Misty Voiceover : A lot of things happened the day before. Ash, Pikachu, Togepei and I arrived in Arms for our vacation, when we ran into Genki, Mikey and Duplica. We were all surprised when a falling meteorite turned out to be a transporter beam from another world! After Shampoo had given us our new Digivices, she died. But this time, we're not going to let anything happen to anyone else and we're gonna defeat Muu! I just hope we're up to the challenge. <><><> (Opening theme : Chrono Cross Scars Left By Time) We see a book that slowly flips open, then a page lands to settle on the pages below. Then, a voice starts to speak. A deep voice: When was the start of this? When did the cogs of fate begin to turn? Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now, For deep within the flow of time... But, for a certainty, back then We loved so many, and hated so much, We hurt others and were hurt ourselves... But even then, we ran like the wind Whilst our laughter echoed under Cerulean Skies. We see Ash, his hair being blown in the wind as he stands at the front of the Highwind deck. Then we see the Eight Dragon Gods floating in the skies. We see a beam of light lance out in the middle of the ocean, Muu's palace floating in the middle of it. We see Misty slash two monsters and cast a bolt of blue ice at another. We see the Digidestined from left to right. We see Tenchi and Kagato fighting one on one. We see the Lunar Senshi fighting monsters. We see Serge, Leena, Kid, Crono, Lucca, Marle. We see hordes of monsters. We see the Transformed Dragon Armors. We see Tai and the others. We see Ash standing atop a tall tower, looking outwards. We see a giant eye opening. We see the Masamune before it. We see the Digidestined Digitizing. We see the Digimon. We see the Pokemon. We see the Monsters. We see...FATE. We see Lavos. We see Muu. We see Two worlds spiraling as one, with a golden figure overlooking it. We see a strange golden object in the middle of the screen. We see Ken and Muu's face overlapping his own. We see darkness enshrouding the world. We see a shot of Misty on the beach, then she turns towards the screen, holding her hands out, the picture going into the depths of her blue eyes. We see shots of Ash, Misty, Brock, Ranma, Genki, Duplica, Mike and Leena turning around, flames in the background. We see the Highwind entering the light and Ash collapsing, the brilliant white light encircling the Highwind as the picture goes to the Pokemon Cross logo. Magic Tech Productions BKN Network 4Kids and Fox Corporation the creators of Tenchi Muyo and Ranma 1/2 and Squaresoft Incorperated Proudly Presents Pokemon Cross the direct sequel to the series Pokemon 152 - ? 2000 written by Shaun Garin co-written by WarChild <><><> Episode 2: Swords of Destiny <><><> "I've figured it out," Genki said, tapping the Computer on the side of the clear plastic. "I've checked the files on the computer and found that in the other world, there's many focal points that are disguised as stationary TV's." "Like in the Digital World," Misty said. "Mrs. Ketchum told me about it." "Exactly." Genki tapped a couple of buttons to show a holographic map of the other world. It was slightly different from the normal world, some landmasses slightly larger than others, some islands gone and Japan was MUCH larger on the map than normal. "This is "Another World", the reality counterpart that the other Shampoo is from. The world we're from is called "Home World" and here, we beat Muu." "So, where did the division happen?" Ash asked curiously. Genki scratched his head. "That's the problem. There's no record of the place where the division occoured. Perhaps there were no computer records of it." "But right now, all that matters is that we go and help those people who are suffering in Another World," Duplica said, clutching the Digivice in her hands. "That reminds me, I sent a scan of my Digivice to Izzy last night," Genki said. "He emailed me back this morning and he found a few things about it. For one, its a lot like a D3. Three fuctions, Digivolve, Detect and Debug. Each fuction should help us in our quest." "So how do we get there?" Mike asked. "It's not like we can get on the highway and walk there." "That's where TV's in this world come in. We travel through the TV's to link up to Another World. We'd better best