What has happened before: Nerima is saved by the last minute arrival of Lillymon, Ranma, Richie, and James. Mimi rejoins the original Digidestined. Genma hands the forbidden techniques to Ranma, upon hearing of Happosai's involvement. Ash loses the match against Richie, as in the anime. The Evil Digimon meanwhile has captured Ken Ichijoji, the former Digimon Emperor. They reveal their use of the Dark Digivice, as to regain their Mega forms. Opening Theme: Pokemon 152 - ? 2000 Opening Theme So you wanna be a master of Pokemon? You got the skills to be number one? (A downward shot of a brown Pokemon Stadium floor and then it moved up into a three dimensional Pokeball. It then splits apart and the logo "Pokemon 2000" shoots out. Shots of several different Pokemon light up the screen) I gotta take, the ultimate step, got the courage to be bold, to face it out, and not forget the lessons that I hold (A shot of Misty, Brock, Ranma, James and Tracy watching Ash as he stands in a pillar of light. A shot of Ash and Pikachu facing off against Ritchie and Sparky.) I wanna go, where no one's been, far beyond the crowd (A shot of Ranma and Ash, leaping high into the air, doing a full three sixty rotation in the air, followed by Brock, Misty, Tracy and James. A shot of Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy zooming by in a motorbike.) Learn the way to take command Release the power within my hand (A downward shot of Ash, Misty, Brock, Tracy, James and Ranma releasing Pokeballs that seem to hover at chest height) We're all living, in a Pokemon World Pokemon (A sequence of shots of Staryu squirting a long stream of water, then Snorlax swiping downwards, and then Charizard swoops down and opens its mouth in a bellow.) I wanna be the greatest Master of them all Greatest Master (A shot of Ash and Pikachu on his shoulder looking up, and then a long downward pan of several people, Duplica, AJ, Hiker and several others with Ritchie at the bottom is shown.) We're all living, in a Pokemon World Pokemon (A shot of Ranma and Misty shaking their heads, and then the screen is filled with Marril, Venonat and Scyther.) So you want to beat all the rest and be better than all the rest? (Ash throwing a Pokeball, followed by James. A shot of Jessie in a dark sky, laughing while the lightning crashes around her.) So you wanna be a Master of Pokemon, do you got the skills to be number one? (A sequences of shots of Water type Pokemon using watergun, fire types using firespin and then a shot of Giovanni pointing into the screen, then a shot of Cassidy and Butch, arms crossed, and then a Sandshrew jumps into view.) We're all living, in a Pokemon World Pokemon! I wanna be the greatest Master of them ALL! (A spinning shot of Jigglypuff about to sing, then Bulbasaur jumps into the screen, followed by a Slowbro who starts to glow before Squirtle headbutts him away, and then is chased away by a Magneton, and then Pikachu leaps into the screen, and then unleashes a powerful Thunderbolt attack. The Thunderbolt rockets out from a shot of the earth, and then the logo Pokemon 152 - ? 2000 appears with two Pokeballs encircling it.) POKEMON! A Pokemon, Ranma 1/2 and Digimon Fan Fiction Developed for the new Millennium Pokemon 152 - ? 2000 written by Shaun Garin revised by WarChild based on an idea by Kahlil Noriega written with the authors permission Episode 14: The Crest of Light "James." James looked to the side to see Misty climbing up onto the roof where he sat, looking out onto the night sky of Indigo Plateau. "Misty." "Supper's ready," she said, boosting herself up over the roof top. James made no responce as she sat down beside him. "Thinking about Jessie?" "Mmm...." James nodded slowly. He looked down at the object in his hands. It was his Team Rocket Shirt with the large red R on the front. "This was our livelyhood Misty. This shirt and everything else with it." "But you were criminals," Misty pointed out. James barked out a short laugh. "Criminals? Oh no, we just bumbled up every single time. The Boss had less liking and much less respect for us than before. But yeah, I was thinking about Jessie." "How so?" James sighed. "It goes back really far. We flunked out of Pokemon Tech together, then we joined a Bike Gang, then we got recruited into Team Rocket together. But now, we're on opposite sides of the battle between good and evil. I just don't know how I'm going to get her back." "Don't give up," Misty said, patting him on the shoulder. "we'll get Jessie back. And then we'll kick those Evil Digimon back into the sewers where they crawled out of!" "Yeah. Thanks Misty." Misty smiled at him and leapt down the roofside. James stood, looked at the shirt in