What has happened before: Sora Kecthum wonders what is happening to her son, and longs for her love Tai. Jessie and Mewtwo are sent on a mission to retrieve a Disc that was lost in the South Pole. Happosai attacks the gang, but that brings a change in Pikachu, digivolving to Pikamon. It is then revealed that MissingNo is really Devimon, and the other villianous digimon from the past have returned. They intend to revive, Muu, the lord of Monsters, from the Black Disc. Sora Ketchum relates the events involving the Digital World twenty years ago, leaving out the fact that she was a Digidestined. Opening Theme: Pokemon 152 - ? 2000 Opening Theme So you wanna be a master of Pokemon? You got the skills to be number one? (A downward shot of a brown Pokemon Stadium floor and then it moved up into a three dimensional Pokeball. It then splits apart and the logo "Pokemon 2000" shoots out. Shots of several different Pokemon light up the screen) I gotta take, the ultimate step, got the courage to be bold, to face it out, and not forget the lessons that I hold (A shot of Misty, Brock, Ranma, James and Tracy watching Ash as he stands in a pillar of light. A shot of Ash and Pikachu facing off against Ritchie and Sparky.) I wanna go, where no one's been, far beyond the crowd (A shot of Ranma and Ash, leaping high into the air, doing a full three sixty rotation in the air, followed by Brock, Misty, Tracy and James. A shot of Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy zooming by in a motorbike.) Learn the way to take command Release the power within my hand (A downward shot of Ash, Misty, Brock, Tracy, James and Ranma releasing Pokeballs that seem to hover at chest height) We're all living, in a Pokemon World Pokemon (A sequence of shots of Staryu squirting a long stream of water, then Snorlax swiping downwards, and then Charizard swoops down and opens its mouth in a bellow.) I wanna be the greatest Master of them all Greatest Master (A shot of Ash and Pikachu on his shoulder looking up, and then a long downward pan of several people, Duplica, AJ, Hiker and several others with Ritchie at the bottom is shown.) We're all living, in a Pokemon World Pokemon (A shot of Ranma and Misty shaking their heads, and then the screen is filled with Marril, Venonat and Scyther.) So you want to beat all the rest and be better than all the rest? (Ash throwing a Pokeball, followed by James. A shot of Jessie in a dark sky, laughing while the lightning crashes around her.) So you wanna be a Master of Pokemon, do you got the skills to be number one? (A sequences of shots of Water type Pokemon using watergun, fire types using firespin and then a shot of Giovanni pointing into the screen, then a shot of Cassidy and Butch, arms crossed, and then a Sandshrew jumps into view.) We're all living, in a Pokemon World Pokemon! I wanna be the greatest Master of them ALL! (A spinning shot of Jigglypuff about to sing, then Bulbasaur jumps into the screen, followed by a Slowbro who starts to glow before Squirtle headbutts him away, and then is chased away by a Magneton, and then Pikachu leaps into the screen, and then unleashes a powerful Thunderbolt attack. The Thunderbolt rockets out from a shot of the earth, and then the logo Pokemon 152 - ? 2000 appears with two Pokeballs encircling it.) POKEMON! A Pokemon, Ranma 1/2 and Digimon Fan Fiction Developed for the new Millennium Pokemon 152 - ? 2000 written by Shaun Garin revised by WarChild based on an idea by Kahlil Noriega written with the authors permission Episode 10: The Crest of Courage A blue and white van pulled up to the Ketchum residence and a tall figure stepped out. Well muscled, wearing a white t and a pair of shorts, brown eyes peered out from his face as he knocked on the door. Soon, a Mr. Mime answered it and asked, "Mime?" "Hi, I'm looking for Sora, is she here?" "Mime! Mime mime mime Mr. Mime!" Mimie pulled out a map and pointed to Indigo Plateau. "Mr. Mime!" "Indigo Plateau? Cool, I'm there. Thanks Mr. Mime!" "MIME!" Getting into his car, he started the engine. As he pulled away, he looked at a picture that was on the front dash. It was of a group of kids who, back then, were ready to take on the world. The original Digidestined. Each one of the originals was holding newly restored Crests and Tags, all restored to them. Joe was holding his fingers up over Matt's head. TK and Kari had these big grins as Sora had both arms around their shoulders. Mimi and Izzy were making faces at the camera and Tai was putting bunny ears over their heads. The picture was taken at the end of summer vacation before they all had to go back to school. Tai smiled, as he pulled onto the road that lead up to Indigo Plateau. <><><> Koshiro Izumi sighed as he rubbed his eyes. As