Three years ago, a powerful energy wave courced across the surface of the earth, and beyond. The energy wave destroyed and purged the evils from the known universe. A year later, five new Rangers takes up the challenge to defend the world from evil, guided by the alien mentors, Shaun and Katrina, young beings from the planet Eltar who arrive on earth to carry on the work of Zordon of Eltar. Choosing five teens, they begin to tell them of their new legacy, and train them with the technology that they supplied for them. <><><> Power Rangers Elementals written by Shaun Garin <><><> Episode 1 : And So It Begins <><><> Deep below the surface of Angel Grove Mountians, a group of young teens under the guidance of “Sometimes, it doesn’t pay to get out of bed,” JT muttered as the holographic instructor bopped him on the head. “NO! It’s kick THEN punch!” The instructor, a stuffy drill master of holographic design sighed. “When will you five learn, you are a TEAM! There is no time to bicker when the safety of the world is at hand! Look at miss Kazia and Jetta! They are getting along fine!” It was true. Kazia’s hand shot out as Jetta parried them, and moved into a kick which Kazia ducked, then returned a short three punch combo and a double axe kick. Jetta ducked the axe kicks and fired back a fancy backhand with a little dance step in the middle, tagging Kazia across the face. The drill master nodded, his face alight with glee. “Now that, my lads is two fine young women who know what they are doing. Now, AGAIN!” A chorus of groans came from the three assembled men. Shaun looked on with amusement as the five sparred amongst themselves. He then returned to his wielding, the circutry throwing up sparks. JT stalked over angrily. “Hey, what’s with the training? We can kick butt anytime, right?” Katrina answered for the man who was hunched over his work. “You need training. Each of you know the basics of fighting but other than that, you can’t defend yourselves against the supernatural forces out there.” “Hey, what about that Zordon Wave that everyone kept on talking about?” asked Kezia. “It was supposed to destoy all evil, right?” Shaun sighed and put his torch down. “It’s not that easy. It only affected a certian range, and even didn’t affect certian dimentions. Creatures from places such as the Negarealm, the 2D worlds and such didn’t even get scratched. So keep training and on your toes.” Brendan looked over the smaller teen’s shoulder and said, “Those our morphers?” “Ayup. Ring Morphers, totally inconspicuous. You wear them on your hands and call out Elemental (Put your element here) Power.” “Kind of cheesy,” JT commented. “Go with what works is what I say,” Shaun returned, returning his work. <><><> Mountian Base, five months later... “You’ve shown a lot of improvement in the past.” Shaun paced up and down, his hands clasped behind his back, his walking stiff like the drill seargent that all had came to respect. “I’m proud of all of you, being Power Rangers means that the five of you will be the best, first, last and only line of defence capable of defending this world from the Outer Darkness. Jetta Pulido.” Jetta, a short philipino girl much like Shaun in her own nature, sported a deep tan and shoulder length hair. She tossed off a salute. “Jetta Pulido.” Shaun turned around, and took a small jewel case from the tray that Katrina held. “You’ve graduated. Welcome to the Power Rangers, Purple Elemental Ranger.” He cracked the box open and inside was a ring with a purple gemstone and a pink star in the center. He gave it to her and tossed off a salute which she returned in kind. “Johnathan Todosichuk!” “YO!” JT was the tallest of them, and due to the intence regime, had lost much of his weight until he became a firmly muscled teen. He had short brown hair and sported small glasses. He was very broad shouldered to the point of almost not being able to fit through a door. “JT, one of my oldest friends and the best weapons advisor we have. What is it you say? We need BIGGER guns, was it?” A chorus of snickers rose before Shaun removed a ring. “Blue Elemental Ranger. Welcome.” Katrina then gave the tray to him and he stepped back. She then removed the next ring and said, “Kazia Shasha Noval. You’re dedication to the team has wrought you a position as the Yellow Elemental Ranger. Welcome to the team.” “I’m honored.” Kazia was shorter than Shaun even, with long black hair and dressed in a sleeveless leather top and slacks. “Brendan Takekoshi.” Katrina removed his jewelbox and turned to him. “You have the solidity of a rock, and the force of the wind. Such is your element, Green Elemental Ranger. Wear the ring with pride.” “Sweet,” Brendan said, taking the offered ring. “And Jordi. Your strength and leadership qualities make you the best selection for the raging flame within your spirit. You are the leader, the Red Elemental Ranger.” Shaun stepped forward and brought his hand up in a salute. “I