his hand and leapt down after her. <><><> "Ash, there's a festival for the last day of the Pokemon League. Wanna go and attend it?" "A festival?" Ash looked up from his breakfast and shrugged. "Why not?" "We'll need hakamas and kimonos," Tai pointed out. "Maybe Ranma could use a kimono," Misty teased as the teen flushed. "Give it a rest," Ranma grumped. "I think it'll be fun," Tracy said. "I'm game." "Why not, let's do it!" <><><> "Wow, it's really crowded," Brock said. "Keep close and watch your wallets." The group of people, consisting of Ash, Misty, Tracy, Brock, James, Ranma, Richie, Tai, Sora, Kari, Agumon, Biyomon and Gatomon. They were dressed in long robes and kimonos as the festival rocked around the place. "Step right up, step right up and win a prize! Catch the goldfish!" Crowed one vendor. "Oh, I've got to get me a goldfish!" Misty walked up and handed him a few coins. "Here you go missy," the vendor said. "Catch all the goldfish and win a great prize!" One of the prizes was a gigantic Gyrados which hung over the booth, it's mouth wide open. Misty bent over and slowly maneuvered her thin paper scoop and moved...the goldfish breaking through. "Aw no!" "Let me handle this Misty," Ranma said, grinning. "This is something I do best." With the speed of the Amaguriken, she scooped up all the fish into her bowl within seconds. The vendor's jaw dropped in complete shock. "That's really something Ranma!" Tracy exclaimed. "How'd you do it?" "It's a speed technique taught to me by a three hundred year old Chinese Amazon," Ranma replied. "Sir, I'd like that large Gyrados." The man, still in shock, nodded and gave Misty the huge Gyarados which Misty gave to Ranma. "Here, you carry it." "Me?" Ranma asked, perplexed. "Don't you know that girls have boys carrying their parcels during a fair?" It was true. Ash, Brock, Tracy and Richie were all carrying prizes won by Misty or Ranma who turned out to be expert gamers. James had gone off with Tai, Sora, Kari, Agumon, Biyomon and Gatomon in another direction, wisely avoided prize carrying by leaving. Ranma stumbled back and forth for a brief second before suddenly, toppling downwards, colliding with a body that yelped in shock. The pair went toppling down as the Gyrados fell over atop them. Ranma struggled for a second before a pair of violet eyes came into view, framed by violet hair and a yellow bow. She was dressed in a red and purple kimono that was stitched with flowers and a bellsprout. "I-I-I'm sorry," he said, getting up. "I'm alright. Thank you for your concern." "Are you alright Ranma?" Ash asked. Then, he noticed the girl and blinked. "Hey, aren't you Jenette Fisher?" "That's right. You're Ash, from Pallet? You look...older." Misty noticed the way Ranma was blushing and pulled him aside. "Excuse us for a second. Ash shrugged before saying, "So, about that Bellsprout of yours...." <><><> "I saw the way you looked at her Saotome," Misty teased. "You have the hots for that girl whom you don't even know!" "I do not!" Ranma was as red as Misty's hair. "I've...I've..." "You DO like her!" Ranma sat down heavily on a bale of hay, burying his hands in his face. "You're...you're right. I do like her." "So, it's something like love at first sight? What about Akane? Do you still care about her?" Sighing, the teen looked up into the skies. Fireworks were still going off up in the skies in shades of red and blue. "Akane....she was the first one to be nice to me. She wanted to be friends...but that's all she is to me. I sacrificed everything for her to keep our friendship intact. But it's always hard staying friends with our fathers continually hounding us about the Engagement. It's like my life is one big videogame and they're pushing the buttons." "And Jenette?" "I...I think I'm in love with her. Love at first sight. Something that I thought was impossible until I experinced it just now." Ranma looked up. "You don't think I'm an idiot, do you?" "I don't know. I think the Digipowers are affecting us in more ways than one. It's changing us." "You mean, changing me into something I'm not?" Ranma asked. Misty blinked. "No, actually, I think it's allowing us to finally grow up. A chance to become something we were never allowed to become. Go and talk to her. Go on." "Thanks Misty." <><><> "Jenette, care to walk?" Ranma offered his hand to her. Jenette looked at the offered hand and nodded slowly. "Sure." As she took his hand, an electric current snapped through her sences. His hand was warm and rough, a fighters hand. Her own was smooth like silk, and he interlaced his fingers within her own unconciously. "So...you're a martial artist?" Jenette asked Ranma. "Hmm? Oh yeah, Saotome Musabetsu