A Simple Wish Version 3.1.1 Final Copy by Shaun Garin Neon Genesis Evangelion is owned by Ganiax. Sailor Moon is owned by Naoko Takeuchi. What happened last time : Um...its getting too warped for this one to be synopses. Authors notes : From here on out this fic gets REALLY warped. Don’t even try and think about reading this series out of order cause it won’t make any sense. A Simple Wish Version 3.1.1 Final Copy by Shaun Garin Chapter 10 : The First Child I groaned. For the hundredth time. Hey, not like THAT you sickos! Anyways, last night, we had a celebration for the defeat of the 15th Angel. You know, the big green short-arms-lashing-out-to-cutting-blades Angel? The one that we had to use a Zord to defeat? Yeah that one. Anyways, I could feel my head pounding from the beer that I drank last night. Damn, that stuff was the only liquid in the place was horrible water that tasted like beer. So, I choose the second option, but without a huge reservation. Now I KNOW why I decided never to drink. It totally screws up your body. I knew that Mako-chan wasn’t all that great this morning also. On a side note, how can one woman drink more that 15 cases of beer? I guess it comes with the job stress. Crawling off the apartment roof, I trudged down (If you want to know why we sleep on the roof, its because you don’t wanna be around a tired and cranky Asuka in the morning.) and entered the room. Slipping into the shower past a naked Misato, I stripped and turned on the cold water. Reveling in the feel of cold liquid washing away the aching hangover, I then noticed Misato’s wide eyed stare. What was wrong with this picture? I asked myself. A little student raised his hand inside my head. Yang, to be precise. “I know!” He chirped, “you’re a female when hit with cold water sensei!” Oh yeah. Rule no. 1, don’t forget about the curse. Oh well, a little too late for that. I guess its been, what, about three months since I changed? I just don’t attract water like the other cursed people do. Must be because I’m not Japanese. “Morning Misato!” I chirped in my soprano voice. “You feel better this morning?” She just stared. Asuka then came into the bathroom. Now she, on the other hand, you wouldn’t want to see naked on account of the safety of your life or the functioning of your genitalia. Asuka stopped, stared, and made the connection faster than Misato who was still trying to get out of the crowded parking lot. “Fourth Child? That you?” she questioned. “The one and only,” I said with a grin. “Like the body?” Asuka turned red from embarrassment and growled, “Hey, I’m not the one who’s really a girl in disguise!” she barked out. I shrugged and turned off the shower, reaching for a towel. “Hey, pass the towels would ya?” Misato finally got on the highway. “Wha...how’d you do that?” she asked, handing me a towel. Wrapping the towel around my midsection, I answered, “Ancient Chinese Curse, very long to explain, and very embarrassing in the right situations. Lets say for example that if you shifted sexes like me, and you’re on a date in a dress, get hit with cold water and become the first man in the whole area dressed in a dress. They’d haul you away for the good old heave ho.” Grinning, I walked out past Shinji who got an instant nosebleed. “Pervert,” I laughed playfully. Shinji looked at me, trying to stop a nosebleed. “Who was that?” he asked. Asuka came out of the bathroom. “That,” she said pointedly, “was the even weirder by now, Fourth Aquatransexual Child. Geez, what I wouldn’t give for that kind of body.” A call came from the bedroom where she kept clothes. “Oi! Misato! Ya mind if I borrow some clothes? I’d like to stay as a girl today!” A short pause. “Hey! Your bras are too small Misato!” A annoyed Misato came out in a towel and tossed a lamp at the Fourth Child who caught it deftly, a playful grin on her face. Asuka and Shinji, along with Makoto who came down to hear the last of the conversation, were rolling in hysterics. *** “You’re drawing stares,” Shinji hissed at me from behind. I swept back my short hair and said, “So? Its like they’ve never seen a girl in a men’s uniform before.” I could see that many of the girls were staring at me, angrily at the size of my figure and the boys were just hormonal challenged neuroses. Its kinda fun on how far you could push a guy with the right type of provocation. Soon, the class ended and we piled out into the streets. Rei, who was quiet for a while, asked, “Garin-kun? Why have you decided to stay a