Voiceover by Sylphiel: During the night, the pickpocket led the boys to a mysterious monster named Odin, who had the intention of challanging Zangulus. Zangulus, by luck defeated Odin, and gained Odin's sword as a reward. Meanwhile, Naga and I were being chased around the forests nearby the town when we chanced upon a bandit group known as the Rocket Gang. Needless to say we defeated the gang and freed the various creatures under its control. And now there are nine of us, journeying together to find Lina Inverse. Oh... Lina-san... where are you? =========================================================================== Magictech Productions Presents... A Slayers and Sailor Moon(and some others) Crossover... Slayers REVOLUTION Another unlikely crossover from the minds of Shaun Garin and WarChild... And as usual, nothing here belongs to us. If they did, we'd be rich! =========================================================================== Episode 8: What? Enter Lady Wrath of the Overworld! =========================================================================== "So tell me... time keeper... where did you sent it? Where did you send the Glaive?" "And I keep telling you.... I don't know where it disappeared to. And if I did, would I even tell you?" "Liar." Slap! He watched at the interrogator slapped the prisoner for her refusal. The prisoner was a woman, around twenty years in physical age, but badly beaten. What was once a stylish sailor fuku was now ripped, bearing large welts, marks and other sorts of blemishes that would not leave after a nights rest. And yet she was refusing to talk. Surely she realizes that it would be much more easier to tell her interrogator where the Gliave is. It would make things much more... simpler.... "Sir... we have news for you." He turned to the one speaking to him, a young woman in a black and gold costume. "What is it?" "We have located the Glaive. It's now on the world where the destroyer of Dark Star lives." 'So.... it's been sent to another staff world, and that particular world of all,' he thought. "How many Card Warriors can we send there?" he inquired of the woman. "None at this time. It is doubtful that the Card Warriors can survive the trip yet. But if it pleases you sir, that I undertake this mission to retrieve the Glaive." "Go then. I will not hold it to you if you fail the first few times, for we do not know the extent of the Glaive holders powers." "I don't expect to fail. It seems it's in the hands of a white priestess with limited black magic capacity. The Glaive will be easy taking." "Then let's hope you are right, Lady Wrath, for our sake," =========================================================================== So after the incident at the previous town, there has been an addition of three adventures to the group... "PICHU!" ...plus one engineered mouse Chimera. The lively little mouse scampered about Sylphiels shoulders, cheering on with little tittering songs that made everyone feel a bit more happy. "I can't believe there are hooligans out there that think that world domination is possible with that little creature," remarked Boromir. Zangulas shook his head. "This is a most strange continent my friend. One that holds many mysterious ways." "True enough," Legolas added with a smile. "Though it does the heart good to have someone with happiness in their hearts as we travel." "But I can't help but imagine what Gandalf is thinking right now. He did sent you that letter, did he not?" inquired Gimli. "His race of wizards are most mysterious indeed," Boromir added. "He did. I wonder what he knows of that Glaive, or what it can do," Zangulus said, as Sylphiel was paying more attention to the yellow mouse on her shoulders. Naga raised her eyebrows. "What have you seen it do?" "Well... there was that time in Statix, where we encountered an enraged Spirit Beast hoping to destroy a Mazoku," Zangulus began. "Excuse me, Zangulas," Gimli cut in, "But we have company." At this, weapons were born, even Naga's rusty old sword. "All blades perish," hissed the lead bandit in black who was vaguely familiar. It could be the long pale sword in his hand that reminded the fellowship of the Witch-king, but it was the horde of black robed men on horses behind them that made their hair stand on end. "Nazgul?! What is this, everyone from the grave appear day?!" Zangulas cried out as he swung his new sword at the leader. "Great, and me without a Flaming Brand," Boromir grumbled, swinging the Blade of Gondor around, parrying the horsed men. "Toldea, Attea, around to the back," the leader snarled. "Sylphiel... looks like you'll putting your Glaive skills in a melee battle to the test now," quipped Zangulus. "Careful of the black breath," Gimli said, wielding his axe with the swing of a professional. "Legolas and I have only so much Athelas." "You make it sound like a walk in the park facing off against the nine riders," Legolas said, shooting Cantea in the chest with an arrow, turning to stab Toldea in the face, or a rough proximity of where it was