prostrate the Samurai woman and League Champ. "I'm SORRY! I'M SORRY!" Ranma took another approach. "I'd been meaning to tell you about this mom but oyiji..." he cast an angry glare at his father, "told me about that damned seppuku act." Nadoka burst into tears and grabbed her son in a great hug. "Oh Ranma! I never wanted to follow up on that decree! As far as I'm concerned, you're manly enough. Besides," she stepped back and looked him over, a smile on her face, "Ash told me a while ago. He was really concerned about you." "HUH?!" Ranma declared. Ash, on the other hand, was celebrating. "Charizard, return!" The Pokemon was recalled back and Cologne recalled her own. "That was impressive Ash. It's been awhile since a Trainer has put up a good fight. The last time when someone young has beaten me was when Nadoka here became the League Master at the age of 15. She had put up such a valiant effort worthy of the Amazons." "Wait a minute, you knew Ranma's mother?" Brock asked. "I was Cologne's protégé as I took her place as one of the Elite Four. Duties back in her village required her departure. We corresponded once in a while, considering mail service to the village was terrible," Nadoka explained. Genma blinked. "You knew this old ghoul ALL ALONG?! YOU KNEW EVERYTHING ALL ALONG?!" Cologne whapped Genma with her staff. "No she didn't! I didn't say anything about her son because of that damn fool sepekuu pact you made. As much as I wanted to tell her, my primary concern is ensuring that son-in-law returns to me!" Genma just cowered at her response. "Ranma will never return to you! HE'S GOING TO MARRY AKANE!!" Soun Tendo yelled, using his demon-head technique. "Speaking of which Genma, I may have let you out of that pact, but doesn't mean I'm happy with what you did to Ranma," Nadoka started, walking towards Genma. "No-chan, I..." "You cursed my son. You gave him a fear of cats. You engaged him to more to one girl, not even with my or his consent!" Nadoka shouted. "But Nadoka dear, I had to do it. In the end he's a better martial artist, isn't he?" "He may be dear, but not at the expense of his social skills. GENMA NO BAKA!" With that Nadoka chased after her husband, waving her family sword at him. Everyone else just sweatdropped. "That was weird." "Yeah. Um... Ash?" Ash suddenly tensed and thrust his arms up, producing the Ki Badge and the Psyche Badge between his fingers. "YEAH! I GOT A KI AND PSYCHE BADGE!" <><><> "The Pokemon League starts in a month and a half. I suggest that you get going Ash if you wish to get there when it starts. Good luck to all of you." A wide smile was on the wizened face of the Matriarch. As Ash shouldered his backpack, Pikachu jumping into it, a cleared throat got his attention. He turned about and saw Ranma there. "Oh, hi Ranma." "Ash, I am coming along with you." he said slowly. "My mom said that I should see the Archipelago. I hope you don't mind another person tagging along." "It'll be rough..." Ash started but Ranma cut him off. "I'm used to rough. Besides, mom says I need a break here from Nerima and the craziness of it. She's say I'll do much better without my father's influence over me all the time. Not to mention the fiancées." "You got that right." "Ash," this was another voice. James. "I want to apologize for trying to capture Pikachu. We've resolved our differences over the past few weeks and I'd just like to see if we can bury the hatchet." The Ex-Team Rocket member stuck out his hand. Ash looked it over before smiling and clasping it in his own. "Welcome aboard." James grinned. "I already pumped up the balloon. We'll be in Pallet Town within two days. Even with the addition of myself and Ranma, we can get there." <><><> "Dress warmly Ranchan," Ukyou said, tying a scarf about his neck. "Shampoo will miss you Aerin," Shampoo said. "Shampoo will also miss you Brock and James." Both men blushed brightly. "Saotome, come back. We need another rematch." This was from Mousse. "Have a safe trip Ranma-sama," Kodachi said, bowing low. "Ranma," Nadoka pulled a Pokeball from her pouch and tossed it to him. "Here. It's a Machop. You'll need it where you're going." The balloon, loaded with Ash, Misty, Brock, James and Ranma, started to rise. Professor Oak rose up on a Pidgeot and soared off alongside the balloon. "Please return safely Ranma, so you can marry Akane. WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Soun bawled. "No... he's going to marry me, the cute fiancée!" "Aerin's is Shampoo's husband! Aerin already married!" "Look I was engaged first! He's my fiancée!" "OHOHOHOHOH! You peasants! Ranma-sama is mine!" Genma sweated as the girls soon degenerated into another free for all. "No-chan, you can't do this. He needs to be with Akane!" SWISH! "You have a problem dear?" "No dear." Nadoka replaced the katana back into the sheath, only to look up and the sky and say, "Be careful son..." <><><> "A couple more hours and we'll be back in the Archipelago Pikachu," Ash said to his best friend who sat perched on his shoulder. "Pikachu." Then, Ash grimaced, earning a concerned look from the others who were in the balloon. "Something wrong?" Ranma asked. "Naw, nothing. Just a little hunger pain." But Pikachu knew something was wrong even though Ash wasn't sharing his problem. And deep within the heart of Ash, a red power gleamed brightly. End Episode 2