salute you, the Power Rangers. Now, make it official as you call out your energies.” “READY?” Jordi shouted, slipping into his role as a leader. The five stiffened, drawing back their hand across their chests, fist clenched and ring glinting. In a long since practiced motion, the five shouted, “Power Rangers,” Thrusting their arms up into angles and then slamming their fists into the open hand. “Elementals!” “Elemental Fire Power!” The red globe of energy with the orange flame shot out from Jordi’s outthrust hands and then shattered, revealing him in red spandex armor. His helmet, like the rest was visored with a look of a mouth on the bottom. His upper armor was embossed with a row of downward pointing triangles in a orange color, the rest of his armor red. His gloves, striped with orange and boots the same pattern. The flame pattern was within a golden circle on the chest, a orange and gold flame. “Elemental Ice Power!” A blue sphere rocketed from JT with a ice crystal inside it. Blue, with a ice blue trim over the dark material, white shoulders, and blue stripes on the boots and gloves. The Ice pattern perched on his chest within a gold and blue circle. “Elemental Wind Power!” A green sphere with a tornado shape shot out from Brendan, creating a green armor with the same light green trim on the gloves, boots and upper body, over the dark green armor. The tornado symbol on his chest within the gold and green circle. “Elemental Star Power!” A pink sphere shot out with a pink star within the energy from Jetta. This formed a purple suit, edged with purple on the shoulders, boots and gloves. She had a star on her chest within a gold and purple circle. Then, her colors shifted as the purple and pink changed places, giving her a purple suit of armor, rimmed with pink. “Elemental Lightning Power!” A yellow sphere with a golden lightning bolt shot out from Kazia, forming a dark yellow suit, rimmed with gold on the boots, shoulders and gloves. The lightning bolt was on her chest within a golden circle. As the five stood there, Shaun removed his cap and snapped to attention. His hand went up in a sharp salute. “You are now all Power Rangers.” The five snapped to attention as they all saluted him. <><><> A month later... In the middle of the universe, a rift formed. A distortion, natural and occouring once in a hundred years. A portal to the Lost Galaxy. On this day, a streak of purple light burst from the portal once it stablized. Stretching out into the darkness, it burst with a flare of purple towards the Earth. <><><> Earth, one week later, AD 1998 “And in national news, an unscheduled solar eclipse occoured in the early afternoon. We take you live to the Angel Grove observatory, where the scientest Michael Douglas is observing the long and unpresidented occourance. Michael?” The screen changed to show a thin man, dressed in a green shirt, red tie and a long labcoat. “Thank you Rich. The solar eclipse was sudden and rather long, as seen behind me. The whole hemisphere is covered with darkness. Our long range telescopes are studying the moon, as it seems to be covered with a dark purple surface. Wait, my collegues are telling me that the solar eclipse is ending. Back to you Rich.” “Thank you. A recording of the solar eclipse will be shown tonight at eleven.” <><><> The moon. Quiet, desolate with a surface of rock and sand. Long since torn from the earth by God’s hand, this satillite marks Man’s first step on the moon with a handfull of footprints, a plaque a stiff American flag and a first few legendary words : “It’s one small step for man...and one giant leap for mankind.” But, far beyond the explored regions of the men of earth lay a monsterous castle, surrounded by large crystal shards of agape and diamond. The top of the castle held a swinging pendulum, and a cache of machines, long since dusty from lack of use. Then, suddenly, in a gale wind that was out of place due to the fact that in Space, No One Could Hear You Scream, the machines were dusted off and then, suddenly, the palace wasn’t so abandoned anymore. In the middle of the room, the Pendulum was banished. Then a large twisted throne rose from the ground. With great spires stretching to the skies, the design made one feel that it would reach out and grasp with clawed hands. Then, the old putty patroller machine was banished, and from it came a computer, sporting the same design, dark and twisted. Then, rows upon rows of monsters appeared. Dark Generals, dressed in different armors, varying. The lead monster was tall, dark grey skin, blood red eyes and dressed in reddish samurai armor, shaped so that a face stared from the chesplate. His hand grasped a katana, razor sharp and tainted an unnatural black color. Another, a woman in a chainmail leotard with two large black shoulderplates and a long cape that fell to the floor stood, holding her long pike in her hands. She wore a perpetual smirk of self-confidence. A