“RANMA!” YGGDRASIL FILMS IN ASSOCIATION WITH MAGIC TECH PRODCUTIONS “Gyaugh!” Ranma leapt out of bed, making a three point landing atop his head. He leapt from the hard wood floor, swinging open the window. Down below, a cute brown haired girl with blue streaks in her hair, and matching her roots which were a dark blue color. She had long ears that seemed to have long tuffs of hair on the ends of them, and was dressed in a long blue robe, a matching white hood bunched up about her neck. Strapped to her back was a huge wooden spatula that was carved smooth at the large flat end. “Ranma! We’ll be late for CLAAAASSSS!” THUNDER SOUND STUDIOS ARC VALLEY EFFECTS NOISE BLASTER RECORDING STUDIOS The window slammed shut, and a rapid fire thudding, followed by a thudding down stairs, and the door slammed open, Ranma hopping on one foot, pulling on his boots. Ukyou grabbed his wrist and started to run, dragging the swordsman along. SEGA OF AMERICA AND THE CREATIONS OF RUMIKO TAKAHASHI PRESENTS Ranma gulped down the toast hanging from his mouth and finished buckling his belt. “Mornin’ Ucchan.” A SHAUN GARIN AND JOHNATHAN TODOSICHUK FILM “Don’t morning me!” she shouted, pulling him to a fast run. “Sir Astral was mad yesterday when we arrived late!” “Geez, last time I rely on you for a wakeup call,” he groused, his legs pumping underneath him. Within a short time, the pair skidded into the one room school, as the warning bell rang. SHINING FORCE II : THE NEW LEGEND DIRECTED AND WRITTEN BY SHAUN GARIN AND J.T. CONCEPT BY SHAUN GARIN AND JOHNATHAN TODOSICHUK MUSIC COMPOSED AND ORGANIZED BY THUNDER SOUND STUDIOS SPECIAL EFFECTS BY ARC VALLEY EFFECTS VOICES RECORDED AT NOISE BLASTER RECORDING STUDIOS CHARECTERS CREATED BY SEGA OF AMERICA AND RUMIKO TAKAHASHI The class monitor, a class three nerdish teen of a generic cut, checked off their names once they had skidded into the room. “Mr. Saotome, Miss Kounji, on time...” he raised an eyebrow, “For once in five weeks.” Ukyou grimaced at the words and sat down, smoothing her robes, adjusting her huge spatula. Let the other priestesses have their sticks, she thought with a grin, I have my spatula. Ranma yawned and fished out from his pocket some chicken, obviously left over from last night’s dinner. Mom was improving. The chicken went down well. After a few minutes, the bell rang and the wizened old form of the eldest mage in the whole of Grans Island appeared from the stairs. About five foot five, a somewhat lean build for his elderly frame, long white hair and a matching beard were shown as trademarks of his experience. In his hands, a long waterpolished staff with a glowing orb in the head was displayed, and each time he struck the ground, it made a crystal clear ringing sound. “Good morning class,” he said, his clear voice ringing in the classroom. “Shall we begin?” The class, composed of generic extra children, Ukyou, Ranma and a Centuar named Chester nodded and muttered their agreement. Astral, with long bony fingers, weaved a small spell. The lights in the room brightened with practiced ease as he maintained his spell. “The spellcasters in this room will need to learn this spell someday. It can range from a simple lighting spell to a powerful spell called Bolt. When used properly, you can actually send lightning about from the heavens, down onto the monster or opponents.” Ukyou raised her hand. “Sir Astral? I thought we learned this one already! You were going to teach Blast and Blaze spells today, remember?” Astral thought and blinked a couple of times. “Oh, of course! I must be getting old.” “Old he says,” Chester said, and Ranma snickered. In an instant, two chalk brushes bounced off the duo’s heads. “I heard that you two. You know the drill.” The pair winced and with practiced ease, flipped up onto their fingertips and started to rotate. Chester had a slightly difficult time, being that he had to rebalance all his legs. Astral smiled that small smile. “Now, if there are no more inter...” “SIR ASTRAL!” A blue clothed, white armored guard rushed inside the school room, breathing heavily from the amount of armor he wore. “The King!” “What about him man?” “He was attacked by something in the night, and now he cannot get up!” Astral’s face paled. “No...I’m coming! Friedman!” The nerdish teen jumped up. “Sir!” “You’re in charge! Ranma, Chester, Ukyou, come with me!” Ranma vaulted from the floor to land gracefully. Chester plummeted to the ground and immediately got back up. “Yes sir!” Chester said, grabbing a wooden stick from the armory. Ranma sheathed his wooden sword and followed the Centuar. Ukyou was right behind him. When they approached the castle, Astral waved away the guards and they rushed inside. At the foot of the stairs, he turned on them. “Wait here.” Ranma looked about, making a three hundred and sixty degree spin. “Wow. This is a nice place.” “Oh hello, you must be Sir Astral’s students.” Ukyou looked up, surprised. There, standing at the top of the stairs was the most stunning teenaged girl, her crystal blue eyes and golden sunspun hair cascading over her reddish white dress. “Hello, and welcome to Granseal Castle. I am Princess Elis.” “Princess Elis?” Ranma bowed low. “Ranma Saotome, pleased to meet you.” Ukyou curtsied as best she could do in her robe. “Ukyou Kounji, hello.” “Chester Knight, greetings.” Chester bent at the waist and bowed his head. “Please, if there is anything you can do for my father, please follow me.” The three followed the princess upstairs, only to be met by Astral running down the stairs. As he blurred past them, the Minister came along as well. “Ah, there you three are. Sir Astral has gone to the Tower. Please, take these Medical Herbs, Antidotes and this Angel Wing.” The Minister pushed the items into their hands. “I don’t understand,” Ukyou said, “why is Sir Astral so upset?” “The Tower behind Grandseal is open. He says he felt an evil power eminating from the open doors. Quick, hurry to the Tower!”