Kaikotu Ryu. I'm probably the best in that school. We specialize in Midair combat." "My mother teaches all forms. She'd probably like to see you in action one of these days." Suddenly, a tub of water rained down on Ranma's head as a man shouted, "Sorry!" Jenette looked at Ranma and gasped. She was holding onto the hand of a red haired buxom girl. "Wha...what happened? Ranma? Is...is that..." "Hai." Ranma hung her head. "It's a curse." "Are you a guy or girl?" "I'm a guy!" Ranma replied with some force behind it. "Believe me I'm a guy!" "That must be awful for you. Why don't you go and cure yourself?" Ranma's head drooped a bit more. "I...I don't know if there even IS a cure. I always thought that the Spring of Drowned Man would cure me but...I don't have the money to return to Jusenkyo." "Jusenkyo. The Cursed Springs. Pools of Sorrow." Jenette cupped the shorter girls face and smiled. "For what it's worth, I don't think you're a freak. I think you're cute." Then, she kissed her. Ranma's eyes opened in shock as she responded to the kiss. It was electric, the pair framed by the exploding fireworks. Then, she responded with vigor. After they parted amidst stares, Ranma asked quietly, "Why'd you do it?" "Fate," was Jenette's cryptic answer. "Fate brought us together. Fate...cannot tear us apart." Then, they kissed once more. In responce, Ranma's heart started to shine with the Crest of Reliability. Then, Jenette's heart started to shine as well with a strange new Crest. Farther down, Ash stopped as he looked at his chest that was emitting a warm glow. "My heart!" His heart was glowing with the Crest of Courage. Misty looked down and found her own heart glowing with the Crest of Love. James found his own glowing with the Crest of Hope. Brock, Tracy and Richie found their own Crests, Friendship, Knowledge and Sincerity glowing brightly, standing proudly on their hearts. Ranma and Jenette parted and their Crests dimmed into their hearts. "That....that was...." Ranma looked up into her own eyes and said quietly, "Maybe I should change back." "For what it's worth, I think you're best as you are right now." Elsewhere, Kari looked up as she smiled a bit. "The Circle is now complete." "What do you mean Kari?" Sora asked. "She means that someone has found the Eighth Digidestined," Gatomon supplied helpfully. "We'd better get going before the Dark Ones make their move." <><><> "That light....any thoughts Myotismon." Myotismon frowned beneath his mask, eyes narrowing to slits. "Yes. The Eighth Child has been found. And with her, a new power level to combat us." Piedmon looked at his companion questioningly. "How do you know it is a female?" "I KNOW. It was a female before and the Light before us can only be generated by pure Light and Love." Myotismon turned from his position at the window and tossed his cape backwards, it rippling in an nonexistant wind. "We must act now. Before they get to full strength." "Agreed. Sound the Alert. We will strike at the end of the day." <><><> "The parade is a tradition of all the thirty most high ranking Pokemon Trainers," Bruno informed them. "Because of Ash's... unique status, he will have an honor guard. And no, I didn't arrange it myself, Charles Goodshow asked for this." "Wow, an honor guard," Brock said. "Won't that draw too much attention to Ash?" Misty asked of the massive Master. "It shouldn't. Charles Goodshow has requested that you Digitize and act as his honor guard. To show the people that you represent a higher power." "I guess so." Quickly, the group Digitized into their armor. Ranma turned to Jenette and asked, "Are you okay, staying here in the stands?" "Go on," she said, smiling. "Six guards with Ash at the end measures out." Ranma nodded and formed up. "Get ready, we're going in." <><><> "This is some event," Joe commented. "Wonder when Ash will come out?" "He should be coming out real soon," Tai said. "The door's opening!" Mimi cried, pointing to a large pair of double doors at the other end of the stadium. A loud fanfare was heard as the honor guard walked into the room, Ash and Pikachu at the head. Bruno, Agatha, Lance and Lorelei were at the back, flanking the rest of the honor guard. "Wow, they're really giving him the royal treatment," Kari noted. Matt looked at Izzy who was busy studying his Digivice. "You okay Izzy?" "I'm fine...but I can't help but wonder if something is going to happen this time." Ash stepped up to the podium where Charles Goodshow smiled and nodded to him. "I have heard a lot about you Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town. It is my pride and esteemed honor to offer you this Golden Award for outstanding service to the Pokemon Community." He held out a medallion that was shaped like a Dragonite. Suddenly, without warning, a Sword flew out of nowhere and knocked it to the ground. Then, a laughter so maniacal was heard that people cowered at the sound of it. People tried to exit the area but were blocked off by a forceshield that surrounded the stadium. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of All Ages! The Greatest Show of All Time Is About to Begin!" A column rose from the ground, revealing a clowinish figure, four swords strapped to his back. "Let me introduce the major players in this performance! Metalseadramon!" Without hesitation, the Digimon erupted from the earth. "Machinedramon!" Machinedramon came stomping into the stadium from a side door. "Puppetmon!" The Puppet Digimon appeared out of nowhere, hanging upside down. "Myostimon!" The Vampire Digimon appeared in a flurry of bats. "Devimon!" Devimon slowly rose from the ground, a smirk on his face. "Etemon!" Etemon came out, dressed in a costume similiar to what Elvis wore. "And myself, Piedmon!" Piedmon snickered. "Time to face your worst nightmares!" "Dream on!" Tai shouted, jumping into view. "Agumon!" "Gabumon!" "Right!" "Agumon Warp Digivolve to.....War Greymon!" "Gabumon Warp Digivolve to.....Metal Garurumon!" Ash turned to the others. "Kick it into high gear! Digiteam Action!" In an instant, their powers blasted into high gear as thier Crests glowed a brilliant gold color. Suddenly, without warning, Sora and Izzy's Digivices started to glow with newfound power. And someone else felt the pull of the Power. "I feel the power!" Biyomon and Tentomon cried out. "Tentomon Warp Digivolve to.....HerculesKabuterrimon!" "Biyomon Warp Digivolve to.....Pheonixmon!" Standing boldly, proudly in the middle of the arena amist the amazed people were two new Digimon, both ready for combat...and truely Mega Digimon. "What in the world?" Sora looked down on her Digivice. "What happened Izzy?" "I think all the Concentrated Digienergy created a aura effect, Warp Digivolving our Digimon! Prodigious!" Myotismon sneered and chuckled in a low voice. "You Digimon aren't the only ones who can pull that little trick off. Brotherhood, Dark Digivolve!" Three of them, Myotismon, Etemon and Devimon started to glow. "Myotismon Digivolve to...." Large hands shot out of the beam of light as a incredibly large figure appeared within the beam. "Venomyotismon!" "Etemon Digivolve to.... Metaletemon!" "Devimon Digivolve to.... Marinedevimon!" Ash turned to Pikachu. "Pikachu!" "Pika! Pikachu Digivolve to.... Pikamon!" Quickly, the Digidestined had paired off into teams of two with a Mega Digimon beside them. James raised his hands and shouted, "Psychic Storm!" A buffeting wind complete with sharp psychic blades shot forwards. "Bush basher!" Tracy thrust his hands forwards as a rolling spear of sharp branches shot towards Marinedevimon. Herculeskabuterrimon added his own attack to the two. "Mega Electro Shocker!" Meanwhile, Metaletemon and Machinedramon had singled out Ranma and Richie who had both brought their defeat by their own hands the previous time. "Time to slip up the fact Digidestined brat! Metal Punch!" Richie's head snapped around as he took the attack and he stumbled backwards. "Banana Slip!" The thrown banana caught him on the feet and he fell backwards, his sword scattering to the side. Metaletemon went for the kill but was caught by one of Phoenixmon's large talons. "Not just yet." Ranma found a very LARGE fist coming down on his head and he reached up, catching the crushing appendage. Machinedramon grinned evilly as he forced the teen down onto his knees. "Bow to me Digibrat," he snarled. "Shut up! Chi Cannon!" The blast of internal energies shot forth from his palms, scorching the metal Machinedramon was made of. He howled as he stumbled backwards, only to hear Ranma's cry of "Digi Storm!" A hail of punches each enough to crack prestressed concrete rained down on his metallic hide. "I have a bone to pick with you Ketchum," Venomyotismon said while firing his beams of energy at him. Ash dodged away and raised his staff. "Courage Force!" A giant ball of energy grew atop the staff as he flung it forwards. "Terra Force!" Declared War Greymon as he cupped his hands, the Dramon Destroyers gleaming with power. Then, he launched his own assault of power. Misty and Brock were currently fending off the advances of Puppetmon and Metalseadramon. Misty firing Ice Lances and Brock going hammer to hammer with Puppetmon's Puppet Pummel. Metal Garurumon hovered in the background, waiting for an open shot. Suddenly, Puppetmon pulled a dagger that gleamed with an ebony shine and threw it. Brock dodged it but Misty yelped in pain