We do not own Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket, Pikachu and the other 150 Pokemon. Though we'd like to catch them all - except Jigglypuff because we'd kill the little fluffball after listening to _that_ song too much (if we could stay awake)! *Achem* Anyway, Pokemon belongs to it's owners, Japanese and otherwise - you know who you are.
This story takes place about eight years later than the current Pokemon TV series.
C & C welcome, but flames will be answered with a flamethrower from Charizard.
Comments to: ladyorla@yahoo.com or jaelle@ihug.co.nz
Part One: Letters
To Misty Mermaid :-)
Cerulean City Gym
Dear Misty,
Hi there! It's Ash and co. here again. How are you? How are all your sisters? Etc etc. Pikachu says hi. Actually Pikachu says "Pika-pi" but you know what he means.
Sorry if you're having difficulty reading this, I fished a Raticate out of a hole it had fallen into yesterday and the ungrateful rodent bit me! The nurse Joy at the Vellum Pokemon clinic (you can tell Brock that she said she's the fourth cousin twice removed of the nurse Joy at Viridian City, whatever the heck that means in real terms) says that it's quite natural for them to react that way and that it was more scared of me than I was of it. I said that that was debatable. Those things have SHARP teeth.
Good news on the Pokemon front - my Hitmonlee FINALLY evolved! Unfortunately Hitmonchan is, well... you remember Charizard, right? It's kind of like that. Only not quite as hazardous. I've always regretted not being able to hang on to Charizard, but in the end I think we were both relieved when he saved the Volcano Gym at Taupo and got invited to stay on as their main Pokemon. We'd finally gotten to the point where he would obey me, but there was too much history there. And I missed Charmander anyway. I managed to find a nice one in the last town. We're getting along nicely and he seems to like everyone else. He's really cute too.
Speaking of troublesome Pokemon however, guess who I ran into last week?
You guessed it - our main enemy, the natural force of destruction that
everyone fears and cowers from -
JIGGLYPUFF!!! I'm beginning to regret ever having helped that Pokemon
regain its voice, though in recent years he's kind of grown on me. And
drawn on me. A lot. Though fortunately his waterproof pen seems to have
run out and he's back to water-soluble ink, thank goodness.
So that's about all from here. I'm moving on to Westport tomorrow, so you'll be able to reach me at the Pokecentre there. I should arrive in about a week, things going smoothly. Please send me word on how things are going, and how everyone is. Also please send me some more of those sweet toffee things you made - they were great, although they stuck Wartortle's teeth together and he made these funny sounds for hours - he sounded totally brainless! (How _is_ Psyduck, anyway?)
Lots of pokelove, your friend,
(and Pikachu, Wartortle, Charmander, Hitmonchan, Velosaur, Venomoth, Pidgeot... running out of paper... and everyone else.)
To Ash Ketchum
c/o Westport Pokemon Centre
Dear Ash,
Your letter arrived yesterday and narrowly missed being buried in the mountain of paper currently on my desk. I am _drowning_ in paperwork! My sisters are no help, of course, God knows what they used to do before. Throw everything in the fire? A tempting thought!
I'm glad all is well with you (bites from Raticates notwithstanding). I have been keeping busy running the Gym. Sometimes it can be pretty tough work. For instance, the other day I found out that Violet had accidently thrown out a very important letter from the bank manager! I managed to get it all sorted out, but now my bank manager thinks I'm a brainless twit. Grrr... Anyway, I got back to the Gym and found that one of our employees had accidently drained most of the water from the main pool! So I was running around like a maniac refilling it (with help from Starmie and Staryu) and some unwelcome interference from Psyduck! All these years and I _still_ can't figure out _how_ he gets out of the poke-ball and is soooo dumb! Anyway, I was absolutely shattered by the time I got everything done and then, to make the day even _worse_, my sisters came back from their shopping expedition and gave me a _pink_ dress! PINK! You'd think that after all these years they would have figured out that pink wasn't my colour.
Hey, sorry about the above ranting, but I needed to get it out of my system.