half girl?” “Um, I dunno, just wanted a change for a while. I’ve stayed a guy for too long without getting splashed. Sure as hell a lot better than falling into Yeti-riding-bull-while-carrying-an- eel-and-crane.” Silence. “There’s actually a spring for that?” Shinji asked, disbelieving. “Yup.” “Damn.” *** Malls. I love malls. To my surprise, I found that William Shatner had continued to write after Second Impact to finish the next Star Trek book. A little delayed but good to read all in all. I listened to my Mariah Carey Butterfly CD while reading the book and listening at the same time to Asuka and Hikari talk girl stuff. Rei was off somewhere when she was phoned by NERV to come to the base for tests or whatever. Shinji sat with Toji and Kenusuke, Shinji trying to ward off the questions fired off by the Military Nut. Mako sipped a soda while I laid back. Suddenly, the air raid alarm rang, signifying an Angel attack. “Shit! Not now!” I said, slipping into English. Makoto looked concerned. “How far are we from NERV?” “About 15 miles,” Asuka said, “Wonder Girl’ll be all alone out there.” I growled and rushed out the door, charging a spell. Asuka and the others came out behind me. “I’m going on ahead. The rest come or get to the shelters.” “What?!” Shinji yelled, “You can’t make it there at this rate!” I started to chant. “Winds above the sky, earth within the human soul, gather power for the flight of the birds.” Asuka blinked as she heard this. “Wha...?” My eyes snapped open. “RAYWING!!” I floated off the ground, much to the amazement of the others. “I can take another with me. Who’ll come?” “I’ll come,” Shinji said, “Asuka? You and Makoto get to a cab. We’ll go on ahead.” I reached out and grasped Shinji’s hand. Soon, I rose above the city, and blasted towards NERV entrance, the winds whipping in my face. Shinji yelled out, “HEY! HOW’RE YA DOING THIS?” “MAGIC! I’LL EXPLAIN LATER!!” *** “Unit-01 and Unit-03 entry plugs have been inserted. Shinji’s synch ratio is 45% and Shaun’s is the same 110%.” Ritsuko nodded and said, “Launch Eva’s!” The huge Evangelions rose to the surface. *** Unit-00 dodged a vicious attack as the ropelike Angel shot its body at her. This one had no core visible which made it really hard to destroy. Rei frowned and rolled her Eva to the side, dodging another attack. From the sides, Unit-01 and 03 rose from the ground. 01 picked up a rifle and started to shoot. Unit-03 went into a defensive stance, ready to attack. Inside, Shaun was reeling. No, he thought, that can’t be the right Angel, can it? His fears were confirmed as the Angel made First Level Contact with Rei’s Eva. That act alone brought animalistic ferocity out. Unit-03 threw back its head and roared. *** Ritsuko paled. First 01 now 03. Has all the Evangelions gone berserk? *** The Eva lurched forward in a sprint towards the rapidly diminishing Angel in Unit-00. It ran up and grasped the end of the Angel, and started to pull. Shinji’s Eva dropped his gun in shock. “Dammit don’t die Rei!” he chanted over and over, “Don’t die yet!” His anger and power started to grow while he started to pull meter after meter of Angel out of Eva 00. Shinji opened a line to Misato. “Misato! What’s going on?” Shinji paled. “He’s gone.” Suddenly, the Eva, who had lost some grip on the Angel, its eyes lit up and it started to pull again. Shinji looked back out and heard a distinctively human voice coming from the Eva’s mouth. “Dammit don’t die Rei! Whatever you do, don’t self-destruct! Just hang on!” The Eva grasped the length of Angel and pulled, his arms straining. Shinji maneuvered his Eva into position behind the Unit and started to help pull. The Eva, who had the pilots voice and mannerisms by now, started speaking again. “Damnit you stupid Angel! Come out of there jackass! Don’t be so tough this time!” Suddenly, the Angel lurched forward and he lost his grip. The Angel went almost all the way into the Eva when he shot out his arms and pulled, hard. Then, from the plug of Unit-00, the voice of Rei echoed inside the plugs and Unit-03’s head. “I am very sorry, but this is the only way.” Ritsuko exclaimed. Unit-03 said, This was Asuka in the Command Room. Ritsuko mused. Shaun turned his attention to the Angel who was rapidly gaining ground inside Unit-00. Suddenly, he lost hold and it snapped into the Unit. The Unit curled up in a fetal position. Shaun grabbed the Unit, shaking it slightly. “NO! REI, DEACTIVATE THE SELF-DESTRUCT!” Rei said, her voice echoing in his