president of Koshiro Enterprises, he had a lot of things to do. But it sure was boring. Just then, the phone rang and he picked it up. "Hello?" "Izzy, it's Matt." Izzy sat up boltright. "Matt! Hi! Why'd you call?" "We're visiting Pokemon Island and since you're in Celadon City, TK and I are dropping by. Can you get us passes?" "No problem for a fellow Digidestined," Izzy commented and the pair shared a laugh. "So, any problems with TK or your parents?" "Naw, but TK's going through a phase. He wants to ask Kari to marry him." "No kidding? That's great! How's Tai doing?" "Tai's on his way to Pallet Town. You know him, always busy with his Soccer team for kids. Becoming a teacher was the best thing that happened to him." "I see. How're you doing?" A pause. "Mimi and I broke up. At least we parted as friends. She and Joe are coming next week for the reunion." "What about the other group?" Matt chuckled. "They're off busy with their lives to come to the Digi reunion. It's just us originals." "Okay, that's good. So, when are you dropping by?" The door swung open, revealing a grinning Matt and TK. "Right now." Matt was holding a cellular phone in his hands, grinning like a madman. TK was laughing as Izzy put down the phone. "I thought it sounded staticy," Izzy said, grinning. "How're you doing Matt?" "Same old, same old," he replied, shaking his hand. Then Izzy turned to TK and gaped. And looked up. And up. "Wow, you've grown TK. It's been what, three years when you were shorter than I was?" TK grinned and clapped a hand on Izzy's shoulder. "Some of us grow, and some stay weeds forever." The three shared a laugh. Izzy, in comparison to the others, was still the shortest, a man of five seven with hair wrestled into a style most common to the businessmen of Celedon City. Matt was taller than him by a couple of inches with defined muscles from working out. A Martial Arts instructor, he was a far cry from the overemotional teen that was left behind nearly fifteen years ago. TK was the shocker. Dressed in a leather jacket with his brown hair back in a style that was reminiscent of his brother in his teens, he wore jeans, sneakers and could do something to make the muscles in his arms bulge. Around his shoulder he wore a camera bag and hanging on his shirt was a pair of sunglasses. Izzy finally brought them over to the couches and fetched a trio of Pepsi's. As they drank, Izzy turned to TK and asked, "So, what's with the camera bag?" "I'm a Pokemon Watcher. After all our experience back in the Digital World, I decided to travel the world seeking out the newest Pokemon. I discoverd Eleckid, Pichu and Marril. A friend of mine, Tracy, discovered Snubble." "I'm a Martial Arts instructor," Matt said, indicating the sign of his dojo on the back of his jacket. "Yamato Kempo." "Mmm....what about Mimi and Joe?" TK took a big swig and said, "Mimi's a professional diver and Joe is a Writer for the Pokemon Times. He gave up Doctoring since he still faints at the sight of blood." Izzy grinned and finished his Pepsi. "Well, I've gotta close up my office. So, meet you two downstairs at the lobby when I'm done." No sooner than he had gotten the words out, then the glass window shattered inwards by an incredible wind. The three ducked as the glass passed over them. Izzy then peeked over the chair he was hiding behind and frowned. "What was that?" There was nothing to indicate the sudden explosion. TK looked up and said, "Maybe a freak coincidence?" "Too freaky," Matt agreed. Izzy then moved towards his desk and picked up the phone. "Hello, Janitorial? Yes, please come to my office, the windows broke. No, I don't know how it happened. Thank you." He hung up and said, "We'd better get out of here." "Right." the others chorused. <><><> "Upper block, downward strike, left punch, right kick, leap, kick, punch. Good." Ranma lowered his hand as Misty finished her kata before him. "You've really improved since I started teaching you Misty." "Thanks Ranma," she said. "You're a good teacher." "Pika pika!" "Togepriiii!" The two Pokemon cheered her on as Misty moved through the advanced kata's of the Anything Goes Martial Arts. As they watched, Ranma then summoned Hitmonchan from his Pokeball and sicced him on Misty. "Now keep your punches to a level she can stay with, okay Hitmonchan?" "Chan." "Right. Misty, I want you to spar with Hitmonchan. It will keep you on your toes." Just then, Brock stuck his head out the door. "Ranma! Phone!" Ranma excused himself and wrapped a towel around his neck. Then, taking the phone from the squinting teen, he inquired, "Ranma Saotome, how'd you get this number?" "Hello Ranma," his mother said from the other side. "How are things?" "Mom! When did you get word we were in Indigo Plateau?" "Your