I got a call from Brock two days ago. He has been teaching at Pokemon Tech of all places! He's enjoying it though and he kept dropping hints about a new girl. I got the impression that she likes him and that they've gone out quite a bit. Who knows, maybe after all these years Brock has finally found the girl of his dreams (although if she's a Jenny or a Joy I think I'll scream!).
I have also been keeping in close contact with your Mom. I've been visiting Pallet alot ever since I sent Togepi to Professor Oak. She's doing well, but her new work at Professor Oak's has been keeping her really busy. Her Mr Mime is still as annoying as ever, I stayed over one night and he woke me by dusting my face!
Well, I have to wind this up now and try to demolish some of this pile in front of me. Ugh. I'd rather go up against Team Rocket again! Enjoy the new batch of toffee, give Pikachu and the other Pokemon hugs from me, clean your teeth and don't forget to wear clean you-know-what (^_^).
Your friend,
PS: What did you mean by 'poke-love'??????
To Misty Mermaid
Cerulean City Gym
Dear Misty,
Wow, sounds like you're on the verge of collapse. I'm enclosing something that may help you with your paperwork. It's a cigarette lighter in the shape of a Horsea. Enjoy :-)
Great news - I FINALLY got you that Gyarados you wanted!!! Two words: NEVER AGAIN! Next time you can wait for your damn Magicarp to evolve like everyone else. I almost got killed catching that thing in its native environment. My bruises have bruises, and only finishing off the last of your toffee restored Wartortles feelings (don't ask). I'm sending it to Professor Oak and you can contact him for it. I suggest standing a fair distance away when you release it, preferably the other side of a thick wall. Are you sure you wouldn't like a nice Clefairy instead? Sure, they're kleptomaniacs, but they're cute! And they don't try to bite your arm off.
I've been recovering from my recent adventures at the Westport Poke-centre. It's very nice here, and the Nurse Joy was very kind about all the water everywhere. The locals are nice too, but if you can't talk about fish they're really not interested. I think you'd like it here. Not that you like fish, but there are a lot of water pokemon around - in fact, I went to visit the Westport Water Pokemon Sanctuary. It was so tempting to go catch some, but I didn't want the local Officer Jenny on my case, so I resisted the urge. I did however buy some picture postcards along with the cigarette lighter, and they're enclosed too.
Oh, and I traded one of my Tauros' for a Goldeen. I know I don't really need one, but I've got too many Tauros! One down, thirteen left to go.
Thanks for updating me on Mom. I'm glad she's doing well at Professor Oak's. She must really enjoy it - everytime I screen him she's there!
Anyway, I'm going to stay here for a couple more days to let everyone take a break and finish healing and then I'm moving up along the coastline to Newport (original name huh?). They've got a gym there and I thought I'd try for a wave badge. They don't have a Pokecentre yet though, but after that I'll be moving inland to Tobira City and they DO have one there so you can write to me there.
Poke-love is what Pokemon give you. So they were all sending their love to you. I hugged most of them for you but Hitmonchan punched me again so I skipped him. Sigh. It's hard work but we're _gradually_ getting somewhere. Anyway, hope you like the souvenirs.
Ash Ketchum
c/o Tobira City Pokemon Centre
Dear Ash,
THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! The Gyarados is just _wonderful_!!!! I'm SO happy!!! (Can't you tell (^_-)) I picked it up from the Professor and took him straight to the Cerulean Gym's largest pool. He was sooo impressive! And best of all he scared my sisters half to death! They were all hanging around the pool, I told them I had a new pokemon and they started making noises about including it in one of their stupid water shows. I just smiled and let Gyarados go. I have never heard such screams in my life (^_^)!! They were out of there sooo fast! It was great. Anyway, I'm building up a rapport with Gabby - he's only tried to bite me three times today- and I think he'll be a great addition to the Gym.
Sigh. It's been so embarrassing lately, we get challengers in and I'm always up in the office (drowning) and so my sisters battle - or give away the badges - and we always lose! They're not very good at controlling their pokemon and they _never_ use Dewgong who is quite powerful! Morons. I'm thinking of setting up a camera that feeds into the office so I can intercept new challengers and gain a bit of respect for the Gym!