mind. Shinji grabbed the Unit now called Shaun, and hauled him away, not listening to the protests. Suddenly, the Eva shook and with a blinding light, self-destructed. “NOOOOOOOOO!” He ran up, and searched through the rubble that was Unit-00. Frenetic work soon paid off as he recovered the lifeless body of Rei. “No,” he whispered, cradling the albino in his huge hands. A deep rumble moved in his throat as he thrust back his head and howled. The terrible sound of agony washed over the cityline of Tokyo. As the sound in its throat died down, the tired boy in Eva’s clothing laid out the shattered body of Rei II. *** Ritsuko’s log August 14, 2015 It’s been three weeks since the death of the First Child. The one in question has withdrawn, and is still in his room. When I bring him food, I notice the stacks of food around him, untouched. He seems to be in a coma, but upon closer inspection, he is in a deep mediation trance. I worry about the Fourth Child. He’s not like the rest of the Children selected for Eva duty. It’s as though he knew what was going to happen, and acted too late to prevent a senseless death. War is hell. That was a saying from the old General, William T. Sherman. He spoke it a day ago. He hasn’t spoken or ate since. I’m afraid he might be contemplation suicide for not being able to save Rei. On a side note, Gendo has ordered that Rei III will not be brought out of its sleep. I don’t know why he said it. Was it that the Fourth Child can blow apart titanium blocks with a flick of his wrist? I’m still trying to find out how he does THAT particular technique. In any case, I worry about the boy today. The 16th Angel hasn’t shown up in nearly a month, and I’m worried that something awful is about it happen. Something really bad. Ritsuko *** “It’s time for the memorial service,” I intoned. Shinji, Makoto and Asuka were dressed well for this occasion. Looking around, there was no sign of the Fourth Child. “He-He’s not coming. Is he?” Asuka looked pained. “He...spoke. He said it was too painful to attend the service.” Shinji nodded. He shuddered. “I never knew we could synch with a Eva so much that we essentially become the Eva. I never saw Unit-03 display so much human tendencies.” “Lets not talk about painful things, Shinji,” Makoto said, drying her eyes. I nodded and soon, I drove down the highway towards NERV and the single crystal gravestone in the valley. Shaun, before he became quiet and withdrawn, said he wanted a crystal quartz gravestone. He never said why. On the front was the etchings of three triangles, the ends touching. In the middle of the delta, was a arced delta, with highlights of pure gold. Nothing could take that gold delta out. Believe me, I’ve tried. Gendo, Maya, and Ritsuko stood there, bouquets of red roses in their hands. I held carnations. Roses are too painful. The Children held small items of different things. Soon, the service started. Somewhere along the way, Toji and Kenusuke found about it and stood there, holding yellow roses. I didn’t blame them. As the end strands of Amazing Grace wafted across the field, a lone figure dressed in black stood there, across from us. He held a sword, blue and carved hilt. Silently, he strode up, and removed the sunglasses. “Shaun?” I asked. The Fourth Child didn’t respond as he walked up to the grave and unsheathed the sword. Gendo moved to stop him but he plunged it into the top of the stone. A blaze of blue light emitted from his body as a wind gathered around his body. It soon expanded outward as a clear voice echoed around the site. I recognized the music. It was the Transformers theme song from the movie. Suddenly, he threw back his head, his hair whipping around in the wind, and he screamed as power blasted from his body. Suddenly, another lightshow blazed behind me. I turned around and my expression matched the others. Mako changed into the legendary Sailor Jupiter. She ran out and touched his arm. Soon, the rest of the Sailor Senshi appeared, and their leader, Sailor Moon raised a glowing crystal. The power coursed into the blade that the Fourth Child was holding in his hands. The energy flowed into the stone and it gleamed with a silver shine. The rest of the senshi poured their power into his body as he howled. Just then, a flow of red, brown, white and aqua power flowed into the glowing ball emitting from his hands. “Fire, wind, water and earth,” Shinji said, making the connection immediately. Ritsuko was trying to find out where all this energy was