Please note that the New Turbo Rangers are taken from Ellen Brand with her permission. Thank you. “Tommorow class, we will take our field trip to the Angel Grove Race Tracks.” A mummur of appreciation went up among the assembled students. “We, as in the Mechanics class will head to the pitstops where we will learn first hand on the process of keeping the racers well maintained.” The bell rang and the Teacher dismissed them. In the halls, Brendan caught up to Jordi, JT, and Jetta who were putting things away in their lockers. “Man, finally something good in mechanics!” “Yeah man, the Angel Grove Race Tracks.” Jetta sighed in disgust. “The three of you get a day off while I have to face a Trig Test from Mrs. Applebee.” “Ha ha, sucks to be you,” JT chortled. Jetta took a mock swing at the larger teen and he danced out of the way. Jordi closed up his locker and shouldered his bag. “We leave at nine tommorow. Don’t be late.” The three exchanged dap and parted ways. Jetta stood in the same place before sighing. “Maybe there’s some semblance of sanity over at the Mountian Base.” She picked up her pack and flipped open her Communicator. Then, pressing the purple button, she was engulphed in a beam of purple light and disapeared. <><><> Power Rangers Elementals written by Shaun Garin <><><> Episode 5 : Shift Into Turbo <><><> “Shaun!” A loud bang and a clatter of tools, followed by muttered alien swears were heard as the Eltarian rolled out from underneath the Blue Viper. “Yo, whazzup?” Jetta dropped her bag and slumped into the seat. “Are you going to talk about anything BUT cars?” Shaun looked at the cars body looming over his head and then shook his head cheerfully. “Nope. OW!” He clutched his head painfully as Jetta removed her fist from his skull. “That hurt you know,” he uttered under his breath. “So sorry,” she said, sarcasm dripping like acid from her voice. “It’s just that the guys get a day off when they go to the races tommorow.” “Ah, the Angel Grove Race Tracks. I have a friend who works there. Actually, he drives one of the cars.” “Cool. What’s his name?” “Name? Tommy Oliver.” “Tommy Oliver? Cool. Can you get me in?” Shaun rubbed his chin a couple of times before sliding back under the car. “Perhaps,” came his voice, “I can only pull things so far.” Jetta shook her head in disgust. “Men. Especially Twenty five year olds.” A clatter of tools sounded as he rolled back out to glare at her. “Cheap shot.” She replied, sticking her tongue out at him. <><><> “My Lord, the humans spend much of their time driving vechiles. Cars and such. We could use this and create a monster that would destroy the Power Rangers with their own technology.” The Emperor copied a gesture that was used previously by Shaun as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “What do you propose General Anatha?” The woman before him swept to a screen and activated it. Inside the screen showed a diagram of the Power Vipers. “The Rangers Power Vipers are quite formidable. Armed with weaponry, they are a threat. We can have an absorber Monster absorb the properties of one of the Rangers Vipers, turning their own weapons against them.” “A devious plan. Proceed.” She bowed. “Your faith humbles me.” She dissapeared in a flash of dark green energy. <><><> In Angel Grove Elementary, Fred Kelman sighed and looked out the window. It was a long, slow lazy day of classes. Stealing a glance over at Frank Park who wrote dilligantly at his notebook, he sighed and flipped his notebook open as well. English. Ugh. Soon, the bell rang and the students flooded out into the room like a sea of multicolored bodies. Fred turned and opened his locker, in just enough time to hear a sarcastic voice ask, “still alive Fred?” Fred smirked a bit. “Still.” The speaker was Tasha Young, a girl from the orphanage. She and Justin had both had been in the same orphanage, the Angel Grove Little Haven, until Justin’s dad had come back to become a family once again. Justin slammed his locker shut and sighed. The green clad boy next to him looked at his blue colored friend and said, “Hey Justin, what’s eating you?” Brown eyed, black haired Franklin Park, younger brother of Adam Park, and son to Detective Trevor Park, greatly resembled Adam more than his father. Justin, the boy genius, just sighed deeply and said, “I dunno. I feel like