creature, elvish in look, grinned a bit as he slicked back hair. His face was pale and withdrawn, but had a mad look to his face. Dressed in outlandish scientest clothing, he held a pair of specticles in his hands. A Quickster and gambler, as his wont was, he held a pack of cards. Along the dark red carpet stood an honor guard of Elite Black Gears. Derived from the ancient technology of the Machine King, they were tall, powerful and deadly. Cloaked in black with a half white face, they held long pikes as weapons, and on their front and back were large black gears. A slashing of red highlighted the front gear with a dark red star in the upper chest, signifying their elite ranks. These were not mindless autonomitons, they were incredibly intelligent. But smart enough not to cross the ancient Emperor. The normal Black Gears were the same, but with long swords for a hand on the right, and without the dark star on the chest. Instead, they had a gear pattern encircling the eye on the white side. They lined the room, serving as protectors for the main populace of monsters and Dark Generals. Then, a row of flickering purple fire ignited the torches, and in a burst of dark energy, the Emperor appeared, sitting in his throne. The Emperor was not very tall, about five foot seven with greying skin and yellow eyes. It was rumored that he was slowly decaying from day to day. He sported a dark cloak and cowl, made of rough black material. When he spoke, it was low, raspy and at the same time, commanding. “I am Emperor Darksol. Hear me and obey.” “HAIL EMPEROR DARKSOL!” The assembled monsters crowed, pumping their weapons to the skies. The Emperor raised a hand and said, “The time has come. The Five Star Crystals are back on earth, hidden within the earth. General Zoll. General Gear.” The creature in the dark red samurai armor stepped forward. “Yes My Emperor?” A second General, a black Gear, with the addition of black shoulderguards and a black cape stepped forwards. “Yes My Master.” “Go, take a squad of Black Gears. Survey the area, identify the possible threats and eliminate them if you can. I will not punish you if you fail.” “Your Imperialship is most greatious. I will go.” The Emperor rose his head again and then said, “Darkness FOREVER!” “DARKNESS FOREVER! DARKNESS FOREVER!” The chant lasted until the night drew to a close. <><><> Advanced Angel Grove Defence, the AAGD. People, dressed in uniforms and labcoats ran every which way, working on different machines, delivering things and such. In the main meeting room, a Commander, elder and distinguished sat. Just then, a young girl came into the room, holding a clipboard. “Commander?” He looked up and at her look, the Commander dismissed the people he was meeting with. “Yes?” “There’s been a surge of energy. Dark energy Commander. The same type that the Power Rangers have installed into our computers for detection.” “So, it’s finally happened. I wish we had more time to prepare. Can we call in the Power Rangers?” “Negative, they’re off in Kalel 36, alpha sector.” “Blast it. Well assemble the troops. Given time, they will need to be dispatched.” “Yes sir.” She moved to a console outside the room and picked up a small phone. Then, tapping it, she activated the loudspeaker. “Defence Wedges one through three report to the armory. Repeat, Defence Wedges one through three report to the armory. Prepare for invasion, Repeat, Prepare for invasion.” Through the hallways, men and women dressed in dark grey armor and black shirts and pants rushed along the corridors towards the armory. <><><> In the midst of Angel Grove, a monster appeared, flanked by Black Gears. He was a Black Gear, the highest Elite. The top General of the Gears. A full matte black, he had two red eyes and a large battle axe on a long pike was held in his hands with a sharp pike on the bottom, stuck into the ground. He had also two large black shoulderguards with red rims on the bottom, and a long black cape, glossy and black on both sides. Beside him, Zoll appeared, his dusky red samurai armor glinting off in the light of the day. Zoll inhaled deeply before saying, “clean air...not what you would expect for a city this size. Pity, it is a nice city.” “I do not care,” Gear rumbled. “The Star Crystals are nowhere to be found. That means it is probably hiding itself within the earth.” “Then have your Black Gears search the area. Remember, Emperor Darksol’s gratitude can only go so far... as with his forgiveness.” “I will send them now. Black Gears!” At the call of his voice, the Gears stood ramrod straight before saluting the General. “You will search the City for the Star Crystals and destroy any opponents that are presented to you. Is that CLEAR?” The Gears all nodded in agreement before dispatching to the areas around the city. Gear nodded. “It is only a matter of time now.” “Yes. Once Emperor Darksol can retrieve the five Crystals, then all will be complete once again.” Zoll turned