coming from without much success. She was always a workaholic. “LEND YOUR STRENGTH! FOR THE LIVES TO BE SAVED!” he howled. Shinji rushed forward and placed his hands on his shoulder. Asuka joined him. Soon, I found myself holding his hands to the sword. Soon, golden pinpricks of energy formed around our heads in seven glowing balls. They shot up into the sky and a huge dragon formed from the energy. “YOUR DESIRE IS GRANTED,” It intoned. It opened its mouth and shot out a bolt of energy at us. The power coursed through my veins like fire as it was channeled into the sword. Suddenly, the ground shook and out came the form of Rei, shrieking like a banshee as she burst out of the grave like are reborn phoenix. The glow formed around her and the Fourth Child caught her. Gendo rushed up as soon as the maelstrom of power subsided. “Is she alive?” he asked urgently. The Fourth Child looked up, a weary look on his face. His black hair was now stark white. “Yes,” he gasped out, “she’s....alive.” He fainted on the albino who was opening her eyes. With a push, she raised him to a sitting, and then laying posture. “Why?” she asked quietly. Asuka came up behind her. “I think its called LOVE Wonder Girl. You should return the favor.” Rei nodded, and she picked up the surprisingly light teen. “He is in a magical coma,” she said. “He will be up after a few days bedrest.” she smiled. “I know why he did this. He loves me.” With that, we returned to the apartment. *** “So what’s this magical coma?” Asuka asked Rei. Rei sipped a cup of tea. “Its when a person uses too much power, he or she will fall fast asleep to regain the energy they used. His hair will turn back to a black color when his reservoir is full again.” “You sound like a witchdoctor.” I commented. “Not really,” she said, “Makoto and Shaun both have a link with me. His mind can touch mine if he concentrates. That same link will cause him to be able to become an Evangelion.” “You’re psychically linked with Wonder Boy?!” Asuka shouted. Rei nodded. *** “What is he?” “I don’t know sir,” Kaji said, looking over the video of the seeming miracle. “He seems to be totally human but with some extraordinary power. The MAGI went off for a good half hour, trying to process his power levels.” Ritsuko looked peeved, “There’s no way in hell that he could have generated the energy. And what about Makoto? The Fifth Child disappeared when those legendary Sailor Senshi appeared in a circle around him. Something’s up.” “I agree. And what about the weapon imbedded in the crystal headstone? The headstone cannot be moved, or the sword removed as well. It’s like its fused in place.” Kaji sighed. “we even used a mini N2 mine on it. Didn’t even scratch it.” “Then we must find out if he is a threat to us. Send him here and if he resists....kill him.” Ritsuko’s jaw dropped. “Sir?” “That’s all.” Ritsuko gave him a sad look and exited with Kaji in tow. *** “I told you I can’t tell you anything!” I shouted, half upset. Asuka, Shinji and Misato sat around the table, skeptical looks on their faces. “Oh come on!” Asuka said, “If you couldn’t tell us what was wrong, then you could tell others.” she eyed Rei and Makoto. “Please!” I protested. “If I tell you then it would destroy my secrets. I cannot say anything about it, no matter what the cost.” “That’s too bad,” came Gendo’s voice from the door. He stood there, a squad of security men behind him. “Because if you’re not co-operative, then we’ll have to dispose of you.” “DAD!” Shinji gasped. “Ikari-san,” Rei whispered. “YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR LIMITED MIND!” Misato shouted. “I’m afraid that if he cannot tell us who he is, then we will have to destroy him as a threat to mankind.” I darkened. “Would Yui approve of this?” I growled out. Gendo nearly dropped his pistol. The others stared at me like I was some sort of ghost. I continued. “If you weren’t such a bastard Gendo, you would find that Yui would want you to move on.” “That’s enough,” Gendo said, leveling his gun at my chest from across the room. “Now, come with us or be disposed of.” “Go to hell,” I snarled. Gendo’s pistol rang out and a bullet sprayed out. Suddenly, my eyes flared crimson and a blazing shield formed around my body, melting the bullet after a few seconds of impact. *** “Oh my god!!” I shouted. I thought he was toast but suddenly, his eyes light up like a demon and a silver shield formed around his body. I huddled behind him as he raised a arm, the gold bracer he wore on