“And one and two and one and two..” Sharmamon collapsed to the ground. “Enough!” he cried. “Any more and I’ll devolve from sheer exhaustion!” Lee’s grandfather nodded as he let the pair rest. “That’s all for today.” Lee and Sharmamon sat at the side of the yard as they watched his grandfather move through the moves of a practiced martial arts master. “Wow,” Sharmamon said. “He could give some digimon pointers on how to fight.” Lee nodded wordlessly as he took a sip from a glass of water at his side. The door then opened to reveal Lee’s mother standing at the door with a big green bag. “Lee? Sharmamon? Can one of you take this out to the garbage bin?” “Sure thing!” Sharmamon was up in a flash, heading out into the back alleyway. Lee’s mother smiled. “If only you were that fast Lee.” Lee reddened in embarrassment. <><><> “We need to get you a disguise,” Lee remarked as Sharmamon walked along side him, earning stares from the passerby. “Why? We can just pass me off as a guy in a suit.” “Maybe in some kids show it could happen,” Lee scoffed. “We need a disguise. Like a trenchcoat or something. Sharmamon shook his head. “I still say Raine’s got the better idea,” he said, pointing down the block to where Raine stood at a crossing light, holding Labramon with a leash and collar. Lee sweatdropped. “I doubt that making you out like a dog is gonna help Sharmamon,” he remarked. Raine crossed the street as she smiled and waved. “Good morning Lee!” she called out. “Morning Raine, Labramon.” He greeted. “Hi! Raine, do I really have to wear this thing?” Labramon complained, pulling at her collar. “Yes, if you want to walk around freely.” “Why can’t I pass myself off like Sharmamon is doing?” Labramon asked, pointing to where the goblin digimon was entertaining nearby kids by balancing his club on his nose. “Because I doubt that’s what you want to do. A circus dog, while cool, isn’t very inconspicuous.” “Hi guys!” Eric ran up as he panted. “Sorry I’m late, but dad grilled me for coming home late last night.” “We never planned to meet here,” Lee pointed out. Eric waved it off. “Details, details. So, when do *I* get my own monster?” “Digimon!” the pair of digimon chorused. “Yeah that. You two went into that digital world, you must know how to get back inside.” “You really want to go back there?” Raine asked in shock. “That monster alone was bad enough!” “Still, it would be cool, fighting big monsters with a digimon that could whoop things really bad! I’ll bet he’s like an incredibly powerful cyborg digimon or like a lion type! It’ll be great to have a cool partner like that!” The group sweatdropped at Eric’s rantings. “He’s... not stocked with all of his shurinken is he?” Sharmamon commented, earning nods from the rest of the group. “Thought so.” “Hey! I resent that remark,” Eric huffed. “So, are we gonna go or not?” “Think of the dangerous situation it could put us in just trying to find your digimon Eric,” Lee warned. “Yeah, you could get splattered all over the digital world,” Labramon added. “Eew...” Raine commented as Eric shrugged. “C’mon, please?” “No,” the group chorused. “Aww....” <><><> Digital Dairies : Adventures 2003 written by Shaun Garin Authorized by Lord Archive, set in his Digimon Series, Red Digivice Diaries/War Diaries. <><><> File 03 : Two Of A Kind Eric walked down the road dejectedly as Raine and Lee followed him, their Digimon trailing behind or before them. “It’s not fair,” he said. “I’m probably being denied the most powerful Digimon in the world.” Lee turned to Raine and whispered, “Let’s not tell him about the D3’s. He may have one and open a portal.” Raine nodded. “It’s not fair!” Eric said, whirling on them. “You two get cool digimon while I get nothing!” He then ran away as Raine called out to him, Eric paying no heed to their calls. “Stupid Eric,” Raine said sadly as he vanished out of sight. “We’re just doing what’s best for you.” “But is it the right thing?” Lee said, shaking his head. <><><> Eric ran until his legs gave out and he finally collapsed on the sidewalk. Heart pounding in his chest from the exertion, he laid there until a voice asked him, “Hey, you okay there kid?” Eric sat up to look at the same young man from the night before. “Hey! You’re that guy, Femur!” He chuckled. “Actually, the name is Sean, but you can call me Bones.” Sean helped him to his feet and gave him a water bottle. “Here, you look tired.” Eric downed the water as he said, “Thanks.” “Not a problem.” Sean sighed. “You look like you’re in a bit of a fix. Care to talk about it?” After a while and a bit of explaining, Sean had a distant look on his face, one that was sad. His expression seemed to have aged him seventy years, a look of hard experience on his face. “Eric,” he said slowly, “it may be best for you to find your partner digimon, it may not. You must choose your own way.” “Yeah, and everything in my body is telling me to find the digimon... but my mind keeps flashing back