Oh! I saw Team Rocket the other day! It was really weird. I was in the mall - out of the office for once - and I saw this woman with long red hair and a strident voice in a shoe store. I looked at her more closely and realised it was Jesse, and she was in normal clothes! Then I saw James sitting down near her - he looked as gormless as usual! I wondered whether to go in and find out what they were up to, but decided not to tempt fate! I didn't see Meowth with them though, maybe they weren't 'working'.
About your Mom, she _has_ been spending alot of time with Professor Oak. I think that they get along very well. They certainly go out to lunch and dinner alot. Not on a work basis if you know what I mean.
I really liked the postcards, they were cute. More stuff to add to the pile of stuff you've been sending me! I keep it all on a shelf in my room, it's getting full, but keep sending me things. I wish I could see half of these places! About the Horsea cigarette lighter. I saw it for all of five seconds before Daisy grabbed it and ran off with it saying it was perfect for her new boyfriend's birthday!! Apparently my idiot sister forgot all about it until his sister rang her and asked if Daisy was ready for his surprise party!!! I am going to get her for this.
I hope you are fully recovered now. If I'd known that getting Gabby was such hard work I would never have asked you. Thanks a million again!
F^%%FDSG Bye!
Misty the Insane Suicidal Mermaid and "Gabby"
Dear Misty,
GABBY?????!!!!!! What the heck?! I thought you were supposed to be the
practical one! I think all that office work has gone to your head (I'm
starting to pick up this weird feeling that you don't like it in there).
If you can get that crazy psychopathic pokemon to obey you and like you
I will personally give you one of my Tauros'.
Funny you should mention Team Rocket. I forgot to mention that I saw
Butch and Cassidy about a month back - back when I was in Westport. They
weren't in uniform either. Well, they mostly were - we were at the beach
and yeah well. I wanted to say something to them but the only thing that
came to mind was, "Get a room!" Those two worry me. There are some things
you just don't DO in public!
I got my wave badge by the way. It wasn't too bad - till they pulled
out a Dewgong. Poor Wartortle nearly froze. Uhm, I don't know how to say
this but I think you should know that I mentioned I knew you and the people
at the Tobira gym were a bit rude about the Cerulean City gym. I was going
to defend you but Pikachu got there first so I decided it was a good time
to leave. As quickly as possible. He really likes you, you know.
So I'm on the road again. My neck is still stiff from sleeping up a
tree the night before last, but I got lucky last night and found a Snorlax
in the forest, so I curled up on top of it. They're really comfy.
Mom wrote me a letter which finally caught up to me in Tobira. She was
saying how much she was enjoying her work and how kind Professor Oak was.
She also told me some interesting facts about Pokemon. I think it's nice
that she has someone to spend time with.
Unfortunately, due to the aforementioned fiasco with Pikachu I wasn't
able to pick you up any souvenirs in Tobira. And you probably wouldn't
want one anyway. Rotten place full of nasty, spiteful people. Wouldn't
trust a thing they said. I wouldn't even ask them for the time of day!
In fact, I'm thinking of just throwing away the wave badge. Buuuuttt...
I did pass through an interesting village the other day, where I got you
something. It's arriving tomorrow in a plain brown envelope marked, "Bank
statements." DO NOT OPEN IT IN FRONT OF YOUR SISTERS!!!!!! Hope it makes
up for the last present.
Anyway, I'm on the move at the moment, but I plan to head up to Weitz
City sometime next week, so you can try and catch me there. Otherwise I
will as usual leave a forwarding address for them.
Oh! Forgot to tell you I got a letter from Brock. I see what you mean
about the hints. He said: "The Sandy Bay bridge is so romantic at night.
My friend completely agrees." Hmmm... 100 yen says it's a Nurse Joy.
Lots of poke-love from:
your cheap friend Ash, (the sane one :-) and his Pokemon.
Dear Ash,
I do NOT want a Tauros!!!!! And don't mock my name for my Gyarados!!!
Achem. Okay, I'm not mad anymore.