with a second arrow. Naga yelped as her sword was broken by a swing of Lemenya's sword. "Well, that's out. Freeze arrow!" Lemenya was hard pressed to dodge. Suddenly, it stiffened and vaporized into thin air, the robes crumpling into a lifeless heap. A five foot tall sandy haired man with bare feet grinned at her. "Hello everyone," Merry exclaimed, turning to face the Witch-king, recognition burning in his eyes. "You! YOU!" cursed the Witch-king. Merry smirked as Pippin joined him, hacking through the throng of nazgul. "Miss me? I believe I remember seeing you being rent at the knees by my sword." His arm twitched in rememberance. "You.... all of you. You will pay for brining my demise!" again cursed the Witch-King. "Eowyn isn't here," Pippin held out his elven dagger, "But we're standing here. C'mon ugly!" With a furious howl, the Witch-king charged into the two hobbits. "They've grown even more?" Zangulas exclaimed, hacking Toldea's head off. "Ent draught does wonders for the body," Gimli remarked, laying down a flurry of blows with his hand axe in one hand, his battle axe in another. "GAAAAAAAAH!" Sylphiel grimaced that she ended up stabbing Ulaire in the chest. She was glad that the yellow mouse decided to hide somewhere from the battle. Ulaire promptly disinigrated mere seconds later. Boromir grimaced as Nelya and Nertea double teamed him. Suddenly, a flaming brand was thrust into Nelya's face as it began to dance around madly. Naga had lit two large sticks aflame and was now howling in laughter, swinging the flaming brands about. =========================================================================== "Damn it! Looks like they won't be able to provoke the priestess into using whatever power that Glaive, thanks to those other Middle-Earth folks interfering!" Sherra brooded. The nazgul were big and tough, but the Middle-earth residents had quite an advantage over them. More than half of the nine were either dissapated into formless spirits or were burned by the brands the Naga girl used. And to make things worse, HOBBITS of all people were making short work of the Witch-king! Dynast was not going to be happy about this, that she knew. He had these nazgul resurrected as soon it was discovered that Xellos got that Boromir guy "working" for him. Sauron, was a man who she could have respected. He was downright evil for an old wizard of all. But with the common failure of the nazgul, it was enough to wonder if Sauron was in his right mind when he recruited the nine kings. Men were easily corruptable, but things didn't seem to help much with eight against nine, and five of them already dead. Unforunately for Sherra, she was so deep in though that she didn't notice a wondering brown haired boy eying her.... than readying to glomp her. "Pretty lady!" Sherra screeched as she tried to peel the oversexed boy off of her. "Why don't we go for a date?" "Ahhhh! Damn you human brat! Get off me!" With that she threw the boy of her into a nearby tree. Sure she wasn't exactly flesh an blood, or even a real woman, but she didn't like being grabbed.... and by a human no less. With that she pulled out her sword, Dulgofa, and pointed at the perverted lad. "For this travesty I now curse you. Since you like grabbing girls so much, you need to grab them in order to live. If you don't, you'll age much faster than normal humans." With that the sword glowed, and so did the boy. In mere moments, the perverted boy became a monster that still looked like a perverted boy. With that she resheathed Dulgofa. 'His passion, one way or another, will be his downfall,' she thought. But far from her, a woman watched the scene. She had saw what happened, and decided the sword would fit perfectly in her plans. Lady Wrath, who had arrived from the Overworld, unnannounced, decided to make the blade her own. =========================================================================== "OH HOHOHOHO!" Naga laughed as her opponents fell. "And once again Naga the White Serpent has defeated her opponents!" "Yeah, thanks a million," Pip remarked, sheathing his sword and adjusting his mail shirt brought from the land of Gondor. It had been tough, but the Witch King and his cohorts had been defeated. "They just don't make Nazgul like they used to," Merry remarked, feeling his arm where the Black Shadow had once crept years ago during the War against Mordor. "There were NINE of them," Boromir grumbled, standing up and sheathing his longsword. "Well it's good that you guys came to help. I thought you guys wanted to stay back in the town in the Sindel Mountains," Zangulus remarked. "And what, and miss out on the fun? We know that whatever Gandalf wanted to tell you in that letter had to be big. Doesn't take a scholar to realize you are on a quest as big as the whole Ring ordeal," replied Merry. "Nay, let us speak no more of the Ring, for the bearers have been long gone to the havens," Gimli added, checking his axe and smiling at the unmarred edge. "Um....." Sylphiel interrupted, "I hate to break this reunion... but has anyone seen little