it and glowing. More bullets soared across the room and met their fate on the shield. “My turn,” he said, holding his hands out. Bright blue energy appeared in his hands and the shout of RA-TILT came from him. The blue burst engulfed Shinji’s father but when the energy cleared, he was unscathed. “If you want, I can use something that actually AFFECTS humans.” Suddenly, a spray of bullets rang out, staggering the shield strength. He winced as the bullets pounded on his shield. I watched in horror as the slugs finally came through, and one tore open his side. He gasped and fell to his knees. Asuka ran to him but was grabbed by a NERV operative. Gendo came up, a satisfied look on his face. “It’s over.” I felt the tears welling in my eyes. But then, a faint whisper came from his mouth. “Heed thou spirits darker than dusk, heed though which is more red than blood, in thy great name of which has been buried in the flow of time...” Power started to build around him in a flaming red aura of energy. I knew that the MAGI must be doing the Macerena with the flow of power being generated. “...may your power strengthen mine...induce me with power let thy strength be mine, the fools who stand before us be judged within your and my power combined!!!” He stood up, and lifted his arms into the air. For this, I was glad that we were on the top floor. “DRAGON SLAVE!!!!!!!!!” The huge red burst of power lanced from his hands, and erupted in a fiery dragon in a horrible scream of death. Though no one died in the blast, I felt like it was wrenching on my soul like some power was being unleashed in some raw form that could have leveled this city in a heartbeat and everyone in it. When the power flow subsided, Gendo dropped his gun, pale and shaking. “Wha-what was that?” he stammered. “That...was the Dragon Slave. The...most..powerful attack spell in....all human history....I could have leveled this...city but...I have good reason not to.” The exhausted boy looked up at the older man. “If I was allowed to...I would have saved....Yui. When I cross over, I’ll have Belldandy send you a message from Yui.” “My god we’re loosing him!” Asuka held her hands to his flowing wound, trying to staunch the flow of blood staining her hands. Suddenly, the spilt beer flared and out stepped a teenage girl. She looked down and gasped. “Shaun!” she bent down, checking his wounds. “Oh no, he’s almost in Valhalla.” “Who are you?” Kaji asked, who just came in the door. “Skuld, Goddess of the Future. This is my boyfriend, Shaun. Listen, keep his body alive. I can bring his spirit back.” “He’s almost dead!” Asuka shouted. “What are we supposed to do?” Skuld reached down and ripped off the bracer and shoved it into Asuka’s hands. “Here, Makoto knows how it works. Use it to heal him and keep the bracer on at all times. I’ll be back.” She then leapt into the beer and disappeared. Asuka strapped it on quickly and asked, “How’d I do this?” “Okay, first concentrate. Feel the flow of magic around you. Hold your hands to the wound and call on the power around your body and surroundings. Draw the positive emotions of the human spirit.” Asuka did just that. Soon, a warm glow came from her hands and a golden light appeared around his body from the glowing bracer on her arm. *** “Shaun? It’s time to go back.” “Aw do I hafta? I was winning!” A short laugh. “Yes you do. Asuka can’t keep your body alive for very long no matter how much its healed. Without the spirit, the body is useless.” “All right. Hey, see you later death.” The young woman nodded. “You still owe me.” “Yeah put it on my tab. Hey, next time, send Botan, Kay? I’d like to talk to her about something.” “Right. See ya later!!” *** “Whadda mean he’s YOU’RE boyfriend?! He’s never committed himself yet so he’s free!” Skuld glared daggers at the young Eva pilot. “Hey! He made the wish, he gets me as a girlfriend, got it!” “Like hell I DO! You just come to revive him and now, you’re claiming him like he’s a piece of meat!” I sighed. I asked Rei. she answered. Makoto said. she purred, I complained. End Chapter 10 Short but to the point. I’m gonna segregate this series into 12 episode seasons or something like that soon. Chapter 11 is the final Angel, I actually intended for a new plot line after Ch. 10, a reunion episode but I decided to cut it off here for various reasons. Next time, the sixteenth and seventeenth angels appear. The sixteenth one is normal but who the heck is the seventeenth? And exactly how LONG is that sword of his?