to the Gear General and said, “I will send Draconis to aid your search.” “I do not wish to work with Draconis,” Gear said, turning his head away. “His methods are crude and unrefined.” “But he does get the job done.” Zoll sheathed his katana at his side before turning about. “I will send him...if your Gears cannot handle this situation. But, I have uttermost confidence in you Gear.” With that, he teleported away in a flash of dark lightning. Gear stood in the wind, the wind tossing his cape to the side in almost a perpendicular move. Then, he activated a communicator to his Gears. “All Gears, assume human form. Study the inhabitants of this world first before fightning.” He then dissapeared in a flash of red light. <><><> Katrina turned the corner of the headquarters of AAGD and pressed a button set within a wall panel. It slid open to reveal a hidden research room and a tube. Closing the door behind her, Katrina adjusted her tie and dress uniform before grasping the handle above the tube, and leaping into it, feet first. With a speed that was unmatched by the current technologies, she rocketed along the passage, her hair whipping in the screaming wind. Then, with a great lurch, she popped out of the tube and landed on a waiting hoverchair. Katrina turned on the lights with a control on the chair to reveal a large room with several doors and computer consoles in the facility. And sitting at a computer console, manipulating the controls was a short teen, dressed in a lab coat, blue shirt and tan kahkies. He looked up and said, “Hello Katrina.” She nodded at him, sliding into place. “Shaun, there’s trouble.” “I know,” he replied, turning on the viewscreen with a flick of the remote. The screen showed a three dimentional shot of the moon. Pressing the button again, it rotated and enlarged to show Rita and Zedd’s old castle. “Someone’s taken up residence in Zedd’s old digs. And check this one out.” He rotated the image to show five huge incect creatures of metal. “Ectomorphicons. Or a reasonable facimile.” “Are the zords ready?” Shaun sighed deeply. “Well, they need some fine tuning but in all, they’re ready.” Katrina put an arm around his shoulders. “If it wasn’t anyone else but you, I wouldn’t believe that we have new zords up and running. And morphers as well. How did you develop them?” “Trade secret madam,” he teased before pressing a control. A drawer slid out of the wall and he pushed the controls on his chair’s arm to move over towards the drawer. Reaching inside, he pulled out five jewel cases and inside were five rings. Gold, with insanely small technology inside the gemstones. Five symbols embossed with Ice, Fire, Lightning, Star and Wind were inside the gemstones. “You really belive we made the right choice for Rangers?” “Of course!” Katrina moved over and ran her fingers through his hair, nestling her head within the crook of his neck. It was rather awkward since he was shorter than she was, but the pair had adapted. “Each one has skills. True, they have flaws like any other human but I belive that we’ve made the right choice.” A silly grin came over his face as the taller girl teased his hair. “Flying butt monkeys...” he mummured, his body shaking with silent laughter. Katrina smiled at the memory of that event. “I remember. We’d better call them in. It’s time.” Katrina moved her chair over towards a panel and pressed in a couple of buttons. <><><> Jordi skidded to a halt. No easy task since he was racing down the hill on a snowboard. He was in the mountians, snowboarding with several others. Taking off one of his gloves, he dug into his pockets and checked his specialized Pager. On the green LED, there appeared, pick up your Communicator. Jordi reached into his pocket and pulled out a minicell, flipped it open and got a direct communication. “Hello.” “Jordi?” Came the voice, “Hope I’m not disturbing you.” “Not really. What’s up?” “You need to see it to belive it. Come to the Mountian Base.” “Right. See ya.” Jordi snapped the cellular connection closed and then pressed the button. With a flickering of static, energy engulphed hin in a tube of red. A second passed and four more energy tubes appeared, resolving them into four teens, two men, two women. The five rushed towards the room where Shaun stood, his fingers steepled before his face. “You called Shaun?” Brendan asked. “Yes I did. There’s a new threat. We don’t know exactly who it is but he is evil. Already, his henchmen have taken on human form and introduced them into society. You must Morph to draw them out from hiding.” Shaun hovered towards the nearby computer console and pressed the few buttons on the controls. Instantly, the large viewscreen showed a shot of the moon. Then, moving the controls, it turned a full three sixty degrees and zoomed in on Rita and Zedd’s old castle. “Something or someone took up residence in the old castle. And look here,” he rotated the picture and zoomed in. “They have