Lightspeed Rescue 1/2 A follow up to MMPR : Fist of Destiny written by Shaun Garin <><><> Episode 3 : Lightspeed Rescue On Track! <><><> “Master? Why are we here?” Kuno Tatewaki looked at his manservant, a frown on his face. “Silence! This is a perfect way to get the power to defeat the foul Sorcerer Ranma Saotome!” Sasuke shivered as he helped the teen down into the tomb. “I do not like it sir,” he said. “Silence! I WILL defeat him!” Kuno stomped down towards the grave and the skeleton that was standing above it. With one hand, he pushed it over where it shattered on the ground. Unlocking the tomb, he pushed it open.... ... and in a screaming like a banshee, the demons were unleashed. <><><> An Under Water Top Secret Base aka Lightspeed Rescue, just off the coast of Nerima Bay. A blue clad girl in a millitary uniform walked down a hallway, a purpose in her forceful stride. Her hair was held in place by a yellow ribbon. Entering a room, a man was speaking to a few deligates. He was in a full millitary uniform, his long hair tied in a ponytail, a mustache visible above his lip. “Sir?” she asked, gaining the attention of the man. He looked up and she nodded. The man nodded in reply and dismissed the people. Then, he got up and opened up a safe in the wall. “It’s time to bring in the people.” He retrieved the four folders and opened the first one, embazoned with a blue number three. Inside was a picture of a teen wearing a bandanna in a wetsuit. <><><> Ryoga Hibiki grabbed a towel from the bench as the people cheered around the stadium. Working at Nerima Sea World was rather fun. It was better than the alternative. McDonalds. Besides, after getting his curse cured, he was enjoying the water as much as he could. As he toweled off, a couple of men in dark suits walked up, doing the Men In Black thing with the suits and sunglasses. “Ryoga Hibiki?” one of them asked. “Please come with us,” the other added, pulling the teen to his feet. <><><> “And that ladies and gentlemen was the blind duck, Mousse Jiang!” Mousse climbed out of his plane, pulling off his flight helmet, loosing long waist long hair from it. Slipping on a pair of thick glasses, he pulled on a leather jacket as a shadow loomed over him. “Mousse Jiang?” asked the first man. “Please come with us,” added the second. <><><> Climbing up a side of the mountian, a girl in a purple tanktop and a walkman headphones of the same color around her neck scaled the cliff side with phenominal ease. Reaching the top, two oh so familiar men in black suits stood, waiting. “Shampoo Lao? Please come with us.” “Who in the world are you?” <><><> “Where’s Ranma Saotome?” one of the men asked. “He’s inside looking for people!” One of the Firemen said, pointing to the burning building. Inside... “Hello? Anyone here? Hello!” Ranma waved the clouds of smoke away as his keen hearing sought out the choaking coughs of a young girl. Moving through the burning building, he scooped up a girl who coughed. “It’s alright, I’m here.” As he ran through the building, he saw....something. “What in the world?” he mumured to himself. Suddenly, the thing fired a giant fireball at him that roared like a lion. Ranma’s eyes opened as he dashed for the window. Leaping while bracing his back towards the half broken glass, he smashed through. Down below, a rescue team caught the pair as the medics took the young girl into their care. As Ranma wiped the sweat from his brow, the black haired girl came up with the two suited men. “Ranma Saotome? Would you please come with us?” Ranma started for a second as he pulled off his helmet. “Akane? What are YOU doing here?” he asked with some scorn in his voice. “Our past is not to be discussed Ranma,” Akane said frostily. Then, her expression softened. “Please Ranma, come with me.” Ranma considered the proposal and stood up, wiping his face with a cloth. “Alright. Just this once.” <><><> Deep below the waters of Nerima Bay, a submarine manuvered into a dock deep below the waters surface. And inside the main rooms, a man dressed in a millitary uniform stood. “Welcome, to the Lightspeed Aqua Base.” Ryoga and Ranma were glaring at each other while Shampoo was fending off Mousse’s advances. Akane had a pained look on her face as her father, Captian Soun Tendo continued. “Please, have a seat.” As they sat, Mousse spoke up. “What’s the idea of bringing us here Tendo? We all broke up under unpleasant circumstances.” Ryoga reinforced his glare at Ranma who gave him the red eye. “Because for sixteen years, your parents have been training each one of you for duty. Duties that will ultimately SAVE Nerima Bay.” He opened up four folders and placed them in front of them. “6000 years ago, Demons ruled this part of the earth. They built a temple to their Queen, Queen Bansheera. This would have given them ultimate power. But 6000 years ago, a mage imprisoned them in a tomb, sealing them and their powers away in Egypt. But not less than thirteen hours ago, Kuno Tatewaki unsealed them in an attempt to gain powers to use against Ranma.” “See that Saotome? You’re more trouble than you’re worth.” Mousse sneered. “Shut up Duck boy,” Ranma snapped. But inside, he thought ‘6000 years ago? That was just a few millenia after the Grid Wars....’ “That’s enough. Fifteen years ago, we contacted the best martial artists in the world to train five successors to the challenge of training people worthy and powerful enough to defeat the Demons and their Queen.” The pictures inside the folders showed pictures of each of them, all at their jobs. “Each one of you were brought together for a reason, one that Cologne, Genma, Happosai, Tofu and myself knew. To defeat the Demons, we developed the weapons nessesary to combat the Demons.” Soun drew himself up proudly. “To become Lightspeed Power Rangers.” Ranma’s hand went to his pocket instinctively, fingering the morpher that sat within his back pocket. “Rangers...” he whispered, the name fresh in his mind. “Ranchan....” came a new voice. “Ucchan?” “Miss Ukyou Kounji. Lightspeed’s Prime Genius. I created the weapons needed to fight the Demons.” “So...are you in?” Soun probed. “I’m in.” Ranma said without hesitation. “Nerima needs us.” “Where Ranma goes, I’m going too.” Shampoo stood, smirking at Akane and Ukyou who glared back at her. Ryoga and Mousse exchanged glances as they stood as well. Soun smiled and pulled out a metal case with a symbol in blue and gold was emblazoned on the front. He unlatched it and spun it around. “These are your Lightspeed Morphers. They’re worn on your wrist.” As they took theirs, Akane noticed a fifth. “Five?” she asked. “You’re the fifth,” Soun said. “Me?” Soun opened a fifth unknown folder. “For sixteen years I have trained you to become the Pink Power Ranger. Are you willing?” Akane’s eyes watered as she hugged her father. Then, she took her own morpher and strapped it on. “I’m in too.” Suddenly, the alarms went off as Soun went to a headset in the wall. “Tendo.” “The Demons have appeared in the park sir.” “Good.” Soun placed his headset down and said, “Time for you to go to work.” Ranma nodded. “Lead on.” Running down the hall, Akane came to a row of jackets. “These are your official jackets.” Noticing Ranma’s face, she asked, “What?” “It’s just that everything’s so public. I suppose we’ll morph in the middle of the street?” “Lightspeed is to be known as a Rescue Ops Group. We have to be known.” Ranma rolled his eyes. As they grabbed their jackets, They came upon a large yellow Rover in the middle of the room. Ryoga whistled. “Nice wheels.” “I’m driving.” Ranma jumped in as the others got in. <><><> “Master, is this such a good idea? Even to destroy Saotome this is rather...extreme.” Kuno sneered as he charged his bokken with flaming energy and fired it into the panicing crowds. “That vile Sorcerer cannot stand against me! Mwahahahahahaa!” Suddenly, a yellow rover screeched into view as it turned the corner. In the drivers seat was Ranma as he narrowed his eyes. “So it’s Kuno.” “Saotome!” Kuno screamed. “Prepare to meet thine doom!” He launched several bolts of flame towards the Rover. Ranma’s eyes narrowed as he stepped on the gas. “So you want to play Chicken eh?” “Master, you might want to get out of the way...” The warning came too late as Kuno impacted on the hood, sending him flying. As he rolled to his feet, his eyes glowed as he transformed into a flaming red monster. Ranma pulled the Rover to a halt and they got out. “Any ideas hero?” Ryoga growled. “Just one.” He stepped forwards. “You’re not Kuno! Who are you?” “Flamehead!” Came the responce. “Time to die!” “Not likely. Ready? Lightspeed Rescue!” Ranma felt the energy infuse himself once again. The bright solid red light and white symbol. He felt wonderful. The Demon backed up at the sudden transformation and gasped out, “Rangers!” “That’s right!” Ranma said, stepping up. “You’re going down!” Ryoga shouted. “And we’re gonna stop you!” “We’re Rangers!” “Lightspeed Rangers!” Then, they saulted. “Lightspeed Rangers Rescue Ready!” “Not impressed!” He blasted forwards with his flame attack. Then, he raised his hands. “Batlings!” Several gold and black figures appeared from nowhere as they screeched in high pitches, brandishing Sais. The Rangers were outnumbered five to one. It was a slaughter. As usual, the bad guys didn’t have a chance. Ranma, the Ranger with the most experince, ripped through the Batlings like tissue paper, making short work of the creatures. Ryoga had picked up a pipe and started to bat them around like baseballs. Mousse had pulled some kind of nagenta from his Ranger uniform and sliced them to ribbons. Akane and Shampoo were pounding on the badguys with fists and hands. Soon, it was down to the Kuno impersonator as Ranma drew his Rescue Blaster. “Rescue Blasters! Ready! Aim!” “You wouldn’t dare!” “FIRE!” A tremendous salvo of precisely aimed firepower blanketed the area, all slamming against the monster who stood stock still for a second. Ranma and the others turned around, spun the blasters and holstered them as the monster fell down and went boom, sending out a shockwave. “Master Kuno!” Sasuke shouted, diving into the rubble to pull out a bruised and battered Kuno, still gripping his bokken. “So, Kuno was taken over by a demon,” Akane