something’s missing.” Behind him, Rosa Park snickered loudly. “Braniac think there’s something missing? Call out the reporters, this is a national crisis!” Tasha rolled her eyes before saying, “Hey, you’re going to see Tommy later today, right? Why don’t we all come along?” Justin shrugged and said, “Sure. I don’t think he’d mind.” <><><> Quickster, sitting at a well worn workbench, moved through his design notes quickly before turning to his computer, and tapping at the screen. Several different caligraphy of non-human origin ran over the screen as he returned to the task at hand. The door opened while he added some more calculations to reveal General Anatha. She was staffless at the time, her Scythestaff put away for now. Brushing back a lock of hair, she asked, “When will that new monster be ready?” “It’s still a while Anatha,” he said, not looking up from his work. “An Absorber is a difficult thing to work on. For one, it doesn’t have a set form before it takes on one. And second, I haven’t done it in centuries!” Anatha just shook her head and sat down at a table, popping open the cold storage. Inside, were various cans and bottles with labels that were somewhat alien to the female general. “What’s this?” she asked, holding up a bottle. He looked up and said, “Uh? Oh, Mountain Dew. A human drink.” She looked at it and twisted the top, letting the fizz settle down. Then, sniffing at the liquid, she said, “Smells like Meelar Water.” “It helps me concentrate,” he replied, adding the next set of calculations as the woman took a long pull, and coughed violently for a second. “Don’t drink it all at once,” he warned, raising an eyebrow. “It contains Carbon Dioxide.” Setting aside the drink, she said, “I’ll be back to check on your progress. The Emperor demands it to be done soon.” “On it.” <><><> Bryan Oliver, uncle to Tommy Oliver wiped his forehead with a rag before saying, “Come on you slowpokes! Tommy needs this car done soon! Perferably before the next millenium!” Then, turning to the assembled teens before him, he said, “Welcome to Angel Grove Tracks. I’m Bryan Oliver, head of mantiance. Now, if you’ll follow me, I’ll show you all the pit.” As they followed the man into the pit area, he explained several different aspects of the speed needed to maintain the cars during a high speed race. Soon, a young man came into view, dressed in a red t-shirt and jeans. “This is Tommy, our best driver,” Bryan said, indicating him. “Hi.” Tommy looked over the class before saying, “Has anyone driven a high speed car before?” Jordi restrained himself from raising his hand. As with Brendan and JT. They had driven high speed, EXPENSIVE battle cars but hey, who was going to tell him that? <><><> “The monster is ready,” Anatha reported. “I will send it down to earth now.” “Excellent. Do not fail me General,” the Emperor commanded. <><><> JT cursed under his breath as the Power Pager clasped onto his belt rumbled. Taking it, he looked at it, reading the script. *Gears in the park. Haul ass down there now.* Tapping the others on the shoulder, the three turned to go before running into a group of kids. “Sorry,” the one with the baseball cap appologized before moving off. Once out of sight, JT turned around and asked, “Is it clear?” Brendan looked around. “Clear.” JT nodded and said, “Let’s Morph!” “Elemental Fire Power!” “Elemental Ice Power!” “Elemental Wind Power!” In a flash of light, the three teleported downtown to the park where a group of Gears were tearing up the landscape. A single Black Gear, slightly different with a star on the left side of its chest directed the attack, and carried a nasty looking polearm. “I’ve got the leader,” Jordi said before the three started in on the battle. <><><> “I’m here, where’s the fire?” Kezia asked. “The other Rangers are fighting in the park against Gears and one Elite. You must morph and go down there immediately.” “Right, you heard the man,” Jetta said. “Power Rangers Elementals!” “Elemental Star Power!” “Elemental Lightning Power!” <><><> “The Rangers are in place,” Anatha said. “I belive its time to step the plan.” She sent a beam down from the moon to the surface of the green and blue planet below. <><><> In an instant, several Gears on cycles appeared, much to the concern of the Rangers who found themselves rapidly becoming targets in