Ectomorphicons. Five of them.” “What’s Ectomorphicons?” Jetta asked of him. “Mechanical creatures that require a substance and energy to run. I’ve read about these two here,” he said, pointing to a scorpion and a hornet. “This is the Horinator and the Scorpitron.” “They were created by an Evil Morphological Being called Ivan Ooze,” Katrina continued. “Luckily, he is still sealed within the confines of the Hyperlock Chamber deep below the earth. So someone has taken his designs and made them.” “We estimate at least two months before the Ectomorphicons are ready for battle.” The floating drawer moved towards them to reveal the five Power Morphers. The five drew them out and put them on their fingers. Katrina then opened the doorway to the vechile hanger. “Now, morph!” Jordi stepped forward, and the other five stepped behind them, and turned around. “Ready?” he said, placing the ring on his index finger. The other four nodded. “Power Rangers!” The fist and hand slammed together. “Elementals!” “Elemental Fire Power!” “Elemental Ice Power!” “Elemental Wind Power!” “Elemental Star Power!” “Elemental Lightning Power!” Within seconds, they were dressed in their Power Armor. Jordi turned to the other Rangers. “Let’s go!” The five dashed out into the launch area and leapt into their Viper Interceptors. They then slotted their Pagers into the ignition and the engines, one by one revved to life. “Purple Ranger ready.” “Yellow Ranger ready to burn.” “Blue Ranger, lets kick some butt.” “Green Ranger, ready to rock.” “Red Ranger, lets move.” Katrina pressed a button. “Launching Vipers.” The front dome started to split open, revealing a long tunnel that reached up to the surface. Then, the floor started to raise and lock into position. A countdown was heard. “5, 4, 3, 2, 1, LAUNCH!” With a burst of speed, thought impossible, the five Vipers burst from their starting racks and sped down the road, and up and out into the broad daylight. <><><> “Wedge One ready and awaiting signal.” A ways away, several Gears were prodding around the stores, scaring off people. The leader, a tall teen with his gun raised upwards lay behind the concrete wall. Around him was the ten people of his Defence Wedge, all armored and guns upraised. “You have go ahead Wedge One,” came the reply. “Right. MOVE OUT!” Zoll turned around to see the Humans taking up arms against their purpose. He sniffed in distain. “Pathetic.” Two more groups of Humans took up flanking position, surrounding the area. The leader of the first group aimed his rifle. “All Wedges, OPEN FIRE!” The energy bolts cut through the air like a wave of destruction. Bolts sprayed off of Zoll’s armor and knocked several dozen Gears back into the walls. Zoll gritt his teeth before he drew his sword. The glinting side glowed for a second and a monsterous creature with huge teeth and a long streamlined look to his body appeared. “Draconis, come!” “Yes General Zoll.” In an instant, the monster appeared from the sword and reared back. He was shaped like a dragon with a long tail, long neck and spit fire at the Humans who dove out of the way. The leader shouted at his men. “Fall back, fall back!” Zoll then turned to Draconis. “Return and wait for my call.” Draconis nodded and vanished back into Zoll’s black katana. <><><> “Stay alert everyone,” Jordi said, his scanners on full. “Scan for these creatures. Suddenly, before them appeared Black Gears, their black sabers glinting in the sunlight. And there were a LOT of them. Around the area were Advanced Defence Wedges One through Three. And they were retreating. With the Black Gears was a samurai clothed monster. “Offhand I’d say they’ve found us,” JT remarked. “Everyone out! Go hand to hand.” Within seconds, the five had leapt from their vechiles and stood before the hoard. Then, the air shimmered before the hoard and there, standing before them was a Gear with a cape, large axe and shoulderguards. “Power Rangers.” “Who are you?” Jetta demanded. “I am Gear, High General of the Black Gears. Now, attack!” With a sound much like a modem, the five rushed forwards to engage the Rangers. Six hands went to their belts and grasped a handle on the side of their belts. “Sonic Sabers!” Six Arab sabers were produced, short, lightweight and powerful. “Elementals!” The five rushed into the melee, their weapons shining in the sunlight. Jordi spun in a three sixty arc, slashing a Gear across the front, sending up a spray of sparks. He then dropped to one knee, sweeping another. One that got too close to him revieved an elbow in the gut, and a triple strike to the head. Brendan flipped high overhead the Gears, stepping on the head of one of them, driving the Gear into the ground. He then spun and slashed with his Sonic Saber, and drove his fists into the chest of another, and performed a side kick that knocked one into the others, sending them sprawling down into the ground. Jetta delivered a several strike combo to the face and chest of the