I LOVE THE PENDANT!!! It's soooo pretty! I got the package the other
day and my sisters thought I was _completely_ insane because I was excited
about a bunch of (what they thought were) bank statements! I zoomed upstairs
and ripped it open. It's so beautifully carved, it almost looks like it
could start moving. I showed my (real) Horsea and he was so excited! I'm
wearing it now, under my top so my sisters don't see it and decide that
they want my Horsea pendant for themselves! By the way, what is the scent?
Is it sandlewood?
I can't believe that people as far away as Tobira have heard about how
sucky our Gym is. God, it's depressing. I'm doing my best to keep this
place running and in the black, and my sisters just don't seem to care.
Especially Daisy, she is so totally wrapped up in this new boyfriend -
I call him 'Fletcher the lecher'. The guy is a sleaze, but she thinks
he's God or something. She's spending _huge_ amounts of money on new dresses
and make-up, as well as presents for him - including putting a deposit
on a new BMW for him! I keep trying to tell her that she can't waste the
Gym funds like this, but she keeps saying that I'm JEALOUS!!!! ME!!!!!
As if I would want a guy with greased back hair and bad taste in clothes.
Plus he keeps looking down my shirt if I bump into him in the hallway -
yuck. My other sisters are no help, they think Fletcher is "cool" and "dangerous-looking".
They can be sooo dumb.
I'm sorry about loading this on you, Ash. But I really don't know who
else to tell.
I got another letter from Brock, including a picture of him and his
new girlfriend. I'm glad I didn't take you up on that bet! She _is_ a Joy!
AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!! I can just picture Brock introducing her to
me - "She's the third cousin of the sister of the cousin of the half-sister
of the aunt of the Joy in Saffron City."- kill me now. Oh well, I suppose
he's happy. I'm glad _someone_ is! Apart from you, but then you sound like
you're having a great time! I admit that I do think alot about the times
we spent travelling and all the adventures we had. Sometimes I really want
to go back to that.
Not that I _dislike_ running a Gym, I'd like it a lot _more_ if I was
getting some support and could fight some battles!!! We lost two more yesterday.
The only amusing part was that Violet decided to use Gabby. I had to get
the plasterer in AND calm down the challenger. Gabby was pretty upset too,
however I gave him a neck rub and he was much happier. Violet is currently
in her room having 'hysterics' - for 24 hours. Daisy has been making noises
about getting rid of Gabby. I screamed at her. ALOT. She backed down and
muttered something about valium.
Well, I look forward to your next letter. Give Pikachu an extra big
hug from me and thank him for his wonderful support! I've enclosed a little
blanket for him, I hope he likes it! Also, I hope you like what's in the
package which should arrive along with this letter. I heard it gets cold
around the Weiz area.
Poke-love from,
Misty (who is feeling bone-tired and is now going to go to bed!)
Dear Misty,
Breakthrough time. Hitmonchan and I finally developed the necessary
rapport. He tried to punch me again, I dodged the first blow, took the
second, fell over, rolled to miss the third one and he hit Pikachu instead.
Then I lost my temper and decked him. Wonderful. I feel great knowing that
I can hit my pokemon. Argh! I took him to the local Nurse Joy and asked
if she could take him in, since I didn't trust myself around him but the
weird creature refused to leave me! Double argh!
So we had a cup of tea and talked and I told her about Fletcher the
Lecher (I'd just got your letter the day before) and she suggested that
I just needed more sleep. Also, a cut I picked up on the way here had gotten
infected so she cleaned that up for me. She said she was going to send
you something, but I don't know what it is. Sorry about telling her, but
the Nurses tend to be fairly discreet and it was really bothering me. Hope
you're not too angry.
Anyway, as a result of this Hitmonchan now _respects_ me. I'm not terribly
keen about its attitude and personal views now though so I'm thinking about
passing him on to another trainer as soon as possible. Maybe Professor
Oak can suggest something or someone. I've sent him a letter.
Anyway, Weitz _is_ quite chilly, so your scarf has come in useful! And
Pikachu LOVES his blanket. Did you make that yourself too? We went out
to the annual carnival last night as part of the Nurse's suggested "relaxation"
therapy. It was fun. I got you a t-shirt, enclosed. In case you're wondering
what the English words mean, they say: "My boyfriend went to the Weitz
Carnival and all I got was this stupid t-shirt." Wear it around Fletcher.