Pichu?" Legolas blinked. "Pichu?" "That's what I decided to call that little yellow creature. It looks like it hid itself during the battle," Sylphiel explained. As if on cue, the little mouse scampered out from it's hiding place and accended her shoulder. "Pichu!" he called adorably. Merry and Pippin blinked. "That's the oddest little creature I've ever seen," both went. Couple of the others shrugged. "This little fella decided to come with Sylphiel after we busted up its creators," Naga explained. At the blank faces of the two newcomers, she added, "It's a chimera, but not like many of the other chimeras out there." Suddenly, Sylphiel wobbled. "I... don't feel so well...." With that, she collapsed, only to be caught by the pair of large hobbits. "Pichu!" The yellow creature leapt off her shoulder and jumped onto Zangulus, much to Zangulus' chagrin. But the little creature was not Zangulus' concern. "What happened?" "It seems to be that she is receiving a vision," answered Naga. "A vision? How do you know that?" asked Boromir. "Well.... I was once trained as a white priestess.... but that doesn't matter. We should at least take her to the nearest town." Merry nodded and lifted the girl into his arms, surprised at the weight she sported. For such a slender girl, she was quite heavy. At least over a hundred and twenty pounds. Zangulus picked up the Glaive from the ground, only then to notice an image of a girl briefly appearing in the blade. And it didn't look like a reflection... Zangulus shook his head. Maybe it was fatigue from fighting the Witch King again. But hopefully, Sylphiel will be alright. =========================================================================== //Priestess...// //Priestess...// //Answer me Priestess...// Sylphiel made a mental calculation and determined that she was either asleep, or having a vision. High level priestesses had them all the time in Sairaag so there was no need to get upset. Yet. 'Yes?' she asked with some trepidation. //It's me again Sylphiel. And that I see that you understood my instructions back in Sairaag.// 'Well... yes, I guess I did. Why am I doing this? What is the purpose?' //All I can tell in your purpose is that it all does have to do with your friends, the one whom I had you seek. They are not many who has survived going into the Sea of Chaos and then return moments later.// Sylphiel had to nod at that. Things were mysterious around Lina. //But that's not what why I sought you out today. I came to warn you.// 'Warn?' //I have told you of the new darkness that has been rising in the Overworld, a new one that has replaced Dark Star?// 'I believe so...' //Be warned.... the first agent of that darkness will confront you. It'll seek to claim the weapon that they attempted to acquire from Chaotic Blue's world.// 'Y-yes... I will remember.' //Good... and a suggestion... if you wish to survive...// Sylphiel said nothing but he pressed on. //You know there is power in the Glaive... learn to harness it... like its original owner...// Sylphiel could only nod as she felt conciousness begin to creep up on her dreamscape. =========================================================================== "Now this was interesting," Sherra mused as she silently kept track of the sizable group of heroes. She had seen the white priestess faint. Most of them she wouldn't want to face down. They were exceptional mortals and one very immortal elf, who were able to take down unbelievable forces, survive through death itself, conqour Mordor, destroy the undestroyable One Ring and vanquish Sauron, almost a higher mazoku lord in his own power. But she didn't want to concern herself with that. She knew that the priestess must be having a vision.... a vision tied to that mysterious weapon. "You pathetic excuse for demons would consider that weapon interesting, if you knew the truth," a new female voice interjected. Sherra turned to see the woman and snorted. "Get out of my way." "No can do. I'm afraid your master's goals interfere with my master's.... but consider how pathetic the dark forces of this world have acted in the past millennium..." when the woman. The woman was tall, blue haired with a diamond tiara on her forehead, and a long bodysuit that hinted at something behind. Standard evil villiness outfit for someone from her world, but to Sherra, it looked very under ranked and down right saying "Kill me, I'm evil." "You and what low ranking master dares say so?" The woman frowned. "You are forgetting what I said.... I said how pathetic the dark forces of this world... this world is in the past millennium. You guys almost let Dark Star walk over you." "That was an oversight we left to other things," Sherra snapped. "Ah yes.... an oversight.... just like an oversight you are making now in regard to the world Dark Star was from.... my world...." The woman smiled.... and it was one of your typical evil smiles. Sherra snorted. She'd seen them all. This woman would make Xellos laugh at her attempt of an evil smile. Xellos was the KING of evil smiles. "But