a shooting gallery. Jetta rolled away from a volley of shots and shouted into her communicator, “We need Viper Power!” In an instant, the five Vipers appeared and roared down the avenue. <><><> “Now. Go.” <><><> Before the five could mount up, a thin black mist slid into the lead Viper. Suddenly, it started to twist into a mechanical construct, based on the viper until it formed a humanoid robot that was twice as strong and fast as the Vipers. Brendan blinked in shock. “Oh man, this isn’t good.” “I am Vipetron,” the car rumbled, slamming a fist down in the group of Rangers. “You will all die,” he intoned, letting loose with the weapons. As the Rangers ducked for cover, he turned around and blasted the Vipers one by one, until they were smoking ruins. Jetta’s jaw dropped. “SHIT!” “Power Blasters!” Jordi ordered, drawing his weapon. “FIRE!” The beams of energy lanced out, striking the monster which simply laughed as its thick hide and armor took the attack. “Aw crap, he strengthened the armor ten fold!” JT holstered his weapon and said, “No way am I going hand to hand with him.” “And you’ll never catch me Rangers,” he said, smirking. With a mecha-esque like transformation, it became a Viper and roared away, leaving a sonic boom. Collapsing into Gears, the Gears flew away as well. A silence stood before Jetta said, “Well this just sucks.” <><><> “PRIME! What happened?!” Shaun was still scraping his jaw off the ground as the five teleported in with their cars, or what was left of them. De-transforming, Jetta said, “Darksol, who else?” Shaun slumped to his chair, muttering a word in a gargling/ grunting sound. From Katrina’s look of shock, the Rangers figured they had missed a NASTY one. “It’ll take me weeks to rebuild them,” he moaned sadly. “And I just WAXED THEM TOO!” He wailed. Katrina patted him on the shoulder consolingly before saying, “What happened to Viper One?” “It was taken by a monster,” Jordi said, obviously unhappy that his car was taken. “It was last seen heading down to the Race tracks.” Shaun swore again, this time in Triforian, and said, “You’d better head back before something happens. I’ll see what I can do to catch that speed demon of a car.” As the five dissolved into sparkles, he looked at the slagged vechiles and said, “Matrix save us,” before turning to his computer screen. Katrina looked worriedly on at the screen which displayed the damage being cleaned up by the AAGD Clean Up Crew. Turning to the other, she asked, “Erin, CAN you fix the Vipers?” Shaun hung his head. His form of a black haired teen blurred to become a tall man, dressed in a gold tunic and black trousers. He swept back a lock of brown hair which seemed to reflect the light behind him. Blue eyes looked at her, the scars of their homeworld reflecting in his eyes. “I don’t know,” he said finally, looking at the wreakage of the destroyed Vipers. “I don’t know.” <><><> “You have done well Vipetron,” Anatha said, running a finger over her monsters shiny metal skin. “Those Rangers have lost one of their most powerful weapons. With your superior speed, they cannot manage to cope.” “Thank you General,” he rumbled, punctuated with a bow. “I live to serve. Will I go up and destroy the Rangers now?” “Not yet,” she said. “We will let them stew for a day or two before attacking. Go and reenergize yourself and shut down for the night.” “Thank you General.” He turned and walked out of the room, his armor winking in the half light. <><><> “Here to see Dr. Kino?” Serena said with a smile. “She’s in her office. My you kids drop by regularly.” Jetta flashed her a half smile before entering the plush office where the brown haired woman wrote at her small computer. “Come in, take a seat.” Jetta sat down with a heavy thud as Lita looked up and said, “Pepsi?” “Please.” The woman reached into her mini refrigerator and pulled the drink, tossing it to Jetta. Jetta caught it and in a fluid motion, pulled the tab and took a long drink. She came up coughing and spluttering as the carbonation hit her lungs like a knife. “You okay?” Lita asked, taking her own Pepsi from the fridge and taking a careful sip. Jetta shrugged halfheartedly. “I’ve had a crappy day Lita,” she said finally. “Miss A decides on a test, I’m stuck in the Mountian Base when Shaun shorted out the transporters and I let the monsters destroy