prepare, this won't be an easy task." Ash stood from his place on the couch and turned on the TV. Then, he held out his D3 to the TV. "I'm not waiting any longer! I'm off!" As he was sucked into the TV screen, the others shrugged and joined him shortly. <><><> (Music Cue : Here We Go) A brilliant flash of light and they were streaking down a brightly lit portal of spinning energy. Bubbles flowed across the area as they weaved down an intricate portal of energy. Then, suddenly, it came to an end as their outlines seemed to meld with them and then they disappeared. <><><> "Wow, so this is the other world. Doesn't look any different," Mike said, adjusting his jeans and t-shirt. "Still, keep on your toes. If Muu's controlling this area, then we have to stay focused." Genki seemed to harden at the thought of Muu as he started to walk towards the plumes of smoke over the hill. The group walked in complete silence. As they reached the top of the hill, Ash gasped in horror. "Pallet Town." Pallet Town had a huge smoking crater within the middle of the once rural town. Signs of cleaning up were showing as people moved around, all soot stained and tired. Misty let go of an unconsciously held breath as she said, "It's....almost gone." "Just like you're going to be," came a voice, followed by several ominous clicks. Ash stiffened as the voice came again. "Turn around so we can see you Baddie Scum." It had a certain familiar tone to it as he turned. There were a LOT of people, all carrying guns. Most were dressed in camo fatigues and the leader had her hair piled under a woolen black cap, a mask covering her face. Her hard blue green eyes stared out as she cocked her semiautomatic rifle menacingly. "We're not Baddies!" Genki exclaimed, pushing his way to the front of the group, only to get a rifle barrel shoved in his chest. "SHUT UP! You have no idea how much pain you caused our kind Baddie!" "Fighting won't get us anywhere," Duplica reasoned. "The real enemy is Muu." The woman scowled and reached for her hood. Pulling it off, long red hair dropped into view. Misty gasped and stepped backwards a few steps. "You're...." The woman nodded, her face still in the hard scowl. A thin scar ran along the underside of one eye but the features were still the same. "So...you look like me." "So you're Another World's Misty, aren't you!" Genki exclaimed. Just then, the Another-Misty's eyes looked at the D3's at the side of their belts. "D3's. Then you must be...." A light dawned in her eyes. "The other world's Digidestined!" "That's us. I'm Ash, from Pallet Town. Digidestined of Courage." "Misty, from Cerulean City. Digidestined of Love." "Mike from Stone Town. Fourth Battling Eevee Brother." "Duplica, House of Imite. Imitation Master." "Genki, Arms City. Monster Battle Champion." "So you three are the new ones," she said. "I recognize Duplica and Mike and myself but Genki, I have not heard of." "Can you tell us what happened here?" Misty asked. "Please, it's very important." A-Misty turned and pressed a button. One of the Cliff Walls opened up, revealing a long passage. "Come this way. Pallet Base is just down this way." <><><> "Master. There has been reports of Digital Energy surges at the Pallet Town area. Shall I dispatch a group of Baddies to take care of the problem?" "Digital Energy you say," the shadowed figure said, rubbing his chin. "After all this time, Digidestined Children? The idea is intriguing. Dispatch General Jadeite and his Youma horde. They should be more than enough to defeat these children." "As you command." The figure in the shadows rubbed his chin. "After all this time. Davis. Did you come back from the dead to haunt me?" A faceless smile was worn behind the mask. A peal of insane laughter was heard amongst the room as a figure watched from the rooftops. He frowned as he vanished, his form blurring away. On the other side of the room, a figure, tall with dark red hair frowned as he slipped away. <><><> "Four years ago, Muu attacked without warning. Slaughtering people by the thousands. Having received his body once again, he could easily switch between his humanoid form and his monster Dragon form. Commanding his Big Bad Four, Jadeite, Kagato, Rizo and Wiseman, they wiped out whole human settlements in their quest to find the body of Muu." "After a year of this treatment, a