Gear, and then spun on another. She leapt, and then ran up the Gears chest and head, and thrust out her feet, kicking him in the face. Kazia’s arms windmilled, strikes hitting the Gears in the face, head and legs. She spun one around and kicked the back of his knee, dropping it to the ground. Grasping her sword, she spun it into a fast rotation. Lighting started to crackle along the blade as she thrust it out. Lightning lanced out, scarring the bodies of the Gears. JT leapt, spinning like a top, his Sonic Saber crackling with freezing energy. As he passed each one of them, sparks flew, and then, ice formed on each of the wounds. Suddenly, with a great grinding sound, the Gears exploded as the five delivered hard strikes to the red scar on their fronts. Gear’s eyes narrowed. “The five of you are formidable.” “You ain’t seen anything yet,” Jordi said, clenching a fist. “Time for some Hardware! Elemental Cannons!” In an instant, five cannons were held within the hands of the five Rangers and five metallic clicks were heard. Gear tightened his grip on the Axe. “Power Launch!” Within seconds, the front of the cannons started to spin around incredibly fast as plumes of flame, wind, ice, star and lightning blazed outwards towards Gear, mixing into a pure white force of energy. Gear snapped the Axe before him and the bolts richoched off the flat blade. A few did meet its mark as Gear stumbled. “Next time Rangers!” Gear swore as he dissapeared in a flash of light. Zoll followed quickly. <><><> “So, the world has Power Rangers. This does not bode well for my plans.” Zoll dropped to his knees and prostrated himself before the Dark Emperor. “I am sorry master.” “Sorry? Sorry for what? I overlooked the fact that Earth has progressed in such a long period of time. No, I was not expecting success at such an early point in time. Go have Thundara create more Black Gears and a monster for a later mission.” “Might I suggest sending Anatha? She has had some...success in the past.” The Dark Emperor rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Yes. Anatha is a Master of Disguises and Subterfuge. Send her on the next mission to Earth. Find the Star Crystals.” “Yes my liege.” Zoll stalked away before a pretty blonde woman, dressed in a set of dark armor and a long pike in her hands stepped forward. “My Emperor.” “Anatha.” “These...Power Rangers are of Eltar’s kin.” “The energy is like my old opponent Zordon. But...” “But my liege?” she asked of the ancient Emperor. “But he was the hands of Andross, the Red Ranger. He reverted several of my old opponents back to their old forms. Rita, Zedd, Divatox...even Astronima. Anatha, when you encounter the Power Rangers, do not destroy them. We will study them and judge their powers. Then, Quickster will develop a weapon that will destroy their powers, leaving Earth free to conqour.” “Yes my liege.” The Dark Emperor smiled beneath his cowl, his wrinkled old face showing signs of pleasure. “Once again, when all five Crystals are mine, I will be my old self again. Anatha, you will send Draconis now. We need to test these Rangers to their limits.” “Yes my liege.” <><><> “That was so cool! But we need BIGGER guns.” Shaun brushed back a lock of hair before looking up. “I AM developing a really BIG gun for later use. But it’ll take a while. But I have some surprises for each of you.” He moved to a wall panel and opened the wall. Inside were several weapons, all different shapes and sizes. “JT, I know how much you like swords, so I have this Ice Godslayer Sword.” Shaun removed a huge six foot sword from the wall and gave it to him. “Heh heh, sweet.” Shaun picked up a large red weapon, rimmed with orange. “This is your weapon Jordi. It’s called the Fireburst Cannon. There’s another one, both are handheld.” Jordi nodded and lifted it. “Not very heavy, light actually.” “Here’s another weapon, a Wind Sabre. Shaped like a katana, this weapon will create razor blazes of pure wind.” He handed it to Brendan who took it in both hands. “Jetta, this weapon is the Star Cannon. The weapon will seek out dark energy and destroy it like a tracker missile.” It was a massive cannon that was held atop her shoulder. “Alright!” “And Kezia, this is the Lightning Pistols. These can easily take out a building wall...or an elephant. Be careful when you shoot this thing.” To everyone’s surprise, she grinned widely and took them with care and reverance. “Thanks.” “I wish this battle was done, but it’s not done by a longshot. Emperor Darksol will fight us for a long time.” Shaun turned around and focused his eyes on the picture of the past Power Rangers. “A legacy will be threatened and you five are the newest ones. To be a Ranger is the biggest honor there is. Are you five ready to uphold a tradition?” The five nodded. Suddenly, the alarms blared. Shaun moved over towards the computers and tapped some controls. A picture flickered to life on the screen, revealing a huge dragon like