the Vipers. Not a good day.” “I see. And this upsets you?” Jetta slapped a hand down on the arm of her chair angrily. “YES IT UPSETS ME! I let the monsters win.” Lita circled her desk as she sat down beside her. Pausing thoughtfully, she asked quietly, “Jetta, what’s your color signifigance?” As if reciting a mantra, she said, “Purple. Formerly Pink.” “What does Pink stand for?” Lita pressed. “Pink, means a warm, caring and reserved person. Which I am NOT!” “But you said your powers transmutated to Purple, right? Shaun told me that your colors reflect your inner spirit. Tell me, who do you think is the leader of your group?” Jetta looked up from her musing as she replied, “Jordi, of course.” “Why do you think he’s the leader?” The girl smirked as she replied, “He’s wearing Red. All Ranger team leaders wear RED. Red Morphin, Red Zeo, Red Turbo, Red Astro.” “But Jordi doesn’t have a SWORD.” “SWORD? What’s a SWORD got to have anything to do with this?” The Psychiatrist leaned back and said, “Well, if you belive Jordi is your leader, then he has to have a sword. And Elemental Sabers don’t count. Red Morphin, Red Zeo, White Morphin, Red Turbo, Red Astro. They all have swords. But Jordi doesn’t. He has a cannon. JT has the SWORD.” She took a breath and a drink before continuing. “Shaun has described your powers to me. For one, the colors were not set. Each color reflects different doctrines with the inner soul. Green Elemental for example means a cool, calm and scientific head. Red Elemental means a strong, headstrong man or woman that will fiercely protect and defend. Yellow means fun loving and carefree. Blue, means agressive to the point of recklessness. But it also holds a touch of loyalty that cannot be broken. That, is what defines the leader of a team.” “And Purple? What doctrine does that follow?” “Purple, is the equivilant of Morphin Green. Withdrawn, personal. Self contained. These are what make you who you are. Fiercely loyal, never backing down. Also traits.” “I see. Thanks Lita.” The conversation hit a lull for a second before a beeping alerted Jetta to her Communicator. Pulling out the clear Purple Cell Phone, she opened it up and said, “Talk to me.” “Report back to the Mountian Base. I’ve developed a new weapon to use against Vipetron.” Jetta acknowlaged and cut the connection. “I’ve gotta go Lita. Tommorow maybe?” “No problem.” Punching in the code, Jetta dissolved into a column of Purple light. <><><> “You sure this will work?” JT asked skeptically. The somewhat short asian Eltarian in disguise swept back his black hair, adjusted his glasses up and down and said, “Of course, what do I look like, an idiot?” Behind him sat a round column of four morphers and keys. “These Keys and Morphers contain the power of Turbo. Duplicated and resonating with the new Turbo Zords, they can take down Vipetron. But I’m afraid that I am greatly unfamiliar with the Power of Turbo.” Mass blinking. A sweatdrop formed on the Rangers brows as Kezia inquired, “What’s the purpose of creating more Powers if you don’t know how they work?” Shaun grinned nervously as he rubbed the back of his head with one hand. “Well, I was hoping to call Tommy here and let him explain. And Justin’s around here somewhere.” His explanation was cut short suddenly as the alarm sounded with a wail of sirens. Brendan moved towards the computers and activated the viewscreen. The scene before them showed Vipetron racing towards the Angel Grove Race Tracks. “He’s headed towards the Tracks.” “Shit. Lets suit up guys. Power Rangers Elementals!” In a flash of multicolored light, the five Rangers appeared in the midst of chaos. Gears were ripping up the landscape, and Vipetron was starting Urban Renewal earlier than planned. The monster blasted a pole before turning lazily towards the Rangers. “Welcome Rangers to your doom,” he sneered, his weapon leveled at the Rangers. Suddenly, a blue blur slammed into the side of Vipetron, bowling him over. The shot went wild as it brought down the side of the Race Tracks. The other Rangers stared as a figure in blue appeared in a blur of motion. His spandex like suit was blue and his helmet was decorated like the front of a car. “Thought you guys needed some help,” he said. “My friends are being attacked by Gears, can you help?” Red grinned under his helmet and clasped the others