to our first encounter... with that red dino digimon.” “A Tyrannomon,” Sean said. “It’s a common sight in the digital world. Still rather dangerous. But your partner can probably handle anything that’s thrown it’s way.” He paused for a moment. “Let me tell you about my digimon.” “Your digimon?” Eric asked in surprise. “You had a digimon? I didn’t see it anywhere last night.” “That’s because... he died. He saved us and the world itself by sealing away an evil digimon who was going to conquer both worlds.” Sean shuddered at the memories. “If you do choose to find your partner, be prepared to loose everything if the situation boils down to it. But also remember the good times, and the bad. Keep your partner close in your heart as a friend and companion.” His golden metal covered hand flexed. “Remember them day by day, and when you do find your partner, treat him well. He will be a friend for life.” “I... don’t know what to say...” Eric said. “You obviously went through a lot.” “It wasn’t easy, and it was hard to get through the day, never waking up to see his smiling face again.” Sean smiled. “At times, I miss his jokes, his simple love for fun and life. Pray you find your friend and soon. For they’ll be the best days of your life.” “Bones!” Sean looked up and nodded at Hikaru who was waving at him. “Take care Eric. Find your partner and together, always be together.” He got up and shouldered his bag, picking up his black leather satchel. “Later.” And then he was gone. Eric nodded as he smiled. “I will. Count on it.” A sudden beeping was heard. Eric looked around for the source, finally locating a small silver trimmed digivice at his side. “What’s this?” he asked, looking around. Suddenly, energy lanced up from the middle of the street as the whole street exploded into dense fog. Eric shielded his eyes as the fog washed over him. “It’s the same fog as last night!” he realized. The ground pooled into dark energy as a creature, no, make that a horde of creatures, small with leathery skin and bat wings leapt out of the portal. They landed before Eric, counting at 10 in total. “What are you?” Eric asked, backing up a few steps. “We’re Vilemon!” the leader said. He was a Vilemon with a few red scars on his body, signifying either his age or experience. “And you are lunch!” With that, they lunged at Eric. He cried out, stumbling backwards. Suddenly, his D3 flared with brilliant light as the Vilemon cried out as well in pain. Eric looked at the D3 in wonder as a portal, this one made in the air opened behind him and a cry came. “Blazing Ice!” The ice attack ripped into the Vilemon, knocking them into the black portal. Then, a small twister accompanied by the cry of “Petite Twister!” slammed into the Vilemon, knocking them back into the portal. As the last Vilemon stood in abject fear, the tornado resolved into a small brown and pink rabbit/dog like creature with three horns on it’s head. “Get back! I’m warning you! Nightmare...” “Blazing Ice!” He opened his mouth and a great blast shot forth, slamming into the Vilemon, knocking him through the portal which slammed shut. Eric had regained his bearings as he stood up and said, “You’re.... my digimon, aren’t you?” The fog lifted as the digimon nodded. “Yep!” He then laughed as he leapt up to his head, letting both ears droop over his head. “My name is Lopmon, nice to meet you.” “I’m Eric. Wow, you’re... smaller than what I had figured.” Lopmon pouted. “How big do you want me to be? A gargantuan Greymon or something like that? How could I sit on your head then?” “No, small is fine.” Eric smiled as he pocketed the D3. “I’m glad to meet you Lopmon. I hope we can be best of friends.” “Same here.” <><><> Journal Entry - I finally got my digimon. He’s a bit smaller than I figured though. But when he drove those Vilemon away, man, I could only watch in amazement! He was so awesome with that Blazing Ice attack! Its like live action anime where no one gets hurt too badly. Kinda like Nuku Nuku where you can bash someone and not harm them permanently. Man, I’m looking forward to the next time Lopmon and I can battle another digimon. <><><> Authors notes : This is certainly short. Some might wonder why I use Digital Fields. Well, the fact is that the enemy cannot enter the real world through normal Digiports. Thus, the Digital Fields are needed. And he can only send so many digimon at times. Sometimes one big champion or perfection, other times, several rookies and champions, depending on the actual size of the digimon. Others may wonder when this series starts. It starts roughly in April of 2003, giving about a year for the series to run it’s course before Red Digivice Diaries and War Diaries actually begins. Some interaction with the other teams such as the Odaiba groups, and some US teams like the Oklahoma or New York groups will come later when the characters are established. Eric is overly enthusiastic. Yes, this may get him into trouble later.