I tried to get one saying "best friend" but they didn't have any. Sorry.
You can cross out the boy part if you like. The back says: "If you can
read this, you are much too close". I tried to find something else for
you (like a cattle prod) but no joy, so I'm looking out for a Pikachu of
your own. Trust me - no man will do ANYTHING with one of THESE around.
Anyway, I didn't feel like challenging the local gym, and I've got an
earth badge already anyhow, so we just hung out. Charmander and I had fun
on the ferris wheel. It's really nice having him around. I'm starting to
hope this one doesn't evolve. Gary can say what he likes, sometimes unevolved
is better.
I say this because I got a letter from him the other day. Yes, I was
just as shocked as you are. How the heck did he get my address? When I
saw who it was from, I thought, "Oh no, he's dying and wants to make his
peace with me." But no, it was just three or four lines suggesting that
maybe it was time I came home and provided some help for my poor, lonely
mother. Weird. I never knew he cared. I got so worried that Nurse Joy got
some kind of strange hook-up organised so I could call home, and I sort
of started to panic when noone answered. But luckily she was just working
late at Professor Oaks'. Hmmm... maybe she gave Gary my address. Should
have asked. Oh well.
Anyway, sorry the souvenir's kind of lame this time. I'll try to pick
up something at my next destination - Caluria City! Yep, that's right,
I'm going for the Storm Badge. Wish me luck, it's going to be a tough battle.
Pikachu thanks you for his blanket and hugs me to hug you. Or something
like that. Charmander also says hello. He's reading this over my shoulder
as I lie on the floor. Wartortle is sunbathing over by the window and Pikachu
is lying on my back. Pidgeot is nesting on the bed and Venomoth is fluttering
around, so from all of us that are out, I bid thee lots of Poke-love,
Your friend, Ash.
Dear Ash,
When you get stressed out about something it's easy to snap and do something
you don't mean. As long as you're sorry for it later then it isn't your
fault. Besides, you were looking out for Pikachu!
I hope you got the letter from Prof. Oak, he called me up and asked
me if I'd heard from you about Hitmonchan. He's very keen for you to send
it on to him, if you can. He doesn't think it's acting normally. Sigh.
Ash, you really do get the odd pokemon!
Speaking of the Professor, I went to visit him (about Togepi) and found
that your Mom has been "redecorating" his lab. There were flowers and things
all over the place. No wonder Gary is getting so fidgety.
Yes, I saw Gary - before your letter arrived actually, so I wasn't too
surprised that he wrote to you. He was quite pleasant and just asked if
you'd given any indication of when you were getting back to Pallet. He
was a bit disappointed when I said that I had no idea. He seems to have
lost a bit of his arrogance, but only a bit. He tried to ask me out - as
if it was a big favour! I was glad, for once, to have paperwork as an excuse
to refuse him. Daisy came in just as Gary was leaving and told me I was
a fool not to go out on dates. According to her I am in danger of becoming
an "old maid" - at nineteen!!! I told her that if it was a choice between
being an old maid or someone like Fletcher then spinsterhood was for me!
Hmmm... Fletcher. Well, I got your t-shirt (I love it!) and the Nurse
Joy's present - a can of mace. Riiiight. Anyway, Fletcher continues to
be a pain in the posterior, literally. He now tries to pinch me there,
I think I'll have to use that mace soon. However, Daisy does take up most
of his time so he's not _really_ a problem, I can always lock my office.
If I want to go truely insane. Thank God he doesn't _live_ here!
Okay, here's the really interesting bit. I bumped into Jesse from Team
Rocket yesterday! We stared at each other for a while and then I asked
her how she was doing. She looked a bit upset and then said she was fine.
I then asked her about James and she looked even _more_ upset and said
she thought he was okay. Then, and I still can't believe it, she burst
into tears!!! We ended up in a cafe and I managed to get the story out
of her.
Right, sit down, are you sitting down? I hope so, 'cos you will fall
over otherwise!