shoulder. “Yeah, we can help. Come on.” As the Rangers ran away, Vipetron staggered to his feet as the Rangers turned tail and ran. “Come back here!” he bellowed before they dissapeared around the corner. <><><> “Tommy, behind you!” The red clad martial artist turned and ducked a punch from the closest Gear, only to rerout its attack into the face of another Gear who was thrown back by the force. The others of the fighting force, Tasha, Frank, Fred and Rosa were slowly holding their own. At that moment in time, the five Rangers, plus one, ran around the corner, and immediately plowed into the Gears. Tommy soon found himself fighting beside Blue Turbo who he asked, “Justin? Is that you?” Justin turned and nodded before throwing himself into the attack once again. Soon, with the new Rangers, the rest were destroyed and turned into dust. Blue Elemental turned to Tommy and said, “Tommy Oliver, I presume?” “That’s right,” he replied. “Who’re you?” Blue stuck his hand out. “Blue Elemental, leader of the Power Rangers.” “Power Rangers....and Justin?” The kid Power Ranger shrugged. “I just found a place to Morph and threw myself into the fight.” “In any case, please come with us,” Yellow Elemental said. “It’s not safe out here and we need your help.” “If I go, everyone goes.” Tommy set his jaw as Blue Elemental sighed and nodded, drawing his blue colored Power Cell from out of his subspace pocket. “Mountain Base, eleven to beam up.” In a flash of light, the eleven dissapeared. <><><> “Wow, look at this place,” Tasha said in awe. “This is so awesome!” Justin said, having taken off his helmet. Rosa stole a glance at her blue clad friend. It was strange, having one of her friends being a Power Ranger for most of the time she had known him, but never suspected it. Soon though, the eleven entered the room. In a strange, nostalgic way, it was almost reminicent of the Power Chamber. The same computer banks laid out, but a huge viewscreen dominated one end. Zoot chutes with the numbers one to six, six, possibly being an inactive chute, lined one wall. A huge training area with a grid and several BIG robots lined the walls was seen through a transparent door to the left. And two more halls moved down into what he suspected was the Zord hangars or the sleeping areas. Frank ran his hand over the computer banks, his smile threatening to enguph his face. “This is so COOL!” Just then, from out of nowhere, a chair appeared. And sitting in the middle of it was a sandy haired man, dressed in long ornate robes. Looking up from his thoughtful position, he smiled and said, “Rangers, good you came so quickly.” Turning to Tommy, he smiled. “I am pleased to see you came as well Tommy.” “Shaun?” Tommy asked, surprised as he recognized the voice. “What in the world?” The Eltarian smiled. “I am a Eltarian Shapeshifter on my mothers side. My Uncle is Zordon of Eltare.” “Zordon? Your Uncle is Zordon?” Justin asked, awed. “That is correct. But that is not the reason I brought you here. Behold,” he swung a hand and the Turbo Morphers rose from the ground to lock into place. “The Turbo Morphers. I have recreated the powers, save for Blue since I had detected it in use. Will you be willing to take up the Powers once again Tommy?” Tommy’s jaw hung open again. “I’d be honored to but...” he turned and looked at Fred. “I think Fred should be the new Red Turbo.” “Me?” Fred asked. Shock was displayed across his face. “But I’m not really Ranger Material.” “Neither was I Fred,” Tommy said with a fond smile. “But I rose to the challenge.” “Then it’s settled. Fred Kelman, stand before the Red Turbo Key.” Fred stepped forwards and placed his hand atop the glowing orb in the middle of the column. “Rosa DeSantos, sister of Rocky the Blue Zeo Ranger,” To this, Rosa gasped and swore silently to ask Rocky about this later. “Place your hand atop the Pink Key.” She did as she was told before Frank stepped forwards. “Franklin Park, brother of Adam Park, Green Zeo and Turbo, place your hand atop the Green Key.” “Tasha Young, place your hand atop the Yellow Key.” The two placed their hands atop the orb. “And Justin, the oldest of the Turbo Rangers, place your hand atop the Blue Key. Your powers will be upgraded to a new level, matching the other Turbo Rangers.” Justin put his gloved hand atop it, matching the others. A tence