thankfully.... my lord isn't exactly mindless like Dark Star.... no.... we will do things right.... and hopefully.... we will succeed in doing what no demon race has done." "And what's that?" Sherra asked mockingly. "And like I'll say... but we have made good progress.... we'd already ravaged Chaotic Blue's world.... and neither the agents of the Gods or the Demons of that world did anything to stop us..." Sherra snorted but wondered what they were accomplishing in that other world. It a a belief that the Mazoku in each world would only do things in their one world, and never attempt to cause mayhem in another Staff World. And yet... if what she says is true... She didn't have time to think as she was suddenly flung by a powerful force into a tree, causing her to drop her sword. "But for now.... I'll just borrow your sword..... it's interesting ablities will be enough to regain that Glaive for my master," the woman said, as she levitated the sword to her hands. Sherra got to her feet instantly, despite the pain she felt. "Give that back!" and with that, she lunged for the arrogant woman, only to have her dissapear in mid lunge. This was not good for her. Her master will not be happy that Overworlds have started interfering in this world's matters. And he'll be defiantely be unhappy to learn that one of them got the better of her. Of course, Xellos was still around, and probably laughing his ass off watching this whole scene.... With a grumble, she ported away. =========================================================================== Naga paced around Sylphiel's bedside. After days of traveling with her.... she grown quite concerned for the priestess. Okay, make that a LOT of concern. While not the most physically adept traveller she had ever seen, the Priestess had something about her that set the girl aside from everyone. Something like glue holding together a precarious bond. Which is why she instantly reacted to any signs that Sylphiel was going to wake up from her vision. "Uhhhhh....." Sorta like that one. "Are you okay?" Naga asked cautiously as Sylphiel sat up in her bed. "I'm fine..... I think...." Sylphiel answered. "He really didn't answer any more of my questions." Naga blinked. "He?" "The person... I only heard his voice... the one who sent me on this quest to locate Lina and Gourry," Sylphiel explained. "Oh," was Naga's contribution to the conversation. "I do know a little more about this weapon though... and its ties to that..... devasation...." she continued. Legolas suddenly poked his head into the room. "Sorry to break in on this little conversation, but we have trouble." "What type of trouble?" Naga asked. "Zombie type." The others are downstairs holding them off. The way he said it was so bland, that it was surprising that he had also seen the undead before. Sylphiel noticed that there was more to this, from the look of his face. "And?" "It's the townspeople. They're the zombies." Naga grumbled as she hung her head. "I thought I left this zombie townspeople crap back in Mipross Island." Sylphiel blinked. "Then you may have some idea what's causing this." "Yes. The people were transformed by a...." Naga blanched, knowing what they could be facing. "A Mazoku." "Bloody hell," Legolas swore as he looked downstairs. "They're trying to keep from killing em but some zombies went down from a few of my arrows." "Well.... looks like we got another Mazoku to eliminate," Sylphiel sighed. "I don't want to deal with them, considering who else might be after me...." At Naga's concerned look she added, "Nevermind. Get Zangulus. We have a Mazoku to flush out." "I with you. But first...." Naga knelt down to pick up Pichu. "What do we do with him?" "I'd say leave him inside for now," Sylphiel said, but the mouse accended her shoulder. "Or not." "He might accidently take out one of the zombies with his lightning attacks," Legolas added. "It's best you find a safe place for a little one. But now you to try to find and confront the one responsible. We'll see to it that Zangulus gets the word." The women nodded as they opened a window and flew out, both weapons in hand. =========================================================================== Lady Wrath smirked. Thanks to the additions she made to the sword, it was capable of cursing entire villages. In one quick moment she turned the inhabitants into zombies that would activate on her command before those people with the Glaive arrived there. And with a simple snap of her fingers the curse activated. All she needed to do was wait. If she didn't read them wrong, they would try to find out the source of the curse, and then seek to break it. In short, she wanted to be found out by the person who was carrying the Glaive. Fortunately, for her sake, she didn't have to wait that long for the sound of boingy boingy boingy, a sound most attributed to the not-so-infamous Naga the Serpent, was heard. Naga jogged up, panting heavily, a sight that would send most men into shock. "Whew, we got away from that village intact." She shuddered. "Why