as the dagger cut a thin line of blood on her arm. In the midst of the fight, no one noticed Piedmon slip away as he carefully targeted Tai and Sora with his swords. In a few seconds, the wild cards would be taken out. "Heh, this is almost TOO easy." He was right. "FIRE CANNON!" A rod of flame slammed into the Evil Digimon, causing a momentary pause of complete shock in the fight as Piedmon fell back, screaming in pain. "Who DARES?!" he screamed in rage. The figure was female. Dressed in red armor with a cloak and hood on her head, she had the Crest of Light on her chest, a sword at her side that gleamed with flames. Slowly, she reached up and pushed back her hood to reveal long purple hair and feminine features. "The Eighth Child is here." "Jenette?" Ranma gasped in shock. She leapt, making a perfect three sixty rotation in the air before landing in the middle of the battle. Then, in a smooth move, threw several objects that were neatly caught by the Digidestined. The objects in question were smooth daggers, the blades Chrome Digizoid, the handles Mother of Pearl. Crests were imbedded into the hilts as they sparkled in the night light with inner power. The silence was suddenly broken by Puppetmon's remark of the whole situation. "We're screwed." In an instant, each one of them were engulfed in a bright light as a dramatic change was undertaken. Each one of them gained a trifold helmet that seemed to wind its way around their face, creating a t-slit for eyes and mouth, an elegant mouthplate on the front. Their shoulderguards became longer and they gained leg protection in forms of large guards. Long capes appeared on their backs that swirled in the light. Gemstones in their color appeared on their gauntlets and shin guards. And in the midst of the energy flow, Pikamon was uplifted. "Pikamon digivolve to...." His body grew and in a flash, became a barechested lion Digimon with a weapon at his side. "Leomon!" Metalseadramon turned to his companions and said, "I don't know about you guys, but I'm running." With that, he tunneled under the stadium and was out of sight within seconds. The other Evil Digimon, sensing the good intent of self-preservation that Metalseadramon had put forwards, retreated just as the light show ended. Ash opened his eyes and blinked. "Hey, where'd they go?" "They ran. And doesn't that take th' flaming cake," Ranma grumped. <><><> "We were there, and we choked. We had them in our grasp, and we CHOKED. We could have DESTROYED them and WE CHOKED!" Devimon pounded the table in anger as he sat down heavily in his throne. "WORMMON! GET IN HERE!" A small insect Digimon scuttled into the room, bowing and scraping. "Yes Lord Devimon?" "Take this," he said, throwing the Dark Digivice to the ground, "And place it in storage. It has served our purpose." "As you command Oh Lord Devimon." As the minion scurried out of the room, Myotismon cast a glance at him. "So we choked. It does not make any difference. Jessie and Mewtwo have contacted me. They are returning with the Black Disc as we speak." "At least someone is doing something useful around here," the Fallen Angel grumped. "And what are we? Chopped liver?" Puppetmon demanded. "You have to only ask." "Why you!" Within seconds, a full scale brawl was underway. <><><> "The Digimon Prophesy's have told of several sets of Digidestined Children who would bring peace and harmony to both our worlds. It seems that since the group is now complete, we can set about defeating the Brotherhood of Evil Digimon." Leomon crossed his legs and sat, contemplating. "But it means more fighting. And since we were attacked repeatedly here, we need a new base of operations," Tracy commented. "Hmmm....how about Pallet Town? I don't think that they can get there so easily." "It's an idea," Leomon admitted. "What I couldn't figure out is what they're after," Tai commented. "That's right," Izzy seconded. "If they're searching for something to beat us with, then they would have used it by now. I wonder what their real goal is." "Whatever it is, it can't be good for us," Matt said. "We'd better stay on guard," said Joe. "No telling what may happen after this event." "That's good old Reliable Joe for you." Gomamon said proudly. Kari hung up the phone. "Alright, thank you. I have an idea. Charles Goodshow want's to see this whole thing over and done with so he offered a place for us." "Great! Where?" Mimi asked. "On an island in the Orange Archepalgo. Velencia Island." "Oh, Velencia Island. Professor Ivy lives there, studying the local Pokemon." Samuel Oak smiled. "It should be educational." "How are we going to get there?" Ash asked. "We could fly there but none of us have flying Pokemon." Brock's