father called me," she replied. "I guess you heard that you're not Genma's son?" "Yeah I did Mom. So, what's going on there?" A smile could be seen through her vocal expressions. "Akane wants to know when you're coming back, same as Ukyou. Shampoo and Cologne are off on a training trip, Ryoga is lost..." "Ryoga's always lost Mom," he replied, "He joined up with us for a while but got lost again." "Okay then, that Kuno boy is ranting as usual, Nabiki is complaining that she's lost three weeks income, that sister of Kuno's is constantly harrasing Akane for the loss of her 'Ranma-sama'," the sarcasm could be heard through the phone and Ranma had to chuckle at this. "And Genma is hiding and Soun is wailing that you're never coming home. In short, everything's normal son. How are things there?" "Great! We met Ash's mom, Dad, Agatha, a Pokemon Watcher named Tracy and just last week Ash and Pikachu transformed into something!" "Oh my, they were not hurt, were they?" "Nope. I've been pawing through some old newspapers and came across something cool. Mom, you wern't adopted into Mrs. Kecthum's family yet so you don't know this as nothing but a story but apparently, Pikachu and Ash have become Digital. Digital Monsters!" "Oh my! I hope Sora's taking this well. And Ranma, I was adopted, not a real Takeonouchi. I saw the whole Digimon Incident with my own eyes." "Really?" Ranma knew that his mother was adopted, as Ash's mother told him. He didn't know she was a witness as well. 'So Takeonouchi was Mrs. Ketchum's madien name,' he thought to himself. "Yes son, I was captured as a child by Myotismon. But enough of that, how are things there? Did you capture any Pokemon?" "Naw, I've been Training Hitmonchan though. He can jump at least fifteen feet now!" "My how good for you? Oh, look at the time, I must be going son, Kasumi want's to learn how to cook my special shrimp soup." "Okay, bye mom." "Bye son." Dialtone. Ranma looked down on the phone in his hand and then hung it up on the hook. <><><> "Oganmon, you have been repowered and reeducated to become the powerful fighter you are today. What is your mission?" The green goblin Digimon with his perpetually open mouth said, "To serve you and destroy Ash Ketchum and the Digidestined." "Excellent. Now go. There is a meddlesome group of Digidestined in the vicinity of Celedon City." "As you command." <><><> Jennai snapped to attention at the alert. "Oh my, there's a disturbance in the worlds continuum. Power scales are out of control!" Within seconds, the room was filled with Digimon. Elecmon stepped forwards, flanked by several Poyomon. "What's the matter Jennai?" "There's a disturbance in the Real World. Oh my goodness, it Oganmon!" "Oganmon?" This came from a Pikamon who was dressed similar to a certain Digivolving Pikachu. "What's he doing there?" Palmon checked the meters. "I'm reading him and...oh my! MATT! TK! IZZY!" "Matt's in trouble!" Gabumon said. "I've got to help him!" "Me too!" Patamon agreed. "If TK is in trouble then I have to go to him." "We'll stay here," Agumon said, nudging Tentomon forwards. "Go too, Izzy needs you." The three Digimon entered a shimmering portal and disappeared. Then, the Pikamon stood up. "I'm going too. They need me." "They already have a Pikamon there. Pikachu digivolved." "My brother finally digivolved?" Pikamon was surprised. "Then they are in good hands. I will stay for now." He returned to his sitting position, legs crossed. <><><> "MATT! BEHIND YOU!" Matt dodged to the side, rolling over and over as the bone club slammed into the cement. Getting to his feet, he inquired, "Oganmon?" Oganmon turned to the three with a blank stare. Izzy backed up and shoved his hand into his pocket. "This isn't good. What's he doing back in the Real World?" As a droning puppet, Oganmon responded, "I am here to destroy the Digidestined. As determined by lord Devimon and his Brotherhood of Evil Digimon." "Brotherhood of Evil Digimon? You can't possibly mean?" "Brother Myotismon sends a message; Prepare Kari to die. She will be the first to go." Then, he attacked. <><><> A knock at the door brought Sora up from her seat on the couch. She peered through the door peephole and gasped. Then threw the door open. "Tai? Is that you?" He nodded. "Sora." A beat. "Come in, come in! Want something to drink?" Tai smiled, the tension cooling off visibly. "Sora, it's been a long time." "Too long," she replied, "you left on that Soccer World Tournament and never came back. So I just want to know, why'd you come back?" He sighed and said, "Kari told me. She had one of those psychic flashes that she had ever since that spirit took over her body in the Digital World." She nodded. "Go on." Just then, Pikamon came into the room, munching on a bowl