is it always zombies?" Lady Wrath soon noted that the next on to arrive was the girl who weilded the glaive as her own. "Well.... at least it wasn't tentacle beasts," went Sylphiel. "Trust me. We could have a lot worse." "You sound like you speak from experience," Naga droned, standing upright, assuming haughty position. "We had a looney that thought Sairaag was ripe for the picking. Unforunately for him, he did not think that a white priestess would know a black magic spell which would be put to use of wiping his his army of beasts," Sylphiel explained. Wrath sweatdropped. They were practically ignoring her. "What did they look like?" "Well.... they kinda resembled slugs with extra... ahem....." "Slugs?! Did you say slugs?" "They did resemble slugs. So." "Good think it was you and not Lina. The poor girl is basically scared of anything slug like. She would have definately not saved your hometown from those horny things when they resemble the thing she fears the most." "Oh... poor Lina-san." "What.... poor Lina-san? Did you know how many times I had to put my life on the line for her?" "Really? The few times she's talked about you, she referred to you as the Human Shield and nothing more." "HEY IDIOTS! OVER HERE!" "Do you MIND?! We're having a discussion." Having blown off the now pissed Lady Wrath, Naga returned to her conversation with the Shrine Maiden. "So exactly what did Lina say about me?" Infuriated with their lack of attention, Lady Wrath summoned a black energy ball. "Hello, I CALLED FOR YOU IDIOTS!" She threw it at their feet. "Stay out of this! Freeze Bleed!" The wave of chilling air flared out as Lady Wrath was knocked off her feet, tripping over a rock. "Ow...." she mumbled. She then looked up to the two. "Ok... forget the damn plan to get the Glaive in exchange for the restoration of the town, and just kill both of them and take the Glaive back," she muttered quietly, but not quietly enough not to be heard. "What I'm saying is," Naga said, casually backhanding Lady Wrath as she snuck up with a knife, "Is that Lina-chan should have more respect for me! I've adventured with her for at least two years before we split up." Sylphiel nodded. Then, she noticed the now disheveled Lady Wrath eating fist. "Um, excuse me, Naga? There's a girl imbedded on your fist." Naga looked behind her. "Force of habit." Lady Wrath tried to say, "Don't these two girls know I'm responsible for cursing that entire town?" but all that came out was a mumble. "I think she's trying to say something," Naga said, extracting her fist from Wrath's face. "Idiots," Lady Wrath managed to mumble. "You are so ignorant of what's going on that you would ignore me." "What, the zombified townspeople? Been there, done that," Naga exclaimed exasperatedly. "Honestly, can't you people do anything different these days?" "Maybe.... but what low life Mazoku would offer a deal to restore the townspeople to normal? None, considering they would rather make use of their agnoy, savage idiots." "Nice outfit," Naga returned casually. "Who's your tailor? Fred from Evilania?" Lady Wrath fumed. "I'm not even of this world you fools! I am Lady Wrath! And if you even care for those townspeople, you will surrender the Silence Glaive to me!" "Silence what? Oh, you mean that weird pole of Sylphiels." Naga looked at her own flower headed staff that she received from the Tonberries and shrugged. "Why'd you want that?" "Because you fools... that's a Chaos Class black magic weapon! And I will get it from you no matter what!" "Want this? It's kinda girly for my tastes as well," Naga said, offering her own staff while making a little gesture towards Sylphiel who began to chant quietly under her breath. "You want girly? I'll show you all the stuff we got when we ravaged the world where Chaotic Blue was supposed to be the supreme dark god. Hah... His agents were pathetic, as well as the god's agents that were formed to fight them." Naga laughed, no, more like giggled. "I'll bet. So, what're some of these things?" She could feel the subtle buildup of magical power. Obviously, Sylphiel was going for a Dragon Slave, but building up the power very very slowly, as not to attract the obviously evil woman's attention. "Would you like to know? It just so happens that one of them is a God Class holy magic weapon. Even embedding it into a brooch doesn't diminish its power." "Really? Why there hasn't been any God Class holy magical items in this world for ages!" "It's suchs shows you how weak the gods and demons of this world are. And soon... we will make them realize that!" "Really? I'm sure the Gods and Demons of this world'll put up a fight sooner or later, concerning this is their world they're planning on blasting or saving." Naga felt the pinpricks of energy reach a tremendous high, but it grew so slowly, that it only felt like background magic. 