Jesse and James are ENGAGED!!! Unofficially. And that's the problem.
His parents did NOT know anything about it (or that James was in a relationship
with Jesse). Jesse said that they had decided to "acknowledge" their relationship
only two months ago, they've been tip-toeing around admitting it for _years_.
Anyway, they both quit Team Rocket and therefore don't have an income.
James decided to go and see his parents and tell them, sort out the mess
with his engagement to that strange girl Jessebelle (remember her? Miss
'You're not running properly'?) and get his inheritance. However, it's
been two weeks and Jesse hasn't heard _anything_ from him and she's really
worried! I asked her why she didn't go after him and she started saying
that maybe James was deliberately not contacting her.
I told her that was bullshit.
Okay, so that was a bit strong, but she was being silly. I offered to
give her some of my strong pokemon if she wanted to go after him. Jesse
finally agreed - after two hours, she took Staryu and Starmie. She's promised
to take good care of them. I hope she succeeds. It would be horrible if
she lost James like that. It just wouldn't be _right_.
Ugh. I keep encountering couples. And I keep giving out love advice.
Why me?
Your tired and confused friend Misty
PS: I am SO sick of my office, but I don't like to go out sometimes
because of you-know-who. My life bites.
Dear, sweet, totally put-upon Misty,
Well, I have news and I have big news. The small news is that I won
my storm badge. I was pretty chuffed about that, as this is no small achievement.
All the credit goes to Pikachu - he won all three rounds BY HIMSELF!!!
I'm so proud of him I could burst.
The big news is that I'm coming home to Pallet. I finally worked out
what you've been trying to tell me and what Gary was trying to say. I worked
it out when my mother and Professor Oak screened me at the Caluria Poke-centre
to tell me that they were getting married. Okay, I admit it, I'm a little
slow on the uptake. I was shocked and amazed, but mostly shocked. I'm getting
over it now but it still surprises me, but I think it's for the best. They
really seem to care about each other, and Mom seems happier now. Anyway
they wanted me to attend the wedding so of course I said yes.
Actually, it works out as it ties in with a decision I made recently.
I've applied to the Pokemon League to set up an official Pokemon Gym in
Pallet. And they've accepted my application. Want a job? I'm half-kidding.
I plan to specialise in lightning, but I'm also interested in all Pokemon.
I was thinking of putting together some sort of obstacle course battlefield.
Kind of an "all-around" Pokemon badge. The League are interested and are
helping me develop the idea, but I could really use your expertise at running
a gym.
Now, you are invited to the wedding too, and so is Brock and Joy of
course. I've already contacted them and they're coming along. By the way,
when I say invite, I mean, You're coming, or I'll pick you up and CARRY
you all the way to Pallet. You need a holiday - BADLY!!!! I was thinking
I could swing by Cerulean City on my way home, collect you, and maybe punch
Fletcher the Soon-to-be-in-agonising-pain Lecher in the nose a couple of
times. Actually I'd prefer to feed him to Gabby, but you're so fond of
that monster you'd probably be really upset when he died of indigestion.
Don't try to stop me, I've made up my mind, and you know how stubborn I
Now, I'm bringing you back a very special present, one that I know you've
wanted for a long time. But in the meantime, here's something to help you
cope with things till I get there. I'm not sure how big your office is,
but you should be able to get this picture in somehow. In case you're wondering,
it was painted by Narsus, the famous artist. It's of the beachfront of
Caluria, which is famed for... well... being beautiful obviously. So lock
your door and barricade it, stare at the picture and I'll be there in a
Lots of love, your friend,
Dear Diary,
WHY? WHY???????!!!!!!! What did I do to deserve this hell??!
Everything was going so well. Ash's letter arrived yesterday - I'm so
happy that he's _finally_ coming home! And his wonderful picture - I hung
it up in my office and stared at it for _ages_. Sometimes I wonder... what
would have happened if I had gone adventuring with him, instead of coming
home to help my sisters out of their financial jam? I wish now that I hadn't
been so weak and given in to their pleas for help in running the Gym.
They don't deserve my help, not now, not after this.
Daisy is going to marry Fletcher.