creature on the screen, stomping around downtown Angel Grove. It reared back and spat out a beam of green energy. JT groaned. “Whoa! How are we supposed to deal with THAT?” “Do not worry, I have prepared for just such an occasion.” JT returned a surprised glance. “You’re prepared for a huge fire breathing monster, stomping around downtown Angel Grove?!” “That is correct.” Brendan blinked in surprise. “How do you plan for something like that?” “That is a secret.” A wall opened and in it were five tubes, all color coded. “Those are the Morph tubes. They lead to your zords. Go to it Rangers.” The five exchanged glances before dashing towards the tubes. Grasping the top ring, the five leapt into the tubes. <><><> If someone was looking at the mountians just outside Angel Grove, they would have seen the whole side of the mountian split open and reveal five huge vechiles. From out of it, large platforms moved into the open air and extended to the ground. The Zord Launch Hanger held five vechiles. Normal looking, albet really large, they resembled a Tank, a Submarine, a Plane, a Harrier Jet and a Semi Truck. Jordi placed his Pager into the slot and the red submarine with a large 1 on the top hummed to life. It started to lower into the bay. “Fire Submarine One ready.” Kazia slotted her Pager into her dash and the jets on the Harrier screamed to life. The Harrier started to rise though a open hatch in the top of the mountian. “Lightning Harrier Two ready.” Jetta slotted her Pager. The plane’s tubines screamed to life as well. It started to rumble down the airstrip that had extended from the strip it was perched from. “Star Liner Three ready.” “Ice Tank Four ready,” JT reported, his engines rumbling to life. The huge muzzle of the Tank rose into the air as it rumbled down the platform. “Windchaser Semi Five ready,” Brendan said. The Semi rumbled to life, its turbine engine creating a sound much like a Desel Engine. “All Rangers, lets Moblize!” The Submarine raced through the waters before erupting out of the water in a geyser. It hovered over the waters, well above the streets. Jordi reached up and tabbed a couple of switches. “Locking onto the bio signal of the creature.” Kazia screamed through the air with a high pitched whine of turbo engines. “I’m getting a reading from the south side of Angel Grove. Looks like the Monster is stomping through the Industrial area of the city.” Jetta activated a scanner and armed her weapons underneath the wings of the Plane. “I got a lock.” Down below, the Dragonlike creature spat a burst of green fire at the Plane. Jetta then pulled the huge plane into a immelhain and then looped around. “I got a weapons lock.” The missile pods opened up inside the wings and the lazers armed beneath. “ROCKETS AWAY!” she shouted, pulling the trigger. A salvo of six rockets, three from each side lanced out, followed up by the tommygun fire of the lazer weapons. Three of them impacted on the sides of the Dragon and the lazers stung its hide, causing the Dragon to spit a huge plume of green fire. A gout of flame ignited the wing of the plane. “I’m hit! I’m pulling out!” “Get out of there Jetta, I got a lock.” The plane pulled away and the huge muzzle on the Tank cliked into view. JT reached over and pulled a switch, and then tapped two buttons. “Ice cannon armed.... FIRING!” A long beam of icy blue energy lanced out and struck the Dragon who retalliated with a swing of its long tail. The tail struck the Tank and sent it into a double roll. Inside the cockpit, JT shook his head clear of cobwebs. “I’m down! Someone take care of Godzilla over here!” “Launching Air Torpedos!” The weapon ports on the Submarine opened up and five long torpedos burst from their casings and impacted on the dragon. It roared as it stumbled back into the wall of a nearby industrial complex, flattening it totally. “Ouch.” Brendan adjusted a weapon pod on the two pipes and it moved into a weapon fire position. Suddenly, the tail came out of nowhere and it threw the Semi into five rolls over and over before landing upside down on the cab. “I’m hit! Someone get this guy for me!” Back in the Mountian Base, Shaun frowned. “This isn’t going good. Individual attacks are barely scratching the Dragon.” “What about the Megazord Mode?” Katrina asked. “I haven’t tested it yet!” “But it’s our only hope, right?” She prodded. Shaun paused for a long second before he sighed deeply. “Alright.” He opened the communicator lines. “Rangers.” Over all their radio lines, the Rangers heard his voice. “Take your communicators and insert them into the slots provided to activate the Elemental Megazord.” “You heard the man, Elemental Megazord Power up!” Jordi slotted his communicator into the dashboard and it hummed to life with new power. “Fire Submarine One Megazord Mode!” The Submarine moved to a diagonal position as the bottom split open to reveal a inner arm and the shoulder clamps. Then, the hand flowed out of the arm