'Sucks to be her,' she thought, maintaining her friendly conversation. "I guess they have been patting themselves on the back after knowing that Dark Star was defeated, haven't they?" "Well, Lina-chan did waste him, so I guess the world is safe. Say, you never did tell us where you're from anyways." For a moment, Lady Wrath was shocked, shocked enough that she didn't see that Sylphiel just fired her Dragon Slave. Picture a bullet train. Now paint it red, stand a cow in front of it, eyes bulging out as the train rushes through it at mach 7.0325242524624241452. Kind of like that in regards to the excellently pulled off Dragon Slave, but less messy. There was a tremendous BOOM as half a forest was leveled, leaving magical residue that would remain for centuries. Sylphiel wiped a bit of sweat from her brow. "I've never built up that much energy that slowly before." "Damn... and that conversation was actually interesting," went Naga. "It did seem like you were having fun," Sylphiel commented innocently. "Chu?" Sylphiel turned to the little creature, which had hid on her back of her neck. "Yes, the bad lady is gone now." "Chu...... Chu? Pi?" The creature's ears perked up, as it knew something that Sylphiel didn't. "What?" "Sylphiel, look!" Sylphiel turned to the center of the explosion as a black shape took form. As the form became more coherent, Sylphiel realize what it was. Without warning, black energy crackled around them, and ignited the ground beneath them. Casting a quick Raywing, one of the lesser spells Sylphiel had learned since it was more of the air shamanism bent than destructive Fire and Black Magics, she stopped two inches from crashing to the ground and righted herself. Naga fell on her face, twitching, rear in the air. "Well... I knew that you were going to cast that spell... and I knew I want to show you how I was invunerable to such a spell.... but I knew nothing or your connection to the one who destroyed Dark Star!" that familiar female voice cried. "Great, we pissed off the loony," Naga muttered while still eating dirt. "Wait," Sylphiel motioned. "What does that have to do with anything?" "Everything my dear priestess, considering that the world I'm from is the same world that Dark Star was from." "Oh, well that explains things," Naga remarked. "So, we gonna battle, or what?" "There will be no neogations for the townspeople, or any battle. Instead, you are going to die." "Pichu! Pichu!" cried the yellow creature, as it sought refuge behind Sylphiel's head. And Sylphiel understood why it did so. She could feel it. The darkness. The darkness that wasn't there before was radiating a lot from Lady Wrath. 'She was holding back, but now she's going all out,' she thought. Naga laughed haughtily, smirked and grabbed her sword, enchanting it with an astral vine despite the large gaping holes in the blade. "Lets do this then." And with that, the fight begun. =========================================================================== Author's Notes (Shaun): Took a while longer than I expected to get out, but with F.net being a bugger the way it is, and things kept on popping up (Important Lord of the Ring Tourneys amidst other things) this chapter is finally out and back on track. I have on thing to say, I HATE ZOMBIES. Fun plot filler but I can't STAND them. Movies with the word Living Dead in them creeps me out and I can't sleep. Tentacled ravaging horny beasts from the 5th dimention I find rather funny, in an intellectually perverse way. Blame Lord Archive for my pervertedness, for he hath brought down the thunder upon me, and smote me with an idea for an NC-17 sequel to D^3. Help... Okay, I was kidding about the sequel to D^3 as that's ages away, but frankly, this episode was one of the hardest to write, since it leads up to a epic Slayers-ish battle. I'm usually not good at writing big battles, as attended to the suckiness of P2K's battles, and usually, someone ends up dying. Oh well, as is fate. Fun stuff coming up in the next chapter, but please, no bashing, flaming, or I'll sic Legolas Greenleaf on you. He ain't called the Machine Gun for nothing. Author's Note(WarChild): We are now back on track to the main plotline.... after a few months. Basically the next episode is more or less a 'beat up on the important bad guy of the day' episode. Much like in the vain of the confrontation against Shabranigdo.... except with someone who is more of a level of those two Mazoku that wanted to rule Seyruun for Gaav. So I guess the question is, can we drag the battle long enough so it constitutes an episode? Oh well... we'll find out when we get there. Anyway.... as a reminder the LOTR folks will soon part on their own journeys, but hey... they may appear at the end as well. But these days I don't know what my co-author is thinking in regards to what to do with them. We mostly just write whatever comes outs. So... what will happen to Sylphiel, Naga, and of course... Pichu, as they face of Lady Wrath? Will the LoTR gang avoid being killed as they try not to kill the zombies? Will Zangulus actually make it in time to join the battle? Will Sherra try to get back at Lady Wrath, or be content to let the two fight it out? Be here for the next episode, Boost! Increasing one's Black Magic?