said. “S’ nothing I’ve ever seen before,” Ranma muttered. <><><> “Good work Rangers,” Soun said, standing in front of the crowd of workers. “But now Diabotico knows you exist. And he’ll do his damndest to take you and Nerima Bay down.” “But we destroyed Diabotico, right?” Shampoo asked. “Oh no, that was Kuno infused with a demon. There’ll be more where he came from. The battle will be long and hard. Are you five up to the challenge?” Ranma saluted. “I’m ready.” One by one, the other Rangers saluted. <><><> “I’m home!” Ranma called out, tossing his Lightspeed Jacket to the side where it latched onto a coat hanger. His roommates, all former Rangers came out of where they were previously. Lina Inverse, Nuku Nuku’s replacement for the Zeo Team was there, wearing an apron. So was Hikaru, former Pink Morphin and Red Turbo. Mamoru who decided to live with Ranma for expences sake, was Black Morphin. And finally, Gourry, Black Space was there as well. “Rough day Ranma?” Lina asked. “You could say that. One minute you’re saving a girl from a burning building, the next, you’re shooting a Demon with a Rescue Blaster.” Ranma shook his head in amusement. “I’m a Ranger again.” “This is a reoccuring theme,” HIkaru snickered. “No fair,” Mamoru moaned in mock aggriviation. “I went through a year and a half of Rangering and for what? I don’t even become a Ranger again.” Gourry just shook his head and patted the man on the shoulder. “There there.” Ranma then went into his desk and withdrew his communicator. “I think it’s time for a Ranger conferance.” <><><> It was a full crowd in Nerima Park, teams consisting from Morphin to Space were there. After the Morphin Team had broken up during the Zeo Quest, there was a conferance of Ranger Teams when a new team surfaced. Morphin’s remains, Ranma, Mamoru and Hikaru were there, representives of Morphin Red, Black and Pink. Morphin Blue and Yellow, Tenchi and Nuku were gone, Tenchi now Galaxy Red on Miranoi, and Nuku having given up her Zeo Crystal to Lina as she stayed back in Zephilia. The Zeo’s, Ataru, Lina, Makoto and Rei were there as well. They represented Zeo Red, Yellow, Pink and Green. Zeo Blue was Ryoko and she had left on Terra Venture with Tenchi and the group. The aformentioned Sixth Ranger, Gold Ranger was as usual, no where to be found. Turbos had Umi, Fuu, Ferio and Lantis, respectively Yellow, Pink, Green and Blue. The former Cephrioians were now living together in a flat just outside of Juuban. Space was consisting mainly of former Slayer members, Gourry, Zelgadis, Amelia and Sylpheel. Their leader, strangely enough was an Alien Teenager named Shinji. They had the colors, Black, Blue, Pink, Yellow and Red. Asuka, Silver Space was off somewhere, assumed to be with Gold Zeo. Ranma watched the chaos before him and cast a glance at Mamoru. “Were we that bad as kids?” he asked. “You’re forgetting that we’re older generation.” “Right.” He stood up and blew a whistle. The whole mob started and quickly, the din died down. Ranma cleared his throat and began to address the group. “Thanks for coming, those who could. As it is Ranger tradition per new group, we have a meeting when a new Ranger group appears. A new group has appeared.” A mummur rose in the ranks and Ranma silenced them. “It seems that the former Nerima Wreaking Crew are Rangers now. I am the leader, Red Lightspeed.” He flashed his morpher which stood out boldly on his wrist. Many jaws dropped as Shinji managed, “It’s THAT public?!” “Very. Lightspeed Rescue is a rescue ops group. I guess we’re going to be in the news quite often.” Umi stood up. “I think I speak for the Turbos when I say that we’ll give Lightspeed all the support they need.” “That goes same for us Zeos,” Ataru said, standing and grinning at Ranma. “Can’t let you down this time.” Shinji stood. “Space are in too.” “And always, if we can, we Morphin are in.” Everyone exchanged glances as Umi said, “I think it’s time for a Ranger Welcome, don’t you guys agree?” <><><> “Wow, it’s dark in here,” Shampoo mummured. “Wish I could see it better, all I see is a dark blur.” “Who turned out the lights?” Suddenly, the lights went up as a rocking shout engulphed the room. “SURPRISE!” All around Lightspeed Rescue Ops were banners and streamers with a whole PILE of people in party mode. The smell of Pizza and a HUGE cake were in the middle of the room, Ranma at the forefront of the group. Captian Tendo gaped as he managed, “What’s THIS!?” Ranma stepped forwards, grinning. “It’s a traditional Power Ranger Welcome Tendo! All the previous teams from Morphin to Space are here! Galaxy are arriving shortly.” In a burst of multicolored light, the six Galaxy members arrived. Tenchi, Sasami, Ryoko, Ayeka, Mihoshi and Washu. Each were dressed in their colors in Juraian robes. “We’re here!” “RANMA!” Akane shouted over the din, “Was this your idea?” “Of course!” Ranma said, grinning. “C’mon, the party’s just getting started!” <><><> “Rangers....this will be most problematic....” Diobotico paced back and forth as he rubbed his chin. “Well then, it’s our game now Rangers. One battle does not make the war.” The End...or is it?