brow knitted in thought. "Already thought of." Kari pulled out a set of tickets. "These are tickets for a Blimp Ride to Velencia Island. Professor Ivy has been notified of the current situation and is setting up a base for us." "It's not a cave is it?" Misty said, shuddering. "Why Misty? You afraid of Zubat as well as Bugs?" Ash was then floored by a mallet. "Very funny Ash!" she stormed. "I'll call my mom, tell her I'm going. May I use the phone?" "Sure Jenette," Kari said, handing her the phone. "The rest of us, as in the Elite Four will stay here. I'm afraid that we don't have much leverage in the Orange Archipelago since they have their own Pokemon League." Bruno clasped his son's shoulder. "But the sixteen of you can probably handle things by yourself." "Thanks Dad," Ranma said, wearing a grin as big as his fathers. "We leave tonight, so pack everything you can." Izzy stood. "I'll call for a few cabs to take us to the airport." "Good Idea! Mr. Mime, Brock, Ash, can you three get some of the Suitcases out from the storage area?" "Sure! Be glad to!" The whole house soon decended into Chaos. Much like the McCallisters going on Christmas Vacation. Only worse. Good thing no one got left behind or it would have been rather ugly. But soon, they all got to the airport where Kari checked them all in. She then turned to the others. "Orignals in the front, EXtreme in the back." "EXtreme?" Richie asked. "We have to call you something," Mimi replied. "And EXtreme is so fashionable these days!" "I give up," Ash sighed. Suddenly, without warning, Misty started to stagger. "Ash...I don't... feel so good...." Then, she collapsed bonelessly to the ground amidst shocked cries. "MISTY!" <><><> "Here is the disc," Jessie said, placing it within Devimon's hands. "And here is the volunteer." A Bakemon pushed Giovanni forwards who scowled at Jessie. She stuck her tongue out at him. Devimon smirked as he held out the Disc. "You wished for power. Power to rule the world. Now, it is time for you to gain that power." "Give it to me," he snapped. The disc was placed within Giovanni's hands and it flared with dark light. The black light consumed his body and soon, a low laugh was heard amidst glowing red eyes. "Lord Muu, what is your desire?" Devimon asked. "Revenge...." End Episode 14: To Be Continued (Don't go away, the PokeRAP is next!) Poke Rap Loosen those lips, there's a 150 Pokemon, how many can you name? SANDSLASH HITMONLEE PSYDUCK ARCANINE EEVEE EXEGGUTOR KABUTOPS ZAPDOS DRATINI GROWLITHE MR. MIME CUBONE GRAVELLER VOLTORB GLOOM We're almost home! Gotta catch 'em all, Gotta catch 'em all, Gotta catch 'em all, Gotta catch 'em all! Gotta catch 'em all POKEMON! CHARMELEON WARTORTLE MEWTWO TENTACRUEL AREODACTYL OMANYTE SLOWPOKE PIDGOT ARBOK That's all folks! Closing Credits and Theme: The Time Has Come I close my eyes And I can see The day we met (A scene of Ash picking up a Pokeball and Pikachu escaping from its inside. He picks up Pikachu and he zaps him.) Just one moment and I knew You're my best friend 'Do anything For you (A scene of Ash meeting Misty, Brock throwing a pokeball, and Ash looking upwards, the camera panning backwards, into the sky.) We've gone so far And done so much And I feel Like we've always been together (Scenes of Ash running along a beach, Misty, Brock and Pikachu trailing along in the setting sunlight. A still photo of Ranma sitting atop a cliff, that fades from brown and white tones to a full color picture, his pigtail swinging in the wind. A constellation draws itself out on the sky, Sagittarius the Archer. A shooting star arcs across the sky.) Right by my side Through thick and thin You're the part of my life I'll always remember (A shot of Pikachu waving to the sky, his eyes glistening with tears, Pidgeotto carrying Ryoga away. A shot of Ash's shadowed face, a stream of tears dripping from his eyes. Ranma gathering Akane in his arms, Ukyou wrapping a consolidating arm about Brock's shoulder. Ash sitting down in the grass, Misty leaning on his shoulder, his jacket wrapped about her shoulders.) The time has come, It's for the best I know it Who could have guessed that you and I... (Ash's face, haloed in a corona of light, Misty holding onto his fingertips. He smiles at her, as the light brightens to a blinding view and she collapses on the ground, sobbing.) Somehow, someday, We'd have to say goodbye Somehow today... ...we have to say goodbye. (Fade out.) (A Magic Tech Production. A Shaun Garin Story.) Next time on Pokemon 152 - ? 2000: A race against time to save Misty. To do so they'll take a trip back in time... will Misty be cured? Revision Notes November 5, 2000(WarChild):Fixed minor errors for RAAC posting.