group of explorers found the body of the Pheonix, frozen in the ice of the North Pole. But without the spirit of the Phoenix, it was just a lifeless shell." "That's the thing," Genki said. "I have most of the Phoenix's spirit but without Ranma, the holder of Reliability, then we can't form the Pheonix." "Who's the other one?" A-Misty asked. "That would be me," Ash said. "Courage is needed while Genki has the Energy to meld the three of us into a whole being." Just then, an insistent beeping was heard from the five Digidestined. Mike pulled off his D3 and looked at it. "Hey guys, there's something on my D3." "It's just to the northwest of here," Ash said. "Do you think it could be something like a Digiegg?" Misty asked. A-Misty shook her head. "I heard rumors of powerful artifacts to go with those new D3's. Professor Yolei over in the Celadon Base could explain it to you better. I'll get you guys a guide and escort so that you don't get lost on your way to the Shrine of Swords." "Shrine of Swords?" Duplica asked. "Indeed. The Shrine of Swords. Come with me. Your training begins." "Training? For what?" Genki asked. "For piloting your Giant Mechas." A cumulative sweatdrop hung over the group. "Our what?" Ash asked. A-Misty grinned a bit. "There has been a rash of Giant Monsters in the area and we need to deal with them in a similar fashion. This will be a temporary mecha until you gain your own. Come, there isn't much time." <><><> The six mechas zoomed across the land, their bodies sleek and painted in dark shades. Ash moved his hands forwards, gripping the control sticks as his feet rumbled underneath him. "Ash to Misty, you okay in your Mecha?" Misty's face popped up in a transparent view screen. "I'm alright. How're you and Pikachu handling this?" "We're doing okay, right Pikachu?" said Ash. "Right!" The row of Mecha's rolled to a stop in front of a large temple, the entrance in the bottom of it. "We've arrived," said the leader. "Stay together when we exit the mechas." <><><> "It's dark in here," Genki said. "Yeah, what's that up ahead?" The group moved forwards and soon, arrived in a large room with a beam of light shining down from the roof. "Here we are, the Shrine of Swords." The guide placed his torch in the middle of the room where a row of flames wreathed the area around it. In the middle of the cavern, there sat five swords, all jeweled and sporting ivory shafts. The first one had an orange hilt with Courage emblazoned in blue. The second one was more graceful, this one more saber like with a pink hilt, and two Love on it emblazoned in red. The third was all yellow, a single crest of Knowledge on the front of it in a deep purple. The fourth was dark blue with Reliability on the front in a gold color. And finally, the fifth was red with Sincerity in a gleaming silver. The swords glimmered, emitting a irresistible magnetic pull for the new Digidestined. One by one, they reached the swords and grasped the handles. Then, with a sharp tug, the blades came loose. "Wow, so these are DigiSwords," Mike said, admiring the sheer craftsmanship that went into creating the blade he held within his hands. "It's really well balanced." "Funny, I took a few years of Kendo from the Shidou Dojo when I lived in Tokyo quite some time ago," Duplica commented with a wry smile on her face. Suddenly, the caverns rumbled with wild abandon as a loud voice shouted from the outside. "DIGIDESTINED! COME OUT AND FACE ME!" Another blast rocked the cavern as the Digidestined struggled to stay upright. "It's Jadeite!" The guide shouted. "Everyone out of the cave!" Within moments, they had rushed out of the cave, only to witness the collapse on the helpess guide. Ash grit his teeth as he turned to the general who hung in the skies, a horde of youma beside him, waiting for his call. "What do you want?" he shouted. Jadeite sneered as he raised a hand with dark energy. "Why, the opportunity to destroy you all!" "Like CRASH!" Ash snapped as he pulled out his Digivice. Misty followed suit as she set Togepei down. "Pikachu!" "Togepei!" "DIGIVOLVE!" A beam of light lanced downwards from the heavens as the two were engulfed by a second beam from their Digivices. In the midst of the energy show, two shouts were heard. "Pikachu Digivolve to..... Pikamon! Pikamon Digivolve to..... Leomon!" "Togepei Digivolve