of strawberries. "Oh, hey Tai." He looked at Pikamon and asked, "New Pokemon?" "Ash's Pikachu Digivolved Tai," she said. "And Ash doesn't have a Digivice!" Tai smirked. "Remember that that spirit told us? That the 'Vices are tools to help us become aware of our powers? He inherited both Love and Courage. That's probably what made Pikachu Digivolve." "Actually, I have something to tell you guys," he said. "I'm half Digimon." At this, the pair turned towards Pikamon who grinned and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm what you call, a hybrid. To test and follow Ash." "Test? Why test?" Sora asked. "What's he being tested for?" Pikamon sighed and sat down. "This world will be plagued by terrible events. Ash is one of the Chosen Ones, and will be with his friends." Sora recalled a legend based in the Book of Legends and started to recite it. "'And lo, when the seven conquers arise to bring forth the king of monsters, one shall stand with a band of seven matching forth the powers foretold within each time.'" Sora gasped. "Ash, Brock, Misty, Ranma, James, Ryoga, Tracy." Pikamon shook his head. "Ryoga is a wild card. It is said that he will prevent the disk from being unsealed at the time of destruction and that the Chosen Ones will defeat the king of monsters." "So there's two more. Ash, Misty, Brock, Ranma, Tracy and James. Who are the final pieces of the puzzle?" Tai asked. Pikamon shrugged. "It is unknown at this time. But he is deeply interwoven with Ash's fate, as with each one. In time, each one will discover their true powers." He stood and turned to leave. "That is all I can tell you now." "Wait!" Sora said. "What happened to Leomon? Is he still alright?" Pikamon smiled as he stopped at the doorway. "My brother is alright." Then, he was gone. <><><> CRASH! Another building fell as Izzy ducked the falling debrie. "This is insane!" he shouted. "What'll we do?" "If he's working for Devimon and Myotismon, then its trouble for all of us!" Matt shouted back. TK snarled as he dodged a Pummel Whack. "I think he's been brainwashed. He left as a friend, remember?" "True, but...huh?" In a heartbeat, everything turned white, and then rainbows descended from the sky. In a flash, three familiar forms unleashed their attacks. "BOOM BUBBLE!" "BLUE BLASTER!" "SUPER SHOCKER!" Oganmon stumbled back and roared in pain. "AAAAHHH!" In a split second, a multitude of Black Gears tried to push its way out of his Digiskin. "Tentomon!" Izzy shouted, "hit him again! Everyone! He's filled with Black Gears!" "You heard the man," TK shouted, "Lets get him!" The attacks continued until in a flash of light, the Black Gears escaped from Oganmon's body and shattered into nothing. The Virus Digimon collapsed to the ground bonelessly for a second, letting out a great sigh. Matt approached him and poked him. "He's alive." Meanwhile, Izzy and TK were having joyous reunions with their Digimon. TK laughed as Patamon landed atop his head. "Boy TK, you've really grown!" he said. "Did you miss me Izzy? Cause I missed you!" "Sure I did Tentomon," Izzy said, hugging the insect Digimon. "Matt?" Gabumon asked, tugging at Matt's sleeve. "Are you happy to see me too?" Matt turned, a wide grin on his face. "Of course Gabumon! I haven't seen you in years!" "It's been fifteen years Matt," he replied. "Of course it's been a long time." Then, Oganmon stirred and groaned as he sat upright. "What's going on here? Where am I? Am I in the Real World?" "Oh, you're awake!" Patamon said, flying towards him. "Yeah, I took a bad hit. But I'll be alright." His eyes then focused on Patamon staring him into the face and asked, "What're you doing here? I thought you're with Jennai!" "I was, until you showed up causing havok downtown." Oganmon stood up and scratched his neck. "Thanks for the help. Hey TK, you've really grown!" "Everyone keeps reminding me of that!" TK groaned. "It is such a surprise that I did?!" Oganmon sighed. "Oh well." Suddenly, a thought hit TK like a thunderbolt. "Wait a second....when you were under control...you said Myotismon vowed Vengeance against Kari....oh my god." "We've got to get there now!" Matt pulled out a cell phone and dialed a number. <><><> Tai's cellular phone rang. Picking it up, he flipped it open. "Hello? What? Are you sure? Oh man! I'm coming with Sora! Phone her and tell her to hang on!" Snapping the cellular phone shut, Tai stood up. "Kari's in trouble, Myotismon's back and is swearing revenge against Kari. We've got to get to Cerulean City Studios immediately!" "Oh no! Let's go Tai!" The pair raced out the door, jumping into the Van. It pulled away and then blazed down the road. Pikamon watched them go, a frown on his face. Then he turned into the house and shouted, "Everyone! Get