moment passed before Fred said, “On three. One...two...THREE!” The five slammed their hands atop the Morphers as light streamed into their bodies. Then, with a whine, their suits appeared on their bodies. Colors of Green, Blue, Yellow, Pink and Red were on their now adult bodies, in patterns similar to the old Turbo suits, but with the addition of a lightning bolt slashed across the number on their shoulders in a glowing gold. “Wow...” Rosa gasped. “Incredible,” Frank put in. “This is awesome!” Justin added. “Cool,” Tasha said. “This is so cool,” Fred finished. Katrina then picked up the slack. “Fred, your zord is Red Lightning. Rosa, Wind Chaser is yours to command. Frank, Desert Thunder is yours. Tasha, Dune Star is your zord to pilot. And Justin, you will pilot Mountian Blaster.” Just then, the alarm sounded as they turned around to look through the huge screen. There, standing in the middle of the Race Tracks, there was Vipetron and a battalion of Gears ripping up the pods. “They’re in trouble,” JT said. “Let’s do it.” “Right,” Fred agreed. “Rangers Power up!” “Back to action!” A flash of light and ten rangers appeared before Vipetron who was shocked and startled. “TEN RANGERS?!” “That’s right,” Fred said, stepping forwards, crossing his arms over his adult chest. “And you’re going down Vipetron!” “Enough talk. Weapons!” In a flash, the Rangers were holding several different weapon. Vipetron charged forwards, meeting Turbo Yellow and Elemental Yellow in a hand to hand battle. Parrying two thrusts from Elementals Daggers and Turbo’s Star Chargers, he was unaware of Blue Turbo and Red Elemental’s blasts which knocked him into the air with a cry of shock. Red Turbo and Blue Elemental then engaged them with slashes across the chest in a X-pattern which sent him reeling. Both Green Rangers were upon him at once, Green Turbo fading back with his Thunder Cannon while Elemental Green slashed him across the chest twice before side stepping the salvo of green fireballs, allowing them to slam into his chest. Both Pinks then went into action, using thier ranged weapons to shoot at him rapidly, allowing no chance for attacks. As Vipetron rolled to his feet, he snarled and said, “This is not over!” he pulled a pill from a pouch and swallowed it. In an instant, he was giant sized. The Rangers faded back as Fred turned to his fellow Red Ranger. “Zord time?” “Yeah. Elemental Zords Mobilize!” “Turbo Zords activate!” Within seconds, the zords appeared and quickly locked together to form the Turbo and Elemental Megazords. The Turbo Megazord brandished its sword as Elemental pulled its own. Vipetron let loose a salvo of missles from the intigrated weapons which sent them backwards. Elemental then did something unique as he sprung on one finger and lunged towards, it’s sword powering up. “Megazord Blitz Mode!” Jordi commanded, the sword making several cuts along the front of Vipetron. Meanwhile, Fred had pulled the zord backwards and energized the sword. “Turbo Megazord Spinout!” As soon as the zord had passed the monster, it toppled over and exploded. <><><> “How’s my baby? Feel better now?” Tommy snickered at the sight of the Eltarian cooing over the newly restored Power Vipers. Turning to the kid who stood at his side, he asked, “How was it Fred?” Fred smiled as he shrugged. He ran a gloved hand through his hair as he said ,”Incredible. I see why you stayed a Ranger for so long Tommy.” “Rangers, Turbo Rangers.” Katrina pulled out a floating drawer with six golden communicators in them, in the form of wristbands. “This is a great day as we welcome the Turbo Rangers to our group. Are you five willing to protect Angel Grove from the evil of Emperor Darksol?” The Turbos looked at each other and huddled for a second. Then, breaking for a second, Justin said, “It’s our pleasure to be part of the Rangers.” “Good. Then take these, and tell your parents about this. The rest of the Rangers have arrangements with thier own, as you five should. The wrist communicators are less conspicuous than Power Cells.” She then turned to Tommy and said, “Take one as well. The teams need guidance, as well as help.” Tommy took the communicator and thanked her. JT grinned and stuck his hand out to Fred. “Welcome to the Power Rangers Fred.” “Thanks.” The two joined hands and shook firmly. Written By Shaun Garin