to..... Veemon! Veemon Digivolve to.... ExVeemon!!" Mike pulled off a pokeball and threw it. "Eevee, I choose you!" "Eeee!" The little fox like Pokemon appeared as Mike held up his own Digivice. "Let's see if this works. Eevee, Digivolve!" "Eevee Digivolve to..... Gabumon! Gabumon Digivolve to.... Garurumon!" Duplica grinned as she threw out Ditto. "Ditto, Digivolve!" "Ditto Digivolve to.... Candlemon! Candlemon Digivolve to... Wizardmon!" Within seconds, the battle was joined. <><><> Sabrina, the Saffron Gym leader, mediated as she pondered over the events that have occurred a few short years ago. Ash Ketchum, the young boy who help renew her relationship with her parents, underwent some "changes", as she heard. The incidents that occurred during the Indigo Pokemon League Matches were beyond her worldview. And Ash Ketchum and his friends ended up in the middle of it. She didn't know what, but she knew it was the arrival of something big. But before she really got into deep thought, her psychic senses detected an intruder in the Gym. "Who's there?!" she demanded in a commanding tone, her two favorite Pokemon by her side. "Now there, it that anyway to treat your older sister?" a voice replied. Sabrina turned to the source of the voice. It was a young woman, wearing a sailor fuku, and an abbreviated skirt. She had black green hair, and wielded a staff that looked like a key. As soon she looked in to the woman's eyes, memories suppressed flowed into her powerful mind. Memories of an ancient alliance of planets, a consort of princesses, and a label. The Timekeeper's younger sister. "What makes you think I want anything to do with you, princess? After all you were mother's favorite!" Sabrina venomously declared. Haunter and Kabadra were confused. Princess? Sister? "I was chosen to represent our world at Serenity's court because of the gifts I was born with. Not even you can change that. Those who took the mantle of Sailor Pluto had to have an extraordinary knowledge of time/space theory, and the responsibilities it held. You were just a powerful psychic, with the abilities to tap and control minds, and to exert forces just by thinking. You didn't have what they need," Sailor Pluto explained, as if she had this conversation before. "So, what do you intend to do? Rub it in my face?!" the Gym Leader spat. "Look, I know we aren't on the same foot, but it is no concern now. Right now I need your help. And before you sic your Pokemon on me, here's a letter and a package for you from mother." With that a letter and a package materialized in front of Sabrina. "You know we wouldn't have this conversation if you didn't runaway and make yourself reborn in this time period. Mother was quite sad..." Sabrina didn't say a word. She was engrossed in her letter. How could she do this to herself? To leave her old home, to not even know what even happened to Pluto, or the Moon Kingdom. As soon she finished, she immediately opened the package. Inside in its majestic glory were brand new transformation pens. She stared in disbelief. "I guess you can't be anything but surprised, little sister? A few days later after you disappeared the council has decided that new senshi would be added. They would represent the moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and yes even Pluto. You would have been Sailor Charon, Sabrina," Sailor Pluto stated. Sabrina sunk to the ground, her body shuddering from the shock. All this time, she was something greater. If she had only knew about this sooner, then maybe, just maybe, she could have done something when she saw Ash's friends die at the hands of Muu. She reached in and pulled the pen with the P symbol on it. The pens were about four inches long, the top of the pens bearing a small purple orb with a star in the middle of it. The P symbol was in the middle of the star itself. "Sister," Pluto's voice broke in, her voice warm but firm. "You must take those pens and find their rightful owners. It is important." As usual, Pluto limited her knowledge on a need to know basis. As with the fact that SHE was mainly the only one to know. Sabrina shook herself from her shock as she rose to her feet. "How do I know who these pens belong to?" A glowing orb appeared before Pluto. Pulsing with warm blue light, it moved slowly to float before the psychic. The orb