seamlessly as the joints flowed seamlessly. “Windchaser Semi Five Megazord Mode.” The Semi truck rose up on the back cab junction and split open, all small parts folding up into the body. The cab opened up two junctions for the arms. “Ice Tank Four Megazord Mode.” With a hiss of compressed air, the Tank’s huge muzzle detatched and then the top of the tank hissed downwards and out, forming a triangle on the front of the cab. The treads folded up behind it. It then rose up and slid into place, forming a protective covering on the Megazord chest. “Star Liner Three Megazord Mode.” The Plane’s back thrusters opened up and formed a latch for the connection to the side arms. Then, the hand slid out from the front nose. The transformed sub and the plane rose up and latched onto the sides of the arms with a dull thud and a hiss of compressed air. Kazia swooped down, as she slotted her communicator. “Lightning Harrier Two Megazord Mode. I’m coming in for a landing.” The Harrier rose up diagonally and split open at the seams, forming a face. Then, the wings folded up and the turbines flattened as it landed onto the top. Kazia’s chair slid out from the zord. “Elemental Megazord!” The five were situated in the middle of the head, surrounded by a bank of computer terminals. The Dragon, frustrated at the lack of effect of its energy bolts while the mecha was combining, spun its tail to knock the Megazord off its feet. The Megazord dived into a roll as Brendan activated the controls. “Megazord Battle Mode online! Shields at eighty percent!” “Energy output increasing for hand to hand!” “Alright, lets blow this thing away.” The Megazord trundled forwards with heavy steps as the Dragon spat a long stream of fire, only to be caught by a ice shield formed by the Tank zords chest. The Megazord rushed forwards and grasped the Dragon by the head, slamming it into the ground. Then, it pulled on its tail as it lashed around. “Steady now,” JT said, using the arm controls to grasp the creature by the tail. Suddenly, the Dragon pulled its head from the hole in the ground and spat a bolt of energy into the face. The whole Megazord threw off sparks as it stumbled onto its back. The Dragon wasted no time as it leapt, landing atop the Megazord, using its claws to try and tear the Megazord apart. “Pressure is in the red, we’re going to implode!” Brendan shouted. “Oh god, we’re gonna die!” Kazia shouted, grabbing onto her controls with a death grip. “We’re not going to die yet!” JT reached over and pulled the buttons. Then he shattered a red panel that said “Break in Emergency.” Meanwhile, Shaun stared in shock. “God, he’s not going to, is he?” “Time to take care of the lizard!” He slammed his hand on the big red button which sounded with a old car horn. In an instant, the Megazord sprouted a spike in its knee and kneed the Dragon in what passed for genetilia. It was thrown over the mecha’s head and into the building below as the Megazord stood up. “I can’t believe that worked,” Jordi muttered as he pressed a button. “Megazord Power Saber!” In its hand, a saber, as long as as the Megazord appeared in a clap of thunder. It was long with a star in the hilt and two guards to catch other sword blades. Jordi grasped the controls and inputted the command, twisting the joystick in a circle and then thrusting it forwards. “Megazord Blitz Mode!” The Megazord grasped the sword with both hands and then it shimmered with energy that poured from its feet. Then, it lunged forwards, slashing several times, the sword burning with energy. The Dragon howled as the cuts lanced across its skin. Then, just as it had started, it was over as the Megazord leapt back and turned around. With a tremendous groan, the Dragon toppled over backwards and exploded with tremdendous force. In the Mountian Base, Shaun sighed in relief. “Now I know we’ve made the right choice.” “You sure seemed like we didn’t,” Katrina said, laying her head on his shoulder. “But they were great out there.” “You’re right.” Shaun opened the comm signal. “Rangers, return to base.” <><><> “This Megazord will be a problem. When will the Ectomorphicons be combat ready?” Quickster checked a padd he held. “Not for another month. Synthasizing Ooze is a tricky process my Liege.” The Emperor’s eyes narrowed. “My brother has guarded his secret well through...vulgarity and his evil ambition that has once surpassed my own. I believe we should step up the process. Start scanning the Earth for the Hyperlock Chamber.” “At once. It will take a month though to cover the whole earth.” The Emperor nodded as Quickster bowed and left his presence. Once out of sight, he wiped his brow of nervous sweat. “All these set backs will cost valuable time. More Gears will be needed if these Rangers continue to destroy two dozen each time they fight. And the loss of Draconis has set us back a Growth Pill.” He sighed deeply before entering his lab, the doors clamping shut. Written by Shaun Garin