I was in my office, working through some bills (Ok, I was really staring
at the picture and wishing I was there!) and Lily burst in.
"Misty," she cried. "You have to, like, come down _at once_! Daisy has
some _really_ great news!"
"Oh," I said. "You mean Fletcher was in a terrible accident and is maimed
for life?"
"Like, no! That wouldn't be great!"
"Would be for _me_."
Anyway, I finally followed Lily downstairs to where Violet and Daisy
were waiting. Daisy was smirking, I should have guessed it was going to
be majorly bad news.
"Misty, I have an annoucement to make." said Daisy. She held up her
left hand, there was an obnoxiously large diamond on her ring finger. My
blood froze.
"Me and Fletcher are going to get married! And he'll be living here
from today onwards!"
I wanted to scream, I nearly did. What actually came out of my mouth
was a strangled squark. "Y-you _can't_!"
Daisy glared at me. "And, like, why not, LITTLE sister?"
I swallowed and managed to regain my normal speaking voice. "Because
he's _wrong_! For you and this Gym, Daisy can't you see what a louse he
is? Besides that, you hardly know him! How can you marry someone that you've
only been dating for four months?"
"Misty!" Violet jumped up. "I hardly think you have the, like, _right_
to question Daisy. After all, it's not like _you're_ older and wiser!"
"I may not be older, but I'm alot more wiser than you three put together!"
I yelled at her. "Why do you all think Fletcher's so wonderful?!"
Lily blinked. "But it's so romantic." she protested.
"IT IS NOT ROMANTIC!!!" I screamed. "He's a leech!"
Then Daisy leapt at me and slapped my face!
because you've been pining after that Ash boy for the past seven years
and have turned into a shrew who's JEALOUS and BITTER doesn't mean WE have
to be miserable as well!!!"
I stared at her, one hand on my stinging cheek. JEALOUS? BITTER? A SHREW?
I'm NOT! I know I can be... bossy, but if I thought Fletcher was a nice
guy then I'd have _no_ problems with him and Daisy getting married. And
as for 'pining' for Ash... well, I _do_ miss him, but that's it, really.
I looked at Lily and Violet, they were both glaring at me. What has
Fletcher done to my sisters? We were always at odds, but never as bad as
this. Why can't they see how bad he is?
"Problems ladies?"
Speak of the devil and he comes. Fletcher swaggered in at that point.
There was a big grin on his face as he looked at me, I bet he heard _everything_.
I admit, when I first met Fletcher I thought he was handsome. He's tall
and has thick blond hair - he's VERY proud of it and keeps combing it!-
grey eyes and has a good build, quite muscular. He wears _alot_ of leather
and rides a big flashy motorcycle. Yeah, I can see why Daisy was smitten
with him.
However, Fletcher is a very good example of the old saying that beauty
is only skin deep. He's _extremely_ vain and he thinks it is his right
to be worshipped by every woman on this earth. I do not agree with this
and I think that's _why_ Fletcher has shown his true colours to me. He
_enjoys_ making me uncomfortable.
Anyway, he came in and saw me nursing my cheek and the tense, angry
expressions on my sisters' faces.
"Aw, Misty sweetie, are you trying to drag me into the mud again?" he
drawled. "That ain't nice, not when I'm gonna be your loving brother in
a months time."
I stared at him and then at Daisy. "A MONTH??? That soon?"
Daisy simpered at Fletcher who grinned and put his arm around her shoulders.
"Why wait?" he said. "Now why don't you be all nice, Misty Mermaid?"
Oh. My. God. He was calling me the name only Ash gives me. How did he
know? Fletcher winked at me.
"No secrets here, ne?"
I couldn't take it anymore, I ran away and back into my office. I looked
at the letters I'd received from Ash, and some had dirty fingerprints on
them! That bastard has been going through my stuff!!!!!!
Dear Diary,
I confronted Fletcher today. Bad move.