settled within Sabrina's cupped hands as she basked in its warmth. "This orb will guide you to the new Senshi. I must go now." As Pluto turned to leave, Sabrina called out, "Wait." Pluto stopped and stood, poised to leave. Sabrina looked at the pen she had taken out and said, "Just this once, okay?" Pluto nodded, a faint smile on her face. "As you wish." Gritting her nerves, Sabrina raised her staff above her head and spoke her words that would transform her into the senshi of Charon. "CHARON ARMOR MAKE UP!" It took less than two seconds for the transformation to configure itself around the body of the girl. She felt uplifted for a second before she felt herself settle down onto the ground. There were some minor differences between the normal senshi outfit and the Armor Senshi outfit. The basic look was there, bow on the front held by a broach, skirt and tiara, but that's where the similarities ended. Her gloves were actually armored bracers that stretched to the elbow. The top of her hands had purple, almost black gemstones imbedded in them. Her boots were also armored, providing more protection for her legs. Her middle was covered with a metallic like bodysuit that was actually in reality, flexmetal and her skirt had a metallic like material that made up the bow and the belt that held another broach with the P symbol on it. For all purposes and things, it looked like she could actually FIGHT and take a hit with this armor. Pluto's small secretive smile grew to a warm loving smile, one shared by the Senshi of Charon. "I must go now. But be warned, do not dawdle. For a terrible evil is coming to this world. One that may threaten everything we hold dear." Then, she vanished, as in her wont. <><><> Ash and Misty picked up their Pokemon, moving them to the side. Then, Ash stood, fire blazing in his eyes. "That was downright dirty," he snarled angrily. To the sides, Duplica and Mike gathered up their own Pokemon. Jadeite only chuckled as he raised a hand, the hand glowing with dark energy. "All's fair in war," he cocked his hand back as he sneered. "And this War is all ours now." Mike pushed himself up onto his knees, his hand going to his Digivice. "This is nothing but dead weight," he muttered, looking at the Digivice. "Don't throw it away," Genki said, getting to his knees after Jadeite's last salvo of magical missiles. "A Digivice is more powerful than you know." "That's right, we've got to stay strong," Duplica stood, her hand clutching the Digivice tightly. Jadeite chuckled once again as the other three Digidestined joined their friends, standing in front of them. "Well well, all in a little group. Well far be it from me to take this chance." He rose into the air and gathered a LOT of energy. "I think it's you who'll be wrong this time," Mike said. "We're Digidestined. You can't win." Then, suddenly, Shampoo's last words clicked in Ash's mind. 4327. A Code. A Code for the Digivices. He stood and looked at his Digivice. Ten numbers from 1 to 0. "4327." "Ash! This is no time to be rattling off your phone number!" Misty shouted. "No....Shampoo's last words. 4327! It's a Code to activate the Digivices!" "Glad you figured that out this early Ash," Genki griped as Jadeite prepared to fire. "It's time! Digiteam Maximize! 4327!" Following Ash's lead as usual, they punched in the code as a beam of light snapped down from the heavens. (Music Cue : Digimon : Digital Monsters Theme) Ash, the first to be uplifted, started to spin around as his body was stripped down to a wire frame. His frame started to resize. His body became larger, meaner. Sharp teeth came into view as the figure became a whole once again. Light shone from underneath his feet as he settled down. "I AM GREYMON!" Misty was next as she was uplifted and Digitized. Her body became a wire frame also as a birds screech was heard, water and fire spiralling around her. She expanded, wings sprouting where her arms used to be. Her feet became talons as she settled down, flames spraying everywhere. "I AM BIRDRAMON!" Genki became more robust as a horn grew from his forehead. Fur grew from his body as he glowed a brilliant blue light. Then, in a flash of ice crystals, he settled down once again. "I AM IKKAKUMON!" Mike's body grew in massive size as he grew fangs and long shell covered arms, four in all. His face all but