down here! Ash! Your Aunt Kari's in trouble!" <><><> "And that's the news for today. Tune in tommorow, same time, same channel. This is Kari Ketchum, Channel Seven news." Suddenly, the roof exploded inwards. Screams of people were heard as a familiar vampire like Digimon lowered into the room, sneering as he blasted the cameras. Around the world, TV screens flickered to life, and many TV's changed channels to reveal Myotismon as he swept his cape backwards. "People of earth," he said grandiosely. "I am Myotismon of the Brotherhood of Evil Digimon. I came from the Digital World twenty-five years ago to conquer this world. Now, I come here for another reason." <><><> Nabiki spat out her lollypop in shock as she saw Myotismon cornering a woman who seemed to be at peace amidst the screaming in the room. The vampire sneered at the camera. "Now, witness the death, of the Eighth Digidestined!" The woman who he was cornering, sort of tilted her head and said, "I'd look up if I were you." "And why should I do that?" "Howling Blaster!" The vampire was knocked into the counter, breaking it in two. Then, some people were lowered into the room, holding onto several large monsters. "Time's up Myotismon!" Myotismon sneered and turned. At this time, the whole Tendo Household was watching TV. He then laughed low as he suddenly seized her around the neck. "Your leader isn't here. Tai, I know you're watching. This is your sister here. Do you want her to die so soon?" Within a second, a man burst into the room followed by a woman. "Let her go." "Why, Tai. And Sora. The circle is almost complete. Now... prepare yourself!" And with that, he threw Kari into the wall and lunged for Tai. End Chapter 10: To Be Continued (Don't Go away, the PokeRAP is next!) Poke Rap Attention all Pokemon trainers! Do you have what it takes to be the best? Today we'll do thirty Pokemon! It's the ultimate test! Gotta catch em all, gotta catch em all, gotta catch em all, gotta catch em all! ARTICUNO JYNX NIDORINA BEEDRILL HAUNTER SQUIRTLE CHANCEY PARASCECT EXEGGCUTE MUK DEWGONG PIDGEOTTO LAPRAS VULPIX RHYDON At least 150 or more to see, to be a Pokemon Master is my Destiny! CHARIZARD MACHAMP PINSIR KOFFING DUGTRIO GOLDBAT STARYU MAGIKARP NINETAILS EKANS OMASTAR SCYTHER TENTCOOL DRAGONAIRE MAGMAR Not bad, not bad. hey, don't get cocky, tommorow's the hardest part. We're going up to 150 Pokemon. There's no stopping us! Catch em catch em gotta catch em all, gotta catch em all, Pokemon, Catch em catch em gotta catch em all, gotta catch em catch em gotta catch em all, gotta catch em all, POKEMON!! Closing Credits and Theme: The Time Has Come I close my eyes And I can see The day we met (A scene of Ash picking up a Pokeball and Pikachu escaping from its inside. He picks up Pikachu and he zaps him.) Just one moment and I knew You're my best friend 'Do anything For you (A scene of Ash meeting Misty, Brock throwing a pokeball, and Ash looking upwards, the camera panning backwards, into the sky.) We've gone so far And done so much And I feel Like we've always been together (Scenes of Ash running along a beach, Misty, Brock and Pikachu trailing along in the setting sunlight. A still photo of Ranma sitting atop a cliff, that fades from brown and white tones to a full color picture, his pigtail swinging in the wind. A constellation draws itself out on the sky, Sagittarius the Archer. A shooting star arcs across the sky.) Right by my side Through thick and thin You're the part of my life I'll always remember (A shot of Pikachu waving to the sky, his eyes glistening with tears, Pidgeotto carrying Ryoga away. A shot of Ash's shadowed face, a stream of tears dripping from his eyes. Ranma gathering Akane in his arms, Ukyou wrapping a consolidating arm about Brock's shoulder. Ash sitting down in the grass, Misty leaning on his shoulder, his jacket wrapped about her shoulders.) The time has come, It's for the best I know it Who could have guessed that you and I... (Ash's face, haloed in a corona of light, Misty holding onto his fingertips. He smiles at her, as the light brightens to a blinding view and she collapses on the ground, sobbing.) Somehow, someday, We'd have to say goodbye Somehow today... ...we have to say goodbye. (Fade out.) (A Magic Tech Production, A Shaun Garin Story.) Next Time: Return of Mimi and Joe, and the uncovering of another latent power! Next Time, on Pokemon 152 - ? 2000! Revision Notes November 5, 2000(WarChild): Changed Nodoka's madien name from Ketchum to Takeonouchi. Of course, that isn't her original last name. Her real family name will pop up in the later series following Pokemon 2000. Also changed twenty years to twenty-five years, to fit the timeline we're using much better. Minor errors, as usual, were corrected.