The day didn't start off too badly. I called Professor Oak and asked
after Togepi. The little guy is okay, he misses me though, but he gets
along with Ash's mother. Apparently everything is going well with the wedding
preparations. Mrs Ketchum was pleased to hear that I would be coming with
Ash, she asked me to make sure that he picked up a nice tuxedo for the
wedding. It will be interesting to see Ash in a tux! I only hope that I
can get him to Pallet _not_ covered in bruises. He seems to have this impression
that he can challenge Fletcher to a fight and win! I'm sure Ash has grown
since I last saw him three years ago, but Fletcher is strong! I've heard
him telling Daisy about how many weights he uses when he works out.
Anyway, after saying bye to Mrs Ketchum, Prof. Oak and Togepi (still
no progress on Togepi's evolution - sigh), I went to see my pokemon. Gabby
was playing with Seadra - chasing it around the pool, Horsea, Seaking and
Dewgong were relaxing by the pool. Psyduck was with me, he's refused to
go back in his pokeball for the past two weeks and has taken to following
me about. Ash's Kingler came up to greet me, funny how I get along with
most of Ash's pokemon. Still, Kingler has been with me for a year now,
since Ash told Prof. Oak to lend him to me to look after while he was travelling.
And Kingler has really _thrived_ in a water environment!
I fed the pokemon (one of Brock's special recipes) and then got into
the water to continue training Gabby. I think we're really starting to
click, although I wouldn't use him to battle with yet. I played with all
the pokemon for a while, forgot all my problems and just lost myself in
the moment. I should've guessed it would last!
I was leaving the pool, drying my hair and talking to Psyduck who was
waddling behind me, when I bumped into... yup, you guessed it! Fletcher
the lecher.
"Hey there, Misty." he grinned at me, his eyes flicking up and down
my swimsuit clad body. I wrapped my towel around myself and glared at him.
I remembered what I had found out the other day and felt my temper rising.
"What are YOU doing here?"
"I'm simply looking around my new home." he said.
"It's NOT your home! This Gym belongs to me and my sisters!"
His expression turned smug. "Yeah... and I'm marrying your oldest sister.
I'm sure Daisy will be receptive to handing over her share to me."
I went cold. "If you think..."
He interrupted me. "Yesiree, there'll be a few changes when I'm in charge.
Some of the pokemon may have to go to raise some capital." he looked into
my eyes and I knew he was threatening _my_ pokemon.
I got so mad. I slapped his face.
"Don't you DARE threaten my pokemon!" I cried. "They're MINE and I won't
let you NEAR them! I'll fight you every step of the way! I'll MAKE Daisy
and the others see what a cowardly, sneaky, ugly bastard you REALLY ARE!!!"
He was so quick, I wasn't expecting it. He lunged forward and slammed
me against the wall. The breath was knocked out of me. He pressed against
me, his fingers digging into my upper arms.
"You're such a _bossy_ little girl." he hissed. "I should teach you
a lesson you won't forget!"
I was really scared. I couldn't move and he was looking at me with fury
in his eyes. Then...
"YEOW!!!!" Fletcher yelped, let go of me and spun around, his hands
clutching his bottom which Psyduck had just bit.
"You #@$%*& pokemon!!!" he advanced on Psyduck.
I kicked him. In a painful spot - you know what I mean. He fell like
a log, squealing in pain. I grabbed Psyduck and RAN!
I will NEVER yell at Psyduck again! I still can't believe he did that!
I decided to hide myself and Psyduck in town for the day. I came home
_really_ late, when I was sure that everyone was asleep. I went to my office
first, I thought it would be prudent to remove anything important (I had
removed the letters the other day), since Fletcher would probably try to
get his revenge.
I was too late.
He slashed the painting Ash gave me.
He ripped it to shreds and left it hanging there.
I hate him.
Dear Diary,
What am I going to tell Ash? Daisy and Fletcher sold Kingler.
End of Part One.
To be continued.
Authors note: Regarding the Jesse and James relationship. Yes, we are
Rocketshippers and proud of it!
Cerulean City Gym
Ash Ketchum
c/o Weitz City Pokemon Centre
To Misty Mermaid
Cerulean City Gym
Ash Ketchum
c/o Caluria City Pokemon Centre
To Misty Mermaid
Cerulean City Gym
Continue on to PART TWO