disappeared as it was replaced by four sharp fanged jaws. "I AM KABUTERIMON!" Finally, Duplica was uplifted as well, doing the three sixty rotation. Her body became tubelike as boxing gloves afixed itself to her hands. Spines grew from her body as she slammed her fists together. "I AM TOGEMON!" (Music Cue : Run Around - Jason Gochin) Jadeite stopped in shock, the energy ball dissipating as with the light from their transformations. "What in the nine hells?" he said, utterly confused. They didn't waste any time as they fired their attacks. "NOVA BLAST!" "ELECTRO SHOCKER!" "HARPOON TORPEDO!" "HOW ABOUT SOME NEEDLE SPRAY!" "METEOR WING!" The attacks impacted rather nicely on the slack jawed Jadeite who made no effort to dodge. Bruised, battered and rather burnt to a well done tenderness, Jadeite stumbled out of the cloud of dust kicked up by the salvo of Digimon attacks. "Impressive," he said, coughing. "But I will return, count on it!" Then, he vanished. <><><> "Owwwwww....." "Stop being such a big baby Ash," A-Misty griped. "It stings," he said, sucking in a sharp breath. "You just had a battle with Jadeite. You'll be fine. But in any case, you got your swords. And you beat back Jadeite. I think that's a big thing to be proud of." "You know Ash, it's getting late," Misty spoke up from the other side of the room where she nursed a bandaged arm. "We'd better get back home. Time is probably synchronized between both worlds." "She's right," Genki said. "My parents are probably waiting for me back home. It's Suyaki night." "You're right. Thanks for your help Misty." "You're welcome," the woman said. "Have a good trip back home." <><><> "Digitized you say?" Muu said, leaning back in his throne. "This is rather unheard of. There are no more Digidestined in this world as far as I know. Kagato. do a complete search of the area of Pallet Town. If there ARE Digidestined there, then perhaps, we may be able to flush them out." "As you command Lord Muu," Kagato said. "My Lord, what should I do about those troublesome kids?" the blonde youma general asked. "Prepare for their next arrival. If history proves right, they will return. And this time, we'll be ready for them." Jadeite bowed and exited the room, leaving Muu in the middle of the darkened room, overlooking the earth from his palace in the sky. <><><> "Have you found anything?" the man asked. The robed figure in the shadows nodded, opening an eye. "Muu is mobilizing his forces. We must leave this place to avoid capture." "Your concern is refreshing Xellos," the man said. He straightened up as he pushed back his robe hood. He was a tall lean man with blonde hair. "We will leave, once all the materials are in place." "I agree," Xellos said, leaning on his staff. "No sense letting them know that you're alive Gennai." Gennai smirked. "I still have an ace in the hole Xellos." End Episode 2 <><><> (Ending Credits : Chrono Cross - Magical Dreamers : Wind, Stars and Waves) A shot of a person playing a guitar as the credits roll beside him, a trail of footprints running down the black background. (Shot of a beach, footprints in the sand. Ash and Misty walking down the path.) Directed by Shaun Garin and WarChild Writers : Shaun Garin and WarChild. (A shot of Genki and Mocchi playing. Duplica and Mike having tea.) Music Provided by : Squaresoft, Fox Kids and Kids WB (A shot of Misty, hair waving in the wind.) Concept created by : Shaun and WarChild (A close up of her face, a tear flying off into the distance.) Ranma 1/2 belongs to Rumiko Takahashi Tenchi Muyo! belongs to Masaki Kajishima (A shot of the night sky as Ash smiles up, a finger upraised. The five Lunar Senshi look up into the sky from atop a hill.) Pokemon belongs to WB. Digimon belongs to Fox. Monster Rancher belongs to BKN Network. (A slow shot of all eight Digidestined and Lunar Senshi, panning from left to right.) The author would like to thank Squaresoft for creating Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. (A shot of the Digidestined walking across the beach. A shot of Mike and Duplica sitting on a hilltop, facing out into the sunset.) (C) Shaun Garin and WarChild 2000-2001 (Everyone sticks their fingers out in a Vee pose) The player is revealed to be Ranma who's guitar playing slowly fades out